Inscrição XLIII Reunião Anual da SBNeC - Online
Plano | Valor | ||
Estudantes de Graduação (IC) (não sócio) | R$ 120,00 em até 3x sem juros | ||
Mestrando (M) / Doutorado (D) (Não Sócio) | R$ 180,00 em até 3x sem juros | ||
Pós Doutorandos, Pesquisadores (Não Sócios) | R$ 270,00 em até 3x sem juros | ||
Profissionais Liberais (Não Sócio) | R$ 300,00 em até 3x sem juros |
Programação | Responsável | Tipo | Inicio | Final |
The stress neuromatrix | Nuno Sousa | CONFERÊNCIA | 13/10/2020 13:00 | 13/10/2020 14:00 |
The stress neuromatrix | Azair Liane Matos do Canto de Souza | CONFERÊNCIA | 13/10/2020 13:00 | 13/10/2020 14:00 |
Linha de Pesquisa: Fatores que influenciam a vulnerabilidade e resiliência ao estresse. O que pretendo abordar no encontro: Oportunidades de trabalho, conceitos relacionados à linha de pesquisa e, se possível, caminhos para aliviar as angústias atuais, para valorização da resiliência | Deborah Suchecki | HAPPY HOUR | 13/10/2020 18:30 | 13/10/2020 20:00 |
Linha de pesquisa: Neurobiologia da memória episódica. Gostaria de falar sobre os projetos de pesquisa que tenho desenvolvido. | Flávio Freitas Barbosa | HAPPY HOUR | 13/10/2020 18:30 | 04/10/2020 20:00 |
Trabalho com metaciência (ainda que tenha um background em neurobiologia da memória) e posso conversar com os alunos sobre ciência aberta, reprodutibilidade e o sistema de publicação e recompensas na ciência | Olavo Bohrer Amaral | HAPPY HOUR | 13/10/2020 18:30 | 13/10/2020 20:00 |
Olimpíada Brasileira de Neurociências para Graduandos | OLIMPÍADAS | 13/10/2020 14:15 | 13/10/2020 16:00 | |
Um estranho no aquário: o uso do zebrafish como modelo em pesquisas sobre transtornos neuropsiquiátricos Aula-1: A utilização do zebrafish para desenvolvimento de novos alvos farmacológicos nos transtornos psiquiátricos. | Monica Gomes Lima-Maximino | CURSO | 14/10/2020 9:00 | 14/10/2020 9:50 |
Estratégias de neuroproteção para doenças neurodegenerativas Aula-1: Doença de Alzheimer: Da fisiopatologia as estratégias terapêuticas | Josiane Budni | CURSO | 14/10/2020 9:00 | 14/10/2020 9:50 |
Avanços no uso de células-tronco para tratamento de lesões e doenças nervosas Aula-1: Introdução à Terapia com Células-Tronco | Mateus Vidigal de Castro | CURSO | 14/10/2020 9:00 | 14/10/2020 9:50 |
Introdução a Optogenética: da teoria a prática Aula-1: Membranas, canais iônicos, transmissão de sinais e opsinas, optogenética in vitro | Karina Possa Abrahão | CURSO | 14/10/2020 9:00 | 14/10/2020 9:50 |
Construção, interpretação e limitações dos modelos em Neurociências Aula-1: Construção, interpretação e limitações dos modelos em Neurociências | Fernando Falkenburger Melleu | CURSO | 14/10/2020 9:00 | 14/10/2020 9:50 |
Ritmos Biológicos e Educação: uma visão integrada. Aula-1: O que é Cronobiologia e quando deve ser ensinada? | Luiz Menna-Barreto | CURSO | 14/10/2020 9:00 | 14/10/2020 9:50 |
Neuroimagem no panorama da Ciência Aberta e da Inteligência Artificial Aula-1: Neuroimagem na Ciência Aberta | Joselisa Péres Queiroz de Paiva | CURSO | 14/10/2020 9:00 | 14/10/2020 9:50 |
Canabinoides e Neuropatologias: O envolvimento dos endocanabinoide e o uso da Cannabis medicinal Aula-1: O sistema endocanabinoide como alvo farmacologico no tratamento com cannabis em modelos de epilepsia e autismo | Luzia Sampaio | CURSO | 14/10/2020 9:00 | 14/10/2020 9:50 |
Lost in translation: What can and can‘t be learned from rodents about alcoholism? | Wolfgang H Sommer | CONFERÊNCIA | 14/10/2020 13:00 | 14/10/2020 14:00 |
Modelos animais de doenças metabólicas como ferramenta experimental para o estudo de doenças neurodegenerativas. Aula-1: Modelos experimentais de hipercolesterolemia e disfunção cerebral | Jade de Oliveira | CURSO | 14/10/2020 16:00 | 14/10/2020 16:50 |
Curso Grupo II- Aula-2: Múltiplos mecanismos neurobiológicos associados ao efeito anti-estresse do Canabidiol. | Rafael C. Almada | CURSO | 15/10/2020 16:00 | 15/10/2020 16:50 |
Ritmos Biológicos: mais próximo da sua pesquisa que você imagina Aula-1: Análises Riítmicas na Pesquisa Experimental | Fernanda Gaspar do Amaral | CURSO | 14/10/2020 16:00 | 14/10/2020 16:50 |
Uma introdução ao estudo do comportamento: etologia Aula-1: O que é etologia | Amauri Gouveia Junior | CURSO | 14/10/2020 16:00 | 14/10/2020 16:50 |
Neuroimagem Aplicada ao Comportamento Humano Aula-1: Bases biológicas do sinal BOLD | Patricia Bado | CURSO | 14/10/2020 16:00 | 14/10/2020 16:50 |
Obesidade e Comportamento Alimentar do Tipo Aditivo (Food Addiction) Aula-1: Morfologia das Vias Periféricas e Centrais do Controle Alimentar | Isabel Cristina de Macedo | CURSO | 14/10/2020 16:00 | 14/10/2020 16:50 |
Introduction to modeling and data analysis tools to capture resonance phenomena Aula-1: Subthreshold resonance in single neurons: dynamic interplay of the neuronal intrinsic currents and the input currents | Antônio Carlos Roque da Silva Filho | CURSO | 14/10/2020 16:00 | 14/10/2020 16:50 |
Sensores inerciais e o movimento humano Aula-1: A física e tecnologia por trás dos sensores inerciais | Givago da Silva Souza | CURSO | 14/10/2020 16:00 | 14/10/2020 16:50 |
Aspectos centrais da modulação da dor Aula-1: Sistema Dopaminergico Mesolimbico: dor e prazer lado a lado | Elayne Vieira Dias | CURSO | 14/10/2020 17:00 | 14/10/2020 17:50 |
Um estranho no aquário: o uso do zebrafish como modelo em pesquisas sobre transtornos neuropsiquiátricos Aula-3: Modelos experimentais para análise de fenótipos neurocomportamentais de medo e ansiedade em zebrafish | Denis Broock Rosemberg | CURSO | 16/10/2020 9:00 | 16/10/2020 9:50 |
Estratégias Atuais no Estudo do Comportamento Social: integrando aprendizado de máquina à neurofisiologia do livre movimento Aula-1: Estudo do comportamento social em roedores e primatas | Daniel Takahashi | CURSO | 14/10/2020 17:00 | 14/10/2020 17:50 |
Estratégias de neuroproteção para doenças neurodegenerativas Aula-3: Intervenções terapêuticas para as consequências cerebrais da hipercolesterolemia | Jade de Oliveira | CURSO | 16/10/2020 9:00 | 16/10/2020 9:50 |
Avanços no uso de células-tronco para tratamento de lesões e doenças nervosas Aula-3: Terapia com Células-Tronco em Doenças Neurodegenerativas | Gabriela Bortolança Chiarotto | CURSO | 16/10/2020 9:00 | 16/10/2020 9:50 |
Introdução a Optogenética: da teoria a prática Aula-3: Como implementar optogenética em seu laboratório? | Douglas Senna Engelke | CURSO | 16/10/2020 9:00 | 16/10/2020 9:50 |
Boas Práticas em Reprodutibilidade Aula-1: O que é reprodutibilidade e por que se importar com isso? | Olavo Bohrer Amaral | CURSO | 14/10/2020 17:00 | 14/10/2020 17:50 |
Controle do Comportamento Alimentar e Obesidade: do homeostático ao hedônico. Aula-3: Controle hedônico do comportamento alimentar e obesidade | Amanda Alves Marcelino da Silva | CURSO | 16/10/2020 9:00 | 16/10/2020 9:50 |
Trajetórias comportamentais e cognitivas a longo prazo associadas ao estresse precoce Aula-1: Como adversidades precoces afetam os comportamentos emocional e alimentar posteriormente na vida | Rachel Krolow Santos Silva Bast | CURSO | 14/10/2020 17:00 | 04/10/2020 17:50 |
Construção, interpretação e limitações dos modelos em Neurociências Aula-3: Análise integrada de comportamentos complexos: Análise de Componentes de Principais como método alternativo em Neurociências | Cássio Morais Loss | CURSO | 16/10/2020 9:00 | 16/10/2020 9:50 |
Ritmos Biológicos e Educação: uma visão integrada. Aula-3: Compartilhando experiências de ensino em Cronobiologia | Rubia Pereira de Carvalho Mendes | CURSO | 16/10/2020 9:00 | 16/10/2020 9:50 |
COVID-19: Aspectos fisiopatológicos, impactos no sistema nervoso central e implicações terapêuticas Aula-1: Aspectos fisiopatológicos da COVID-19 | Zuleide Maria Ignácio | CURSO | 14/10/2020 17:00 | 14/10/2020 17:50 |
Neuroimagem no panorama da Ciência Aberta e da Inteligência Artificial Aula-3: Perspectivas em IA para grandes bancos de neuroimagem | Luciana Monteiro de Moura | CURSO | 16/10/2020 9:00 | 16/10/2020 9:50 |
Neurociências e Educação: Um diálogo possível? Aula-1: Neurociências e Educação: Um diálogo possível? | Bruna Brandão Velasques | CURSO | 14/10/2020 17:00 | 14/10/2020 17:50 |
Canabinoides e Neuropatologias: O envolvimento dos endocanabinoide e o uso da Cannabis medicinal Aula-3: Interação entre o sistema dopaminérgico e endocanabinoide e as perspectivas do uso da cannabis medicinal no tratamento da Doença de Parkinson | Alinny Issac | CURSO | 16/10/2020 9:00 | 16/10/2020 9:50 |
Physiopathology of Epilepsy: from things working to going terribly wrong. Aula-1: Epileptogenesis | Maria Elisa Calcagnotto | CURSO | 14/10/2020 17:00 | 14/10/2020 17:50 |
Neurociências e Comportamento Motor Aula-3: Transtornos do neurodesenvolvimento e alterações Motoras | CURSO | 16/10/2020 9:00 | 16/10/2020 9:50 | |
How zebrafish is becoming one of the most important model organisms in neuroscience. Dr. Allan V Kalueff | Anderson Manoel Herculano | CONFERÊNCIA | 16/10/2020 13:00 | 16/10/2020 14:00 |
How zebrafish is becoming one of the most important model organisms in neuroscience | Allan V Kalueff | CONFERÊNCIA | 16/10/2020 13:00 | 16/10/2020 14:00 |
Linha de Pesquisa: Neurobiologia da ansiedade e da dor. No encontro, vou apresentar a linha de pesquisa, destacar as metodologias que tenho utilizado no laboratório, mencionar alguns resultados obtidos até o momento e responder aos questionamentos dos interessados | Azair Liane Matos do Canto de Souza | HAPPY HOUR | 14/10/2020 18:30 | 14/10/2020 20:00 |
Modelos animais de doenças metabólicas como ferramenta experimental para o estudo de doenças neurodegenerativas. Aula-3: Alterações cerebrais associadas aos modelos experimentais de Diabetes mellitus | João M. N. Duarte | CURSO | 16/10/2020 16:00 | 16/10/2020 16:50 |
Linha de Pesquisa: Neurobiologia das Emoções Laboratório de Psicofisiologia UFOP Assuntos a serem abordados no encontro: Formas de estimulação emocional em experimentos em seres humanos e metodologias de coleta de dados | Gabriela Guerra Leal de Souza | HAPPY HOUR | 14/10/2020 18:30 | 14/10/2020 20:00 |
Circuitos neurais subjacentes à seleção e escalonamento do comportamento defensivo Aula-3: O papel dual da parte lateral da substância cinzenta periaquedutal na esquiva social e na caça predatória | Newton S. Canteras | CURSO | 16/10/2020 16:00 | 16/10/2020 16:50 |
Linha de Pesquisa: Educação e Aprendizagem (Área de Submissão de resumo: História, Educação e Arte, Ética, popularização e impacto social) Neste Happy Hour pretendo apresentar, com base em resultados parciais de pesquisa, a percepção de profissionais da educação sobre a Neurociência como componente curricular obrigatório na formação de professores. A pesquisa, que ainda está em fase de coleta de dados, já demonstra, por saturação, que a mais de 90% dos respondentes concordam que a Neurociência, relacionada aos processos de aprendizagem, deveria ser inserida como componente curricular obrigatório na formação inicial de professores. | Olga Cristina Rocha de Freitas | HAPPY HOUR | 14/10/2020 18:30 | 14/10/2020 20:00 |
Ritmos Biológicos: mais próximo da sua pesquisa que você imagina Aula-3: Discussão guiada de projetos ‐ onde estão os ritmos e como lidar com eles? | Fernanda Gaspar do Amaral | CURSO | 16/10/2020 16:00 | 16/10/2020 16:50 |
Linha de Pesquisa: Análise Experimental do Comportamento de primatas como modelo animal do comportamento cognitivo. Pretendo abordar no encontro: Pesquisa interdisciplinar sobre comportamento na interação dos organismos com o ambiente imediato. A ontogênese e a co-evolução do comportamento e do sistema nervoso. Formação para a pesquisa. | Olavo F. Galvão | HAPPY HOUR | 14/10/2020 18:30 | 14/10/2020 20:00 |
Uma introdução ao estudo do comportamento: etologia Aula-3: Neuroetologia: modelos animais | Andre Walsh-Monteiro | CURSO | 16/10/2020 16:00 | 16/10/2020 16:50 |
Neuroimagem Aplicada ao Comportamento Humano Aula-3: O dado de RMf é confiável? Voodoo, IgNobel e discussões recentes. | Patricia Bado | CURSO | 16/10/2020 16:00 | 16/10/2020 16:50 |
Linha de Pesquisa: O Laboratório de Neurofisiologia e Neuropsicologia da Atenção da UFRJ (LANNA) tem como objetivo geral investigar biomarcadores eletrocorticais relacionados à reabilitação, tratamento e intervenção voltados para: 1) patologias psiquiátricas e neurológicas 2) cognição e saúde mental na prática esportiva e de exercícios. No encontro serão abordados dados e artigos publicados na linha de pesquisa do laboratório. | Bruna Brandão Velasques | HAPPY HOUR | 14/10/2020 18:30 | 14/10/2020 20:00 |
Obesidade e Comportamento Alimentar do Tipo Aditivo (Food Addiction) Aula-3: Avaliação do Comportamento Alimentar do Tipo Aditivo: Emprego das escalas Full Yale Food Addiction Scale 2.0 (YFAS 2.0) ou modified Yale Food Addiction Scale 2.0 (mYFAS 2.0). | Isabel Cristina de Macedo | CURSO | 16/10/2020 16:00 | 16/10/2020 16:50 |
Introduction to modeling and data analysis tools to capture resonance phenomena Aula-3: Resonances in networks: communication of resonances across neurons in networks | Horacio Rotstein | CURSO | 16/10/2020 16:00 | 16/10/2020 16:50 |
Um estranho no aquário: o uso do zebrafish como modelo em pesquisas sobre transtornos neuropsiquiátricos Aula-2: Zebrafish como modelo para transtornos neurodesenvolvimentais | CURSO | 15/10/2020 9:00 | 15/10/2020 9:50 | |
Sensores inerciais e o movimento humano Aula-3: Aplicação de sensores inerciais no estudo do movimento humano em condições de doenças | Givago da Silva Souza | CURSO | 16/10/2020 16:00 | 16/10/2020 16:50 |
Aspectos centrais da modulação da dor Aula-3: O papel dos sistemas de modulação descendente da dor no processo de cronificação | Claudia Herrera Tambeli | CURSO | 16/10/2020 17:00 | 16/10/2020 17:50 |
Estratégias de neuroproteção para doenças neurodegenerativas Aula-2: RAGE como alvo terapêutico na Doença de Parkinson | Daniel Pens Gelain | CURSO | 15/10/2020 9:00 | 15/10/2020 9:50 |
Estratégias Atuais no Estudo do Comportamento Social: integrando aprendizado de máquina à neurofisiologia do livre movimento Aula-3: Aprendizagem de máquina e comportamento social de primatas | Daniel Takahashi | CURSO | 16/10/2020 17:00 | 16/10/2020 17:50 |
Processamento do sinal da fala e das Ilusões linguísticas: um modelo funcional baseado nos ritmos corticais endógenos. Aula-3: O Modelo Anatômico-Funcional baseado nos ritmos corticais endógenos e as perspectivas de pesquisa em processamento de linguagem. | Marije Soto | CURSO | 16/10/2020 17:00 | 16/10/2020 17:50 |
Boas Práticas em Reprodutibilidade Aula-3: Artigos mais robustos e confiáveis | Kleber Neves | CURSO | 16/10/2020 17:00 | 16/10/2020 17:50 |
Boas Práticas em Reprodutibilidade Aula-3: Artigos mais robustos e confiáveis | Clarissa Carneiro | CURSO | 16/10/2020 17:00 | 16/10/2020 17:50 |
Avanços no uso de células-tronco para tratamento de lesões e doenças nervosas Aula-2: Terapia com Células-Tronco em Lesões Nervosas | Roberta Barbizan Petinari | CURSO | 15/10/2020 9:00 | 15/10/2020 9:50 |
Trajetórias comportamentais e cognitivas a longo prazo associadas ao estresse precoce Aula-3: Interações entre gene e ambiente associadas ao estresse precoce no desenvolvimento de alteracoes emocionais e cognitivas em uma abordagem translacional | Danusa Mar Arcego | CURSO | 16/10/2020 17:00 | 16/10/2020 17:50 |
Introdução a Optogenética: da teoria a prática Aula-2: Uso da optogenética no estudo de circuitos neurais | Douglas Senna Engelke | CURSO | 15/10/2020 9:00 | 15/10/2020 9:50 |
COVID-19: Aspectos fisiopatológicos, impactos no sistema nervoso central e implicações terapêuticas Aula-3: Fadiga pós viral da COVID-19: lições do passado | CURSO | 16/10/2020 17:00 | 16/10/2020 17:50 | |
Controle do Comportamento Alimentar e Obesidade: do homeostático ao hedônico. (mudou título) Aula-2: Controle hedônico do comportamento alimentar | Amanda Alves Marcelino da Silva | CURSO | 15/10/2020 9:00 | 15/10/2020 9:50 |
Neurociências e Educação: Um diálogo possível? Aula-3: Funções Cognitivas e Educação: quando as Neurociências Cognitivas entram em sala de aula | Bruna Brandão Velasques | CURSO | 16/10/2020 17:00 | 16/10/2020 17:50 |
Physiopathology of Epilepsy: from things working to going terribly wrong. Aula-3: Comorbidities | Márcio Flávio Dutra Moraes | CURSO | 16/10/2020 17:00 | 16/10/2020 17:50 |
Construção, interpretação e limitações dos modelos em Neurociências Aula-2: Importância do enriquecimento ambiental para translação nas Neurociências | CURSO | 15/10/2020 9:00 | 15/10/2020 9:50 | |
Viés implícito, ameaça pelo estereótipo e mulheres nas ciências - mecanismos neurobiológicos, impactos sobre a vida acadêmica e estratégias de enfrentamento Aula-3: Como lutar contra os estereótipos? Estratégias a serem adotadas em âmbito acadêmico | Karin da Costa Calaza | CURSO | 16/10/2020 17:00 | 16/10/2020 17:50 |
Linha de pesquisa: Neurociência Cognitiva, EEG, Percepção e Cognição, Percepção de Tempo | Andre M. Cravo | HAPPY HOUR | 16/10/2020 18:30 | 16/10/2020 20:00 |
Ritmos Biológicos e Educação: uma visão integrada. Aula-2: Cronoeducação: entendendo os tempos escolares. | Rubia Pereira de Carvalho Mendes | CURSO | 15/10/2020 9:00 | 15/10/2020 9:50 |
Linha de pesquisa: Farmacologia e Toxicologia em peixes-zebra | Angelo Piato | HAPPY HOUR | 16/10/2020 18:30 | 16/10/2020 20:00 |
Neuroimagem no panorama da Ciência Aberta e da Inteligência Artificial Aula-2: Uso e processamento de dados de neuroimagem de mundo-real | Birajara Soares Machado | CURSO | 15/10/2020 9:00 | 15/10/2020 9:50 |
Linha de Pesquisa: Fatores que influenciam a vulnerabilidade e resiliência ao estresse. | Deborah Suchecki | HAPPY HOUR | 16/10/2020 18:30 | 16/10/2020 20:00 |
Linha de Pesquisa: Neurobiologia da Memória e do Aprendizado. | Grace Schenatto de Moraes | HAPPY HOUR | 16/10/2020 18:30 | 16/10/2020 20:00 |
Canabinoides e Neuropatologias: O envolvimento dos endocanabinoide e o uso da Cannabis medicinal Aula-2: Dor Neuropática e canabinoides: alterações celulares e moleculares por trás da patologia e seu tratamento | CURSO | 15/10/2020 9:00 | 15/10/2020 9:50 | |
Brain oxytocin in animal models of psychopathology. Dr. Inga Neumann | Deborah Suchecki | CONFERÊNCIA | 17/10/2020 10:00 | 17/10/2020 11:00 |
Brain oxytocin in animal models of psychopathology | Inga Neumann | CONFERÊNCIA | 17/10/2020 10:00 | 17/10/2020 11:00 |
Neurociências e Comportamento Motor Aula-2: Avaliação da Competência Motora | Fabrício Bruno Cardoso | CURSO | 15/10/2020 9:00 | 15/10/2020 9:50 |
Homenagem ao Prof. Dr. Orlando Francisco Amodeo Bueno (UNIFESP) & Prof. Dr. Elisaldo Luiz de Araújo Carlini (UNIFESP) | CONFERÊNCIA | 17/10/2020 11:10 | 17/10/2020 11:30 | |
Premiação e Encerramento | CONFERÊNCIA | 17/10/2020 11:30 | 17/10/2020 12:00 | |
The effects of abnormal serotonin levels during perinatal development | Jocelien Olivier | CONFERÊNCIA | 15/10/2020 13:00 | 15/10/2020 14:00 |
The effects of abnormal serotonin levels during perinatal development. Dr. Jocelien Olivier | Deborah Suchecki | CONFERÊNCIA | 15/10/2020 13:00 | 15/10/2020 14:00 |
Modelos animais de doenças metabólicas como ferramenta experimental para o estudo de doenças neurodegenerativas. Aula-2: Modelos animais de obesidade e características das doenças neurodegenerativas | Andreza Fabro de Bem | CURSO | 15/10/2020 16:00 | 15/10/2020 16:50 |
Cursos Grupo II Aula-2: Múltiplos mecanismos neurobiológicos associados ao efeito anti-estresse do Canabidiol.. | Alline C. de Campos | CURSO | 15/10/2020 16:00 | 15/10/2020 16:50 |
Ritmos Biológicos: mais próximo da sua pesquisa que você imagina Aula-2: Análises Rítmicas na Pesquisa Clínica | Maria Paz Hidalgo | CURSO | 15/10/2020 16:00 | 15/10/2020 16:50 |
Uma introdução ao estudo do comportamento: etologia Aula-2: Um modelo conceitual de comportamento | Thiago Marques de Brito | CURSO | 15/10/2020 16:00 | 15/10/2020 16:50 |
Neuroimagem Aplicada ao Comportamento Humano Aula-2: Desenho experimental e processamento dos dados | Patricia Bado | CURSO | 15/10/2020 16:00 | 15/10/2020 16:50 |
Obesidade e Comportamento Alimentar do Tipo Aditivo (Food Addiction) Aula-2: Transtorno de Compulsão Alimentar Periódica (TCAP) X Comportamento Alimentar do tipo aditivo (Food Addiction) | Isabel Cristina de Macedo | PALESTRA | 15/10/2020 16:00 | 15/10/2020 16:50 |
Introduction to modeling and data analysis tools to capture resonance phenomena Aula-2: Spiking and firing rate resonance in single neurons: dynamic mechanisms of communication of subthreshold resonance to the spiking regime | Rodrigo F. O. Pena | CURSO | 15/10/2020 16:00 | 15/10/2020 16:50 |
Sensores inerciais e o movimento humano Aula-2: Aplicações de sensores inerciais no estudo do movimento humano em condições de saúde | Bianca Callegari | CURSO | 15/10/2020 16:00 | 15/10/2020 16:50 |
Aspectos centrais da modulação da dor Aula-2: Estresse crônico como desencadeador de depressão e dor crônica | Marco Pagliusi Jr. | CURSO | 15/10/2020 17:00 | 15/10/2020 17:50 |
Estratégias Atuais no Estudo do Comportamento Social: integrando aprendizado de máquina à neurofisiologia do livre movimento Aula-2: Aprendizagem de máquina e comportamento social de roedores | Rodrigo Neves Romcy Pereira | CURSO | 15/10/2020 17:00 | 15/10/2020 17:50 |
Processamento do sinal da fala e das Ilusões linguísticas: um modelo funcional baseado nos ritmos corticais endógenos. Aula-2: Evidências empíricas do alinhamento dos ritmos oscilatórios corticais com as unidades de fala. | Juliana Novo Gomes | CURSO | 15/10/2020 17:00 | 15/10/2020 17:50 |
Boas Práticas em Reprodutibilidade Aula-2: Experimentos mais robustos e confiáveis | Kleber Neves | CURSO | 15/10/2020 17:00 | 15/10/2020 17:50 |
Trajetórias comportamentais e cognitivas a longo prazo associadas ao estresse precoce Aula-2: A programação de aspectos cognitivos pelo estresse precoce | Natividade de Sá Couto-Pereira | CURSO | 15/10/2020 17:00 | 15/10/2020 17:50 |
COVID-19: Aspectos fisiopatológicos, impactos no sistema nervoso central e implicações terapêuticas Aula-2: Impacto da COVID-19 no desenvolvimento de transtornos neuropsiquiátricos | Gislaine Zilli Réus | CURSO | 15/10/2020 17:00 | 15/10/2020 17:50 |
Neurociências e Educação: Um diálogo possível? Aula-2: Neuroplasticidade e Sala de Aula: o que sabemos sobre essa relação? | Bruna Brandão Velasques | CURSO | 15/10/2020 17:00 | 15/10/2020 17:50 |
Physiopathology of Epilepsy: from things working to going terribly wrong. Aula-2: Ictogenesis | Claudio Marcos Teixeira de Queroz | CURSO | 15/10/2020 17:00 | 15/10/2020 17:50 |
Viés implícito, ameaça pelo estereótipo e mulheres nas ciências - mecanismos neurobiológicos, impactos sobre a vida acadêmica e estratégias de enfrentamento Aula-2: Impacto dos estereótipos sobre o desempenho acadêmico | Karin da Costa Calaza | CURSO | 15/10/2020 17:00 | 15/10/2020 17:50 |
Apresentação Oral I Área- 1. Desenvolvimento do Sistema Nervoso & Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento 1.001 CANNABINOID AGONIST WIN-55,212-2 INDUCES THE DEATH OF NEWBORN RAT RETINAL CELLS IN CULTURE BY CB1 RECEPTOR ACTIVATION Gustavo Trevizani Stelzer 1.002 EFFECTS OF LACTATE ADMINISTRATION ON DEVELOPMENTAL LANDMARKS AND MOTOR SKILLS AFTER NEONATAL HYPOXIA-ISCHEMIA Isadora Davila Tassinari 1.003 NICOTINE INDUCES [3H]-GABA RELEASE VIA NMDA RECEPTORS ACTIVATION IN THE DEVELOPING AVIAN RETINA Arthur Cardoso Souto 1.004 M5 muscarinic receptor activation regulates cell proliferation in retinal cell cultures of neonatal rats. Thaylini Querino dos Santos Conceição 1.005 EFFECTS OF ACUTE PRENATAL EXPOSURE TO ETHANOL ON THE POSTNATAL MORPHOLOGY OF THE PREFRONTAL CORTEX IN WISTAR RATS Amanda Barcelos Faria 1.006 Investigation on the role of neurotransmitter signaling to neuroblasts onto neuronal differentiation Jhulimar Guilherme Doerl 1.007 Maternal and neonatal vitamin D supplementation: effects on early neurodevelopment in rats submitted to hypoxia-ischemia model. João Pedro Barros Lima 1.008 Infant maternal odor learning. A combined patch-clamp study and computational simulation ENVER MIGUEL ORURO PUMA | Deborah Suchecki | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 10:00 | 14/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral I Área- 1. Desenvolvimento do Sistema Nervoso & Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento. Apresentações Orais 1.001 CANNABINOID AGONIST WIN-55,212-2 INDUCES THE DEATH OF NEWBORN RAT RETINAL CELLS IN CULTURE BY CB1 RECEPTOR ACTIVATION Gustavo Trevizani Stelzer 1.002 EFFECTS OF LACTATE ADMINISTRATION ON DEVELOPMENTAL LANDMARKS AND MOTOR SKILLS AFTER NEONATAL HYPOXIA-ISCHEMIA Isadora Davila Tassinari 1.003 NICOTINE INDUCES [3H]-GABA RELEASE VIA NMDA RECEPTORS ACTIVATION IN THE DEVELOPING AVIAN RETINA Arthur Cardoso Souto 1.004 M5 muscarinic receptor activation regulates cell proliferation in retinal cell cultures of neonatal rats. Thaylini Querino dos Santos Conceição 1.005 EFFECTS OF ACUTE PRENATAL EXPOSURE TO ETHANOL ON THE POSTNATAL MORPHOLOGY OF THE PREFRONTAL CORTEX IN WISTAR RATS Amanda Barcelos Faria 1.006 Investigation on the role of neurotransmitter signaling to neuroblasts onto neuronal differentiation Jhulimar Guilherme Doerl 1.007 Maternal and neonatal vitamin D supplementation: effects on early neurodevelopment in rats submitted to hypoxia-ischemia model. João Pedro Barros Lima 1.008 Infant maternal odor learning. A combined patch-clamp study and computational simulation ENVER MIGUEL ORURO PUMA | Grace Schenatto de Moraes | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 10:00 | 14/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral I Área- 1. Desenvolvimento do Sistema Nervoso & Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento Apresentações Orais 1.001 CANNABINOID AGONIST WIN-55,212-2 INDUCES THE DEATH OF NEWBORN RAT RETINAL CELLS IN CULTURE BY CB1 RECEPTOR ACTIVATION Gustavo Trevizani Stelzer 1.002 EFFECTS OF LACTATE ADMINISTRATION ON DEVELOPMENTAL LANDMARKS AND MOTOR SKILLS AFTER NEONATAL HYPOXIA-ISCHEMIA Isadora Davila Tassinari 1.003 NICOTINE INDUCES [3H]-GABA RELEASE VIA NMDA RECEPTORS ACTIVATION IN THE DEVELOPING AVIAN RETINA Arthur Cardoso Souto 1.004 M5 muscarinic receptor activation regulates cell proliferation in retinal cell cultures of neonatal rats. Thaylini Querino dos Santos Conceição 1.005 EFFECTS OF ACUTE PRENATAL EXPOSURE TO ETHANOL ON THE POSTNATAL MORPHOLOGY OF THE PREFRONTAL CORTEX IN WISTAR RATS Amanda Barcelos Faria 1.006 Investigation on the role of neurotransmitter signaling to neuroblasts onto neuronal differentiation Jhulimar Guilherme Doerl 1.007 Maternal and neonatal vitamin D supplementation: effects on early neurodevelopment in rats submitted to hypoxia-ischemia model. João Pedro Barros Lima 1.008 Infant maternal odor learning. A combined patch-clamp study and computational simulation ENVER MIGUEL ORURO PUMA | Alinny Issac | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 10:00 | 14/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral II Área- 1. Desenvolvimento do Sistema Nervoso & Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento 1.009- PACAP-38 MODULATES GROWTH AND ADHESION OF GLIAL CELLS FOLLOWING SCRATCH INJURY OF MONOLAYER RETINAL CULTURES. Thayane Martins Silva 1.010- Behavioral assessment of Wistar rats prenatally treated with valproic acid from mothers exposed to different environment conditions. Cássia Suzuki Caires 1.011- ASSOCIATION BETWEEN WORKING MEMORY AND MANUAL DEXTERITY IN DYSLEXIC CHILDREN. Sara Edith Souza de Assis Leão 1.012- PHARMACOLOGICAL MODULATION OF SEROTONERGIC SYSTEM DURING PERINATAL PERIOD BY PAROXETINE HYDROCHLORIDE AND ITS PSYCHOBIOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCES. Samantha da Silva Souza Silva 1.013- Ouabain modulates the cholinergic profile of rat retinal cells maintained in culture. Michelle Rodrigues de Oliveira 1.014- Ouabain promotes M2 microglial polarization in rat retinal cell cultures. Amanda Candida da Rocha Oliveira 1.015- Immunological effects of the administration of Lactobacillus rhamnosus during pregnancy and lactation in female and male rats. Thaís Ferreira de Barros 1.016- MYELINATION AND GLYCOSAMINOGLYCANS ALTERATIONS ARE RELATED TO INCREASED EXCITABILITY AFTER CORTICAL MALFORMATION . Debora Magalhaes Portela | Alfred Sholl Franco | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 10:00 | 14/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral II Área- 1. Desenvolvimento do Sistema Nervoso & Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento 1.009- PACAP-38 MODULATES GROWTH AND ADHESION OF GLIAL CELLS FOLLOWING SCRATCH INJURY OF MONOLAYER RETINAL CULTURES. Thayane Martins Silva 1.010- Behavioral assessment of Wistar rats prenatally treated with valproic acid from mothers exposed to different environment conditions. Cássia Suzuki Caires 1.011- ASSOCIATION BETWEEN WORKING MEMORY AND MANUAL DEXTERITY IN DYSLEXIC CHILDREN. Sara Edith Souza de Assis Leão 1.012- PHARMACOLOGICAL MODULATION OF SEROTONERGIC SYSTEM DURING PERINATAL PERIOD BY PAROXETINE HYDROCHLORIDE AND ITS PSYCHOBIOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCES. Samantha da Silva Souza Silva 1.013- Ouabain modulates the cholinergic profile of rat retinal cells maintained in culture. Michelle Rodrigues de Oliveira 1.014- Ouabain promotes M2 microglial polarization in rat retinal cell cultures. Amanda Candida da Rocha Oliveira 1.015- Immunological effects of the administration of Lactobacillus rhamnosus during pregnancy and lactation in female and male rats. Thaís Ferreira de Barros 1.016- MYELINATION AND GLYCOSAMINOGLYCANS ALTERATIONS ARE RELATED TO INCREASED EXCITABILITY AFTER CORTICAL MALFORMATION . Debora Magalhaes Portela | Luciana Monteiro de Moura | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 10:00 | 14/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral IV Área- 1. Desenvolvimento do Sistema Nervoso & Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento 1.025 Argonaute-2 protein might be involved in the retinal synaptogenesis. Mayã Vakimoto Lucena 1.026 Test of the olfactory epithelium as a pathway for Zika virus entry into the embryonic brain Bruna Lorena de Melo Marcelino 1.027 EFFECTS OF ETHANOL ON THE NEURONAL MIGRATION IN THE BRAIN NEOCORTEX FORMATION Fabiana Freitas Pereira 1.028 The interaction of adenosine modulation and the endocannabinoid system of GABA transport in the avian retina Vladimir Pedro Peralva Borges Martins 1.029 Gestational sepsis promotes inflammatory response, synaptic modulation and motor impairment in offspring neonatal mice Marcelo Gomes Granja 1.030 Inhibitory interneurons show early dysfunction in a SOD1 mouse model of ALS Clarissa Fantin Cavarsan 1.031 IMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL STUDY OF THE OLFACTORY BULB IN WISTAR RATS SUBMITED TO ACUTE PRENATAL EXPOSURE TO ETHANOL Gabriela Macedo Pereira | Karin da Costa Calaza | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 14:15 | 14/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentações Orais IV Área- 1. Desenvolvimento do Sistema Nervoso & Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento 1.025 Argonaute-2 protein might be involved in the retinal synaptogenesis. Mayã Vakimoto Lucena 1.026 Test of the olfactory epithelium as a pathway for Zika virus entry into the embryonic brain Bruna Lorena de Melo Marcelino 1.027 EFFECTS OF ETHANOL ON THE NEURONAL MIGRATION IN THE BRAIN NEOCORTEX FORMATION Fabiana Freitas Pereira 1.028 The interaction of adenosine modulation and the endocannabinoid system of GABA transport in the avian retina Vladimir Pedro Peralva Borges Martins 1.029 Gestational sepsis promotes inflammatory response, synaptic modulation and motor impairment in offspring neonatal mice Marcelo Gomes Granja 1.030 Inhibitory interneurons show early dysfunction in a SOD1 mouse model of ALS Clarissa Fantin Cavarsan 1.031 IMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL STUDY OF THE OLFACTORY BULB IN WISTAR RATS SUBMITED TO ACUTE PRENATAL EXPOSURE TO ETHANOL Gabriela Macedo Pereira | Cássio Morais Loss | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 14:15 | 15/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral V 2. Sinaptogênese, Glia e Fatores Tróficos 2.001 Effect of LPS-induced neuroinflammation model in acute hippocampal slices on astrocyte metabolism Adriana Fernanda Kuckartz Vizuete 2.002 Neuroprotection caused by EX-4 in DM possibly involves participation of astrocytes Caroline Zanotto 2.003 Astrocyte glutamate transporters are increased in an early sporadic model of Synucleinopathy. LUAN PEREIRA DINIZ 2.004 Study of the regulation of the hippocampal glutamate-glutamine cycle in experimental models of epilepsy. Marina Prado Rubinho 2.005 NEUROINFLAMMATION MODULATION MEDIATED BY OUABAIN TREATMENT: INVOLVEMENT OF IL-6 AND PKC Mariana de Almeida Azevedo 2.006 GLUTATHIONE MODULATES THE EXTRACELLULAR LEVELS OF ADENOSINE IN CORTICAL GLIAL CELL CULTURES Mateus dos Santos Silva 2.007 Programming by caloric restriction as an astrogliosis inducer throughout life Gabriela Larissa Lima da Silva | Alinny Issac | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 10:00 | 16/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -I 3. Células-Tronco: Lesões do Sistema Nervoso e Reparo 3.001 The Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy role in Motor Function after Primary Motor Cortex Injury. Rodrigo de Andrade Rufino 3.002 Neuroprotection by engraftment of FGF2 overexpressing human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) after avulsion of spinal ventral roots. Bruno Henrique de Melo Lima 3.003 BONE MARROW MONONUCLEAR CELLS CONTRIBUTE TO AXONAL SPROUTING IN CORTICO-CORTICAL AND CORTICO-STRIATAL PROJECTIONS AND MOTOR FUNCTIONAL RECOVERY IN ISCHEMIC RATS Maria de Fátima dos Santos Sampaio 3.004 Effects of mesenchymal stromal cells on microglial and endothelial cells stimulated with heme and hemozoin Beatriz Amanda Barbosa Rangel dos Passos 3.005 Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Protect Against Vascular Damage and Depression-Like Behavior in Mice Surviving Cerebral Malaria Maiara Nascimento de Lima 3.006 NEUROPROTECTIVE AND ANGIOGENIC EFFECTS BY HETEROLOGOUS FIBRIN BIOPOLYMER 7 DAYS AFTER PERIPHERAL NERVE INJURY AND REPAIR Kevin Silva Muller | Roberta Barbizan Petinari | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 10:00 | 14/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -II 4. Neurogenética 4.001 The effects of MyD88 absence on cell death spread after spinal cord contusion Giovanna Francisco Correa 4.002 DOES DNA METHYLATION IS ASSOCIATED WITH CARDIOVASCULAR MARKERS? A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW Nayara Cristina dos Santos Oliveira 4.003 ADHD ENDOPHENOTYPES AND NMDA RECEPTOR-RELATED PHARMACOGENETIC EFFECTS IN TWO INBRED RAT STRAINS Natalli Granzotto 4.004 Epigenetic aging acceleration is associated with childhood physical neglect exposure among women with cocaine use disorder Thiago Wendt Viola 4.005 The mediation effect of temperament traits on the association between CACNA1C gene polymorphisms and bipolar disorder Clarissa Ribeiro Bastos 4.006 THE OXYTOCIN RECEPTOR GENE VARIANT rs2254298 IS ASSOCIATED WITH ATTENTION DEFICIT HIPERACTIVITY DISORDER TRAITS, ATTENTION PROBLEMS AND ANXIETY IN CHILDREN. Laísa Camerini da Rosa 4.007 INCREASED TRANSGENE EXPRESSION IN RAT RETINAL GANGLION CELLS BY USING HUMAN MINI-PROMOTERS COMPARTIBLE WITH rAAV Victor Guedes de Araujo | Karina Possa Abrahão | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 14:15 | 14/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -II 4. Neurogenética 4.001 The effects of MyD88 absence on cell death spread after spinal cord contusion Giovanna Francisco Correa 4.002 DOES DNA METHYLATION IS ASSOCIATED WITH CARDIOVASCULAR MARKERS? A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW Nayara Cristina dos Santos Oliveira 4.003 ADHD ENDOPHENOTYPES AND NMDA RECEPTOR-RELATED PHARMACOGENETIC EFFECTS IN TWO INBRED RAT STRAINS Natalli Granzotto 4.004 Epigenetic aging acceleration is associated with childhood physical neglect exposure among women with cocaine use disorder Thiago Wendt Viola 4.005 The mediation effect of temperament traits on the association between CACNA1C gene polymorphisms and bipolar disorder Clarissa Ribeiro Bastos 4.006 THE OXYTOCIN RECEPTOR GENE VARIANT rs2254298 IS ASSOCIATED WITH ATTENTION DEFICIT HIPERACTIVITY DISORDER TRAITS, ATTENTION PROBLEMS AND ANXIETY IN CHILDREN. Laísa Camerini da Rosa 4.007 INCREASED TRANSGENE EXPRESSION IN RAT RETINAL GANGLION CELLS BY USING HUMAN MINI-PROMOTERS COMPARTIBLE WITH rAAV Victor Guedes de Araujo | Olagide Wagner Castro | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 14:15 | 14/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral III 4. Neurogenética 4.008 IP3R1 regulates neuritogenesis process of specific retinal cells Giulia Ribeiro de Carvalho 4.009 Enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (EZH2) as a modulator in the intertalking between innate and adaptive immune responses after spinal cord injury Maria Luiza da Silva Carvalho 4.010 Functional role of MyD88 on neuroinflammation process after spinal cord contusion BEATRIZ CINTRA MORENA 4.011 The influence of ASMR in SHR and SLA16 rat strains Luanna Gabriela Völz 4.012 Enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (EZH2) role in astrocytes: a possible key modulator of reactivity and response after spinal cord injury. Felipe Fernandes Correia 4.013 Argonaute-2 translocates to the nucleus and may be involved with amacrine cell fate during retinal development Marília Inês Móvio | Thiago Marques de Brito | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 10:00 | 15/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -IV 14. História, Educação e Arte, Ética, popularização e impacto social. 14.001 The development of the game board “Cancer Battle” as a scientific outrach tool Danielle Paes Machado de Andrade Branco 14.002 NEUROSCIENCE AS A CURRICULAR COMPONENT IN THE INITIAL TEACHER TRAINING Olga Cristina Rocha de Freitas 14.003 Popularizing is necessary: the effectiveness of posts about neurosciences through social media Lara Fernandes Silva 14.004 Neurocast: neuroscientific dissemination in quarantine times Juliana Volpe de Freitas 14.005 Preparatory Course in Neurosciences online: from pandemic to inclusion Rodrigo Colaço das Neves 14.006 GENDER DISPARITY IN THE BRAZILIAN SOCIETY OF NEUROSCIENCE AND BEHAVIOR (SBNEC) Fátima Cristina Smith Erthal | Alfred Sholl Franco | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 14:15 | 15/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -IV 14. História, Educação e Arte, Ética, popularização e impacto social 14.001 The development of the game board “Cancer Battle” as a scientific outrach tool Danielle Paes Machado de Andrade Branco 14.002 NEUROSCIENCE AS A CURRICULAR COMPONENT IN THE INITIAL TEACHER TRAINING Olga Cristina Rocha de Freitas 14.003 Popularizing is necessary: the effectiveness of posts about neurosciences through social media Lara Fernandes Silva 14.004 Neurocast: neuroscientific dissemination in quarantine times Juliana Volpe de Freitas 14.005 Preparatory Course in Neurosciences online: from pandemic to inclusion Rodrigo Colaço das Neves 14.006 GENDER DISPARITY IN THE BRAZILIAN SOCIETY OF NEUROSCIENCE AND BEHAVIOR (SBNEC) Fátima Cristina Smtih Erthal | Bruno Rezende de Souza | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 14:15 | 15/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -V 14. História, Educação e Arte, Ética, popularização e impacto social 14.007 PARADOX IN CONTINUING TEACHER EDUCATION: LACK OF KNOWLEGE BUT APPRECIATION OF POSSIBLE CONTRIBUTIONS OF NEUROSCIENCE TO INCLUSIVE EDUCATION Gizele Aparecida de Almeida 14.008 The use of social media and streaming services as a tool to spread knowledge about neuroscience Rafele Brandão Fonseca 14.009 Social media as a vehicle of scientific divulgation during the Coronavirus pandemic Vitória Max Azevedo de Almeida 14.010 NEUROSCIENCE AND EDUCATION - A MEETING WITH MANY POSSIBILITIES ERINETE DA SILVA LEITE 14.011 AN MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL HEALTH EDUCATIONAL APP FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL NATURAL SCIENCES TEACHERS. Ana Paula Araújo Silva dos Santos | Grace Schenatto de Moraes | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 10:00 | 16/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -V 5. Membranas Excitáveis, Canais Iônicos, Transmissão Sináptica e Transdução De Sinal 5.001 SEROTONERGIC NEUROMODULATION OF CORTICAL SYNAPTIC PLASTICITY. Estevão Carlos Lima 5.002 Pathological oscillations in CA1 and CA3 hippocampal areas in an experimental model of epilepsy Joseane Righes Marafiga 5.003 Repurposing the antipsychotic thioridazine (THD) as an antitumor agente. Lucas de Carvalho Porta 5.004 Transcriptomic analysis of subiculum region in animal model of Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (MTLE) induced by electric stimulation of perforant pathway. Beatriz Bertelli Aoyama 5.005 Caffeine modulates chloride co-transporter and survival pathways during retinal development Amanda Alves Nascimento 5.006 ACUTE CAFEINE MODULATED NMDAR ACTIVITY IN THE HIPPOCAMPUS OF ADOLESCENT MICE Robertta Silva Martins 5.007-MODULATION OF SYNAPTIC PLASTICITY BY 5HT1A AND TREK-1 IN THE PREFRONTAL CORTEX. José Francis de Oliveira 5.008-AEROBIC EXERCISE TRAINING MODULATE GABA AND GLUTAMATE LEVELS IN FEMALE WISTAR RATS SUBMITTED TO INTRAPERITONEAL CISPLATIN INJECTIONS Luíza Moreira Garcia | Douglas Senna Engelke | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 14:15 | 16/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -V 5. Membranas Excitáveis, Canais Iônicos, Transmissão Sináptica e Transdução De Sinal 5.001-SEROTONERGIC NEUROMODULATION OF CORTICAL SYNAPTIC PLASTICITY.Estevão Carlos Lima 5.002-Pathological oscillations in CA1 and CA3 hippocampal areas in an experimental model of epilepsy.Joseane Righes Marafiga 5.003-Repurposing the antipsychotic thioridazine (THD) as an antitumor agente.Lucas de Carvalho Porta 5.004-Transcriptomic analysis of subiculum region in animal model of Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (MTLE) induced by electric stimulation of perforant pathway.Beatriz Bertelli Aoyama 5.005-Caffeine modulates chloride co-transporter and survival pathways during retinal development.Amanda Alves Nascimento 5.006-ACUTE CAFEINE MODULATED NMDAR ACTIVITY IN THE HIPPOCAMPUS OF ADOLESCENT MICE.Robertta Silva Martins 5.007-MODULATION OF SYNAPTIC PLASTICITY BY 5HT1A AND TREK-1 IN THE PREFRONTAL CORTEX..José Francis de Oliveira 5.008-AEROBIC EXERCISE TRAINING MODULATE GABA AND GLUTAMATE LEVELS IN FEMALE WISTAR RATS SUBMITTED TO INTRAPERITONEAL CISPLATIN INJECTIONS .Luíza Moreira Garcia | Natividade de Sá Couto-Pereira | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 10:00 | 16/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -V 5. Membranas Excitáveis, Canais Iônicos, Transmissão Sináptica e Transdução De Sinal 5.001 SEROTONERGIC NEUROMODULATION OF CORTICAL SYNAPTIC PLASTICITY. Estevão Carlos Lima 5.002 Pathological oscillations in CA1 and CA3 hippocampal areas in an experimental model of epilepsy Joseane Righes Marafiga 5.003 Repurposing the antipsychotic thioridazine (THD) as an antitumor agente. Lucas de Carvalho Porta 5.004 Transcriptomic analysis of subiculum region in animal model of Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (MTLE) induced by electric stimulation of perforant pathway. Beatriz Bertelli Aoyama 5.005 Caffeine modulates chloride co-transporter and survival pathways during retinal development Amanda Alves Nascimento 5.006 ACUTE CAFEINE MODULATED NMDAR ACTIVITY IN THE HIPPOCAMPUS OF ADOLESCENT MICE Robertta Silva Martins 5.007-MODULATION OF SYNAPTIC PLASTICITY BY 5HT1A AND TREK-1 IN THE PREFRONTAL CORTEX. José Francis de Oliveira 5.008-AEROBIC EXERCISE TRAINING MODULATE GABA AND GLUTAMATE LEVELS IN FEMALE WISTAR RATS SUBMITTED TO INTRAPERITONEAL CISPLATIN INJECTIONS .Luíza Moreira Garcia | Bruna Del Vechio Koike | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 14:15 | 16/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -III 6. Plasticidade Neural, Cognição & Emoção e Memória & Aprendizado 6.019 CROSS-MODAL NEUROPLASTICITY IN ADULT SENSORY CORTICES: A PATH OF OPPORTUNITY FOR THE REORGANIZATION OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Laís Resque Russo Pedrosa 6.020 Emotional expression and experience in visualizing specialized movement: a comparative study between dancers and gymnasts Claudia Daronch 6.021 Involvement of medial prefrontal cortex NMDA and AMPA/kainate glutamate receptors in social recognition memory consolidation Lucas Aschidamini Marcondes 6.022 Short-term alterations in behavior and astroglial function after intracerebroventricular infusion of methylglyoxal in rats Lílian Juliana Lissner 6.023 Social isolation changes the olfactory bulb physiology compromising olfactory memories Caio Martins de Castro 6.024 ASSOCIATION BETWEEN MALFORMATION IN THE VISUAL CORTEX AND EXCITABILITY IN RODENTS: POSSIBLE CORRELATION WITH NEUROPLASTICITY Luiza dos Santos Heringer 6.025 THE ROLE OF CARBONIC ANHYDRASES IN EXTINCTION OF CONTEXTUAL FEAR MEMORY Bianca Estefani Schmidt 6.026 THIAMINE PYROPHOSPHATE AND B1 VITAMIN IMPROVE SPATIAL MEMORY IMPAIRMENT IN WISTAR RATS SUBMITTED TO CISPLATIN INJECTIONS David Manoel Pereira Araújo 6.027 mPFC ACTIVITY DURING LATE CONSOLIDATION OF RECENT AND REMOTE CONTEXTUAL FEAR MEMORIES Lorena Terene Lopes Guerra | Gislaine Zilli Réus | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 10:00 | 15/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -III 6. Plasticidade Neural, Cognição & Emoção e Memória & Aprendizado 6.019 CROSS-MODAL NEUROPLASTICITY IN ADULT SENSORY CORTICES: A PATH OF OPPORTUNITY FOR THE REORGANIZATION OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Laís Resque Russo Pedrosa 6.020 Emotional expression and experience in visualizing specialized movement: a comparative study between dancers and gymnasts Claudia Daronch 6.021 Involvement of medial prefrontal cortex NMDA and AMPA/kainate glutamate receptors in social recognition memory consolidation Lucas Aschidamini Marcondes 6.022 Short-term alterations in behavior and astroglial function after intracerebroventricular infusion of methylglyoxal in rats Lílian Juliana Lissner 6.023 Social isolation changes the olfactory bulb physiology compromising olfactory memories Caio Martins de Castro 6.024 ASSOCIATION BETWEEN MALFORMATION IN THE VISUAL CORTEX AND EXCITABILITY IN RODENTS: POSSIBLE CORRELATION WITH NEUROPLASTICITY Luiza dos Santos Heringer 6.025 THE ROLE OF CARBONIC ANHYDRASES IN EXTINCTION OF CONTEXTUAL FEAR MEMORY Bianca Estefani Schmidt 6.026 THIAMINE PYROPHOSPHATE AND B1 VITAMIN IMPROVE SPATIAL MEMORY IMPAIRMENT IN WISTAR RATS SUBMITTED TO CISPLATIN INJECTIONS David Manoel Pereira Araújo 6.027 mPFC ACTIVITY DURING LATE CONSOLIDATION OF RECENT AND REMOTE CONTEXTUAL FEAR MEMORIES Lorena Terene Lopes Guerra | Patricia Bado | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 10:00 | 15/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -IV 6. Plasticidade Neural, Cognição & Emoção e Memória & Aprendizado 6.028 Involvement of D2 striatal receptors on freezing response in rats João Vitor de Luca Refundini 6.029 Environmental enrichment associated with endurance exercise improves motor rehabilitation in a mouse model of isquemic stroke Daniella Cristina de Assis Pinto Gomes 6.030 PRESENCE OF SHORT-TERM VISUOSPATIAL MEMORY IMPAIRMENT IN INDIVIDUALS WITH CHRONIC MIGRAINE Mírian Celly Medeiros Miranda David 6.031 IMPACT OF THE CHRONIC MIGRAINE ON THE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY LEVEL OF AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS Gilberto Ramos Vieira 6.032 Chemical inactivation of the orbitofrontal cortex produces an anxiolytic-like effect in mice exposed to a model of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Luiz Augusto Rosa 6.033 Involvement of the anterior cingulate cortex serotonergic system on trait anxiety THIAGO HENRIQUE ALMEIDA SOUZA 6.034 ACTIVATION OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM DURING PREGNANCY WITH ANTIGENS IN THE INFLUENZA VACCINE RESULTS IN DEPRESSIVE-LIKE BEHAVIORS AND IMPAIRED LEARNING AND MEMORY: EFFECTS OF TRANS-RESVERATROL TREATMENT. Rener Mateus Francisco Duarte 6.035 Contextual fear memory specificity and extinction require infralimbic cortex activity and protein synthesis during consolidation Hugo Bayer Reichmann 6.036 What do rats use to estimate a time interval? Kátia Selene de Melo | Rafael C. Almada | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 14:15 | 15/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -V -6. Plasticidade Neural, Cognição & Emoção e Memória & Aprendizado 6.037 Systems Consolidation and Generalization of a Contextual Fear Memory: Participation of the Lateral Entorhinal Cortex Fernanda Nogueira Lotz Alves 6.038 Kalulu as a different way to teach and learn: A fun tool for early literacy skills Camilo Ernesto Subenko Olalla 6.039 MAKING A CAKE OR MAKING MY DAY? AN EEG STUDY ON THE PROCESSING OF FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE Edgard Pereira Neves 6.040 Acute exposure to the Mimosa tenuiflora (willd.) Poiret extract containing N, N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) reduces the locomotion of adolescent Wistar rats Italo Ramon Rodrigues Menezes 6.041 Intelligence quotient and working memory predicts event-related potential amplitudes of gifted and average adolescents in a mental rotation task Sóstenes Silva de Oliveira 6.042 Modulation of the consolidation and reconsolidation of fear memory by three different serotonin receptors in hippocampus Ana Karla Oliveira Leite 6.043 The roles of membrane and secreted ?Klotho in neuronal morphology Marina Minto Cararo Lopes 6.044 Perception of Risks of Media Use Associated With Impaired Driving, Study/Work and Sleep Ohana Turcato Macacare 6.045 Social interaction stimuli change the sociability and responsiveness of facial muscles Kíssyla Christine Duarte Lacerda | Patricia Bado | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 10:00 | 16/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -I 6. Plasticidade Neural, Cognição & Emoção e Memória & Aprendizado 6.055 INTRACEREBELLAR MICROINJECTION OF D2 ANTAGONIST ETICLOPRIDE IMPROVE AVERSIVE MEMORY ACQUISITION IN MICE Evelyn Maria Guilherme 6.056 Left and right ventral hippocampus in processing episodic memories Ariela Maltarolo Crestani 6.057 Effects on the long-term plasticity induced by a spike timing dependent model in the CA3-CA1 circuit Alicia Moraes Tamais 6.058 Neuropsychological correlates of reading and writing acquisition by children in the TROG task Victória Elizabeth Pereira Fernandez Okamoto de Azevedo 6.059 COGNITIVE EVALUATION OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS EXPOSED TO THE MULTIVECTORIAL PYRAMIDAL TEACHING METHOD ELDRA CARVALHO DA SILVA 6.060 Lavado vaginal induz prejuízo na memória e aumento da corticosterona sérica Marcela Becegato dos Santos 6.061 Development of verbal fluency in children with typical and delayed acquisition of reading and writing. Diego Siqueira de Lima Teixeira 6.062 Climbing-task test in laboratory rats: females were more motivated than males. Tamires Martins | Bruna Del Vechio Koike | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 10:00 | 14/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -V 8. Sono e Ritmos Circadianos 8.008 Evaluation of a potential hidden risk of fatigue in a Brazilian regular aviation aircrew sample karla sirpouhi papazian 8.009 Collective Daily Rhythmicity on leaf-cutter ants colonies: understanding temporal organization of leaf-cutting and foraging using machine learning techniques Mila Maria Pamplona Barbosa 8.010 Does sleepiness interfere in the gross motor coordination of schoolchildren aged 9 to 11 years? Clécia Gabriela bezerra 8.011 Persistent effects of acute cocaine on hippocampal-prefrontal oscillatory states Rafaela Schuttenberg Polanczyk 8.012 Research trends in the use of mindfulness-based interventions in sleep medicine - a scoping review. Julia Ribeiro da Silva Vallim 8.013 Sleep qualitative parameters using actigraphy analysis in a representative sample from the São Paulo city – EPISONO study Catharina Scassola | Thiago Marques de Brito | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 10:00 | 16/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -II 9. Sistemas Sensoriais e Motores 9.008 The influence of physical exercise practice on the children´s cognitive development at different biological maturation stages Eduardo Becker Nicoliche 9.009 CORRELATION BETWEEN RESULTS OF COLOR ORDERING TESTS AND COLOR DISCRIMINATION ANDREW DE SOUSA CAIRES 9.010 Reading through the eyes: pupil dilation as a measure of word recognition and cognitive load in dyslexia Bruce Martins de Santana 9.011 Behavioral changes in ischemic Gerbils induced by nicotine exposure and acupuncture in E36 and BP9 acupoints Kelly Zhang 9.012 Density and distribution of retinal ganglion cells and visual acuity of Viperidae snakes Juliana Hiromi Tashiro 9.013 IMPLICATIONS OF LOCAL GLUTAMATE ADMINISTRATION IN THE ACHILLES TENDON ON THE HISTOLOGICAL AND MOTOR RESPONSE IN RATS José Lopes de Mendonça Neto 9.014 Genetic characterization and estimates of the spectral absorption peaks of the visual photopigments of the red ear turtle (Trachemys scripta elegans) (Testudine, Emydidae). Vitor Henrique Corredor | Rosa Maria Martins de Almeida | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 14:15 | 14/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -III 9. Sistemas Sensoriais e Motores 9.015 IMMUNOELECTRONIC LOCALIZATION OF MYOSIN-Va IN RAT CEREBELLUM 9.016 Metoclopramide induced-tardive dystonia and motor dysfunction after chronic administration in C57Bl6 mice 9.017 Role of Nitric Oxide (NO)- Soluble Guanilate Cyclase (sGC) In L-Dopa-Induced Dyskinesias. 9.018 Identification and characterization of glial and immune cell profiles after spinal root axotomy by flow cytometry 9.019 Establishing a model for spinal root reimplantation after avulsion in C57BL/6J mice: use of fibrin biopolymer and dimethyl fumarate | Raquel Maria P Campos | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 10:00 | 15/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -II 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.018 EVALUATION OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW IN ANIMALS UNDER STRESS REGROUPING OF THE SPONTANEOUS MODEL OF AGGRESSIVENESS Betina Domingos Esteves 12.019 Rats maternal obesity induces male offspring depressive behavior and higher body fat percentage. Mateus Monteiro Cereijo 12.020 Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol impairs fear memory labilization - the putative involvement of hippocampal GluN2A-containing NMDA receptors Ana Maria Raymundi 12.021 A model to study orienting responses in zebrafish, and applications towards the emotion–cognition interaction Bianca Gomes do Nascimento 12.022 ANALYSIS OF CX3CL1 PRODUCTION IN iPSC-DERIVED ASTROCYTES FROM SCHIZOPHRENIC PATIENTS AND THE ROLE OF ADAM10 AND ADAM17 IN ITS PROCESSING Juliana Paiva Silveira Lacerda 12.023 Analysis of the aggressive behavior of Cariocas low- and high-conditioned freezing rats in the Resident-intruder Paradigm Ariadne Fantesia de Jesus 12.024 Empathy in mice: Anterior cingulated cortex modulates anxiety like-behavior in cagemates that lived with conspecifics submitted to chronic restraint stress Lara Maria Silveira 12.025 Involvement of GABAergic neurotransmission of the inferior colliculus, by activating 5-HT2A receptors, in mediating the pre-pulse inhibition response of the acoustic startle reflex in male Wistar rats Rodolpho Pereira de Oliveira 12.026 ALTERED 2-AG AND AEA LEVELS AND SUSCEPTIBILITY TO STRESS IN WISTAR HANNOVER AND SPRAGUE-DAWLEY RATS SUBJECTED TO THE LEARNED HELPLESSNESS PARADIGM Kennia Moura Silveira | Gislaine Zilli Réus | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 14:15 | 14/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -II 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.018 EVALUATION OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW IN ANIMALS UNDER STRESS REGROUPING OF THE SPONTANEOUS MODEL OF AGGRESSIVENESS Betina Domingos Esteves 12.019 Rats maternal obesity induces male offspring depressive behavior and higher body fat percentage. Mateus Monteiro Cereijo 12.020 Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol impairs fear memory labilization - the putative involvement of hippocampal GluN2A-containing NMDA receptors Ana Maria Raymundi 12.021 A model to study orienting responses in zebrafish, and applications towards the emotion–cognition interaction Bianca Gomes do Nascimento 12.022 ANALYSIS OF CX3CL1 PRODUCTION IN iPSC-DERIVED ASTROCYTES FROM SCHIZOPHRENIC PATIENTS AND THE ROLE OF ADAM10 AND ADAM17 IN ITS PROCESSING Juliana Paiva Silveira Lacerda 12.023 Analysis of the aggressive behavior of Cariocas low- and high-conditioned freezing rats in the Resident-intruder Paradigm Ariadne Fantesia de Jesus 12.024 Empathy in mice: Anterior cingulated cortex modulates anxiety like-behavior in cagemates that lived with conspecifics submitted to chronic restraint stress Lara Maria Silveira 12.025 Involvement of GABAergic neurotransmission of the inferior colliculus, by activating 5-HT2A receptors, in mediating the pre-pulse inhibition response of the acoustic startle reflex in male Wistar rats Rodolpho Pereira de Oliveira 12.026 ALTERED 2-AG AND AEA LEVELS AND SUSCEPTIBILITY TO STRESS IN WISTAR HANNOVER AND SPRAGUE-DAWLEY RATS SUBJECTED TO THE LEARNED HELPLESSNESS PARADIGM Kennia Moura Silveira | Claudio Luiz da Silva | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 14:15 | 14/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -II 6. Plasticidade Neural, Cognição & Emoção e Memória & Aprendizado 6.010 THE EFFECT OF NEUROGENESIS ON IMPROVING FEAR MEMORY DEPENDS OF THE CONDITIONED-STIMULUS NATURE Laura Fernanda Jaimes Alvarado 6.011 Effects of palatable cafeteria diet on memory in females. Sara Pereira da Silva 6.012 Effect of family socioeconomic status on language of preschool children. Raoni da Silva Santos 6.013 I can’t resist: ultra-processed foods evoke extremely strong emotional reactions Thayane Castro Carvalho Lemos 6.014 Anterior Cingulate but not Pre-Limbic Cortex correlates with approach behavior induced by repeated playback of 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations Camila Pasquini de Souza 6.015 Exercise restores synaptic integrity in a rodent model of Parkinson’s disease Karina Henrique Binda 6.016 TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS IS ASSOCIATED HIPPOCAMPAL DYSFUNCTION: Impacts on cognition and mitochondrial function WEMBLEY RODRIGUES VILELA 6.017 IS THE INTERFERENCE IN FUNCTIONAL CAPACITY PROVOKED BY MIGRAINE ASSOCIATED WITH THE PRESENCE OF ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION SYMPTOMS? Marina Souza Barbosa de Mattos 6.018 EFFECTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENRICHMENT ON MODULATION OF BEHAVIOR AND HYPOCAMPAL NEUROPLASTICITY IN HUNTINGON DISEASE MODEL YAC128 Evelini Plácido | Fátima Cristina Smith Erthal | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 14:15 | 14/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -IV 11. Neurodegeneração, Envelhecimento e Distúrbios Neurológicos 11.023 Effects of eriodictyol on memory deficits and oxidative stress in an Alzheimer’s disease model induced by streptozotocin in mice JULIETE TAVARES 11.024 OPTIC NERVE ALTERATIONS IN A RAT GLAUCOMA MODEL OF SUBACUTE OCULAR HYPERTENSION Mariana Santana Dias 11.025 Neuroprotective effects of Dactolisib in a Alzheimer's Disease animal model Paula Maria Quaglio Bellozi 11.026 Beta-caryophyllene attenuates motor deficits and oxidative stress in lipopolysaccharide-induced Parkinson's disease rat model Cleane Gomes Moreira 11.027 EFFECTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENRICHMENT ON MOTOR ABILITY: POSSIBLE CORRELATION WITH MONOAMINE LEVELS IN THE STRIATUM OF YAC128 MOUSE MODEL OF HUNTINGTON’S DISEASE Priscilla Gomes Welter 11.028 Presynaptic accumulation of ?-synuclein causes synaptopathy and progressive neurodegeneration Jessika Cristina Bridi 11.029 Microglia-Neuron Interaction in Parkinson's Disease: The Role of Cytokine CCL21 Felipe Saceanu Leser 11.030 Characterizing Reading Processes in Elderly Using Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy Brenda Miura Lunardi | Fátima Cristina Smith Erthal | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 14:15 | 15/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -VI 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.054 LADDER-CLIMBING EXERCISE ENHANCES COGNITIVE FLEXIBILITY OF RATS IN PAUCITY OF CHRONIC UNPREDICTABLE STRESS EFFECTS. Ethiane Segabinazi 12.055 EVALUATION OF THE MECHANISMS OF ACTION INVOLVED IN NEROLIDOL ANTICONVULSANT ACTIVITY IN MICE Ademário Matos Júnior 12.056 SEXUAL DIFFERENCES IN IMPULSIVITY, AGGRESSIVENESS AND STRESS IN YOUNG ADULTS MARINA Pante 12.057 Maternal deprivation affects anxiety-like behavior in a sex-depent manner with no effects on social behavior Amanda Centenaro Ramos 12.058 MATERNAL OBESITY INDUCED BY LITTER SIZE REDUCTION INDUCED AUTISM-LIKE BEHAVIOR ON OFFSPRING CÍNTIA ONOFRA DE NOVAIS 12.059 MICRONIZED CURCUMIN INDUCES HYPERLOCOMOTION AND INCREASES THE OPTOMOTOR RESPONSE IN ZEBRAFISH LARVAE. Adrieli Sachett 12.060 Peer Victimization In School Predicts Mental Health In Adulthood: A Brazilian Sample. Rafael Bená de Araujo 12.061 Evaluation of the possible prophylactic role of ketamine on social anxiety induced by prolonged social defeat stress. Natália Urel Carneiro 12.062 DORSAL HIPPOCAMPUS Y1 RECEPTORS ACTIVATION DISRUPT AN AVERSIVE MEMORY CONSOLIDATION VAGNER FAGNANI LINARTEVICHI | Fátima Cristina Smith Erthal | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 14:15 | 16/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -I 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.009 A SINGLE ADMINISTRATION OF GBR 12909 INDUCES AN INCREASE IN EXPLORATORY BEHAVIOR OF MICE Lucas de Melo Lira 12.010 The Association Between Biochemical Changes in the Retina and Behavioral Alterations in Mice with Experimental Cerebral Malaria Ketan Brodeur 12.011 The phosphodiesterase 4 activity during the early phase of fear memory reconsolidation is involved in memory persistence JEFERSON MACHADO BATISTA 12.012 Ceftriaxone Attenuated Anxiety-Like Behavior and Enhanced Brain Glutamate Transport in Zebrafish Subjected to Alcohol Withdrawal Karolyne De Pieri Pickler 12.013 EFEITOS DE DIFERENTES PROTOCOLOS DE ESTRESSE POR SEPARAÇÃO MATERNAL NO COMPORTAMENTO DE CAMUNDONGOS JUVENIS ALCIONE ROCHA MEDEIROS 12.014 Early environmental enrichment rescues memory impairments provoked by mild neonatal hypoxia-ischemia in adolescent mice Francisco Sindermann Lumertz 12.015 ANTIDEPRESSIVE-LIKE AND ANTIINFLAMMATORY EFFECTS OF QUETIAPINE IN RATS SUBMITTED TO CHRONIC MILD STRESS Amanda Gollo Bertollo 12.016 Social buffering accelerates aversive memory extinction memory in Wistar rats Mayla Ketlyn Lazzarim 12.017 Effects induced by positive allosteric modulators of alpha 5 subunit-containing GABAa receptors in behavioral tests predictive for psychopharmacs adriana de jesus de souza | Amauri Gouveia Junior | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 10:00 | 14/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -I 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.009 A SINGLE ADMINISTRATION OF GBR 12909 INDUCES AN INCREASE IN EXPLORATORY BEHAVIOR OF MICE Lucas de Melo Lira 12.010 The Association Between Biochemical Changes in the Retina and Behavioral Alterations in Mice with Experimental Cerebral Malaria Ketan Brodeur 12.011 The phosphodiesterase 4 activity during the early phase of fear memory reconsolidation is involved in memory persistence JEFERSON MACHADO BATISTA 12.012 Ceftriaxone Attenuated Anxiety-Like Behavior and Enhanced Brain Glutamate Transport in Zebrafish Subjected to Alcohol Withdrawal Karolyne De Pieri Pickler 12.013 EFEITOS DE DIFERENTES PROTOCOLOS DE ESTRESSE POR SEPARAÇÃO MATERNAL NO COMPORTAMENTO DE CAMUNDONGOS JUVENIS ALCIONE ROCHA MEDEIROS 12.014 Early environmental enrichment rescues memory impairments provoked by mild neonatal hypoxia-ischemia in adolescent mice Francisco Sindermann Lumertz 12.015 ANTIDEPRESSIVE-LIKE AND ANTIINFLAMMATORY EFFECTS OF QUETIAPINE IN RATS SUBMITTED TO CHRONIC MILD STRESS Amanda Gollo Bertollo 12.016 Social buffering accelerates aversive memory extinction memory in Wistar rats Mayla Ketlyn Lazzarim 12.017 Effects induced by positive allosteric modulators of alpha 5 subunit-containing GABAa receptors in behavioral tests predictive for psychopharmacs adriana de jesus de souza | Andre Walsh-Monteiro | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 10:00 | 14/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -V 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.045 Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis CB1 receptors modulates contextual fear conditioning responses in rats: Possible involvement of glutamatergic system ANNA BARBARA BORGES DE ASSIS 12.046 Effects of ethanol on the exploratory activity of male and female zebrafish (Danio rerio) in the open field test and interaction with a novel object Thiele Piber de Souza 12.047 Histone acetyltransferase p300/CBP activity in the prelimbic cortex underlies reactivated memory persistence and reconsolidation Mariana Furtado Bergmann 12.048 ROLE OF NOS-2 IN THE ELEVATION OF NITRITE IN THE TELECEPHALON AND HEAD KIDENY IN ZEBRAFISH (Danio rerio, HAMILTON, 1822) MODEL FOR POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER Wilker Leite do Nascimento 12.049 SEXUAL DIMORFISM IN EMOTIONAL BEHAVIOR AND CORTICOSTERONE PLASMA LEVELS AFTER A PROTOCOL OF REM SLEEP RESTRICTION IN ADOLECENT WISTAR RATS ANNA CAROLINA MUNIZ BARRETO 12.050 Social defeat stress protocol increases ethanol consumption and glutamatergic neuronal activity in the prelimbic mPFC in mice Lucas Canto de Souza 12.051 PROPHYLACTIC EFFICACY OF CANNABIDIOL AND SODIUM NITROPRUSSIDE IN POSITIVE-LIKE AND COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENTS IN A KETAMINE MODEL OF SCHIZOPHRENIA: SEX-DEPENDENT EFFECTS Isabella Caroline da Silva Dias 12.052 ANTIDEPRESSANT-LIKE EFFECT OF ROSMARINIC ACID IN AN INFLAMMATORY MODEL OF DEPRESSION Alexandre Augusto Barros Lataliza 12.053 Cardiac activity at rest: exploring associations with protective and vulnerability factors to PTSD Aline Furtado Bastos Campos | Rafael C. Almada | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 10:00 | 16/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -VI 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.054 LADDER-CLIMBING EXERCISE ENHANCES COGNITIVE FLEXIBILITY OF RATS IN PAUCITY OF CHRONIC UNPREDICTABLE STRESS EFFECTS. Ethiane Segabinazi 12.055 EVALUATION OF THE MECHANISMS OF ACTION INVOLVED IN NEROLIDOL ANTICONVULSANT ACTIVITY IN MICE Ademário Matos Júnior 12.056 SEXUAL DIFFERENCES IN IMPULSIVITY, AGGRESSIVENESS AND STRESS IN YOUNG ADULTS MARINA Pante 12.057 Maternal deprivation affects anxiety-like behavior in a sex-depent manner with no effects on social behavior Amanda Centenaro Ramos 12.058 MATERNAL OBESITY INDUCED BY LITTER SIZE REDUCTION INDUCED AUTISM-LIKE BEHAVIOR ON OFFSPRING CÍNTIA ONOFRA DE NOVAIS 12.059 MICRONIZED CURCUMIN INDUCES HYPERLOCOMOTION AND INCREASES THE OPTOMOTOR RESPONSE IN ZEBRAFISH LARVAE. Adrieli Sachett 12.060 Peer Victimization In School Predicts Mental Health In Adulthood: A Brazilian Sample. Rafael Bená de Araujo 12.061 Evaluation of the possible prophylactic role of ketamine on social anxiety induced by prolonged social defeat stress. Natália Urel Carneiro 12.062 DORSAL HIPPOCAMPUS Y1 RECEPTORS ACTIVATION DISRUPT AN AVERSIVE MEMORY CONSOLIDATION VAGNER FAGNANI LINARTEVICHI | Silvana Chiavegatto | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 14:15 | 16/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -I 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.063 TONIC IMMOBILITY PREDICTS PTSD SYMPTOMS IN TRAUMATIZED ADOLESCENTS andressa acar magalhaes 12.064 Where does the side matter? Lateralized DeltaFosB expression in the dorsal hippocampus of stress resilient and susceptible rats Gessynger Morais Silva 12.065 Transgenic rats over-expressing full-length human DISC1 show decreased Ndel1 oligopeptidase activity, aberrant neurodevelopment and impaired behavior João Victor Silva Nani 12.066 Interactive effects in schizophrenia and nicotine in an animal model Luciana Araujo Couto 12.067 EFFECTS OF THE UNDERWATER TRAUMA PROTOCOL ON THE BEHAVIOURAL PROFILE WISTAR RATS Natália Cristina Zanta 12.068 Altered BDNF-TrkB and glutamate receptor gene expression in the Flinders Sensitive Line rat following treatment with Cannabidiol. Gabriela Pandini Silote 12.069 Absence of iNOS or IL-10 induces different responsiveness to chronic stress in mice: role of adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Gabriel Gripp Fernandes 12.070 Early life stress enhances anxious-like behavior in prepubertal male mice but not female, and interaction between stress and increase of dopamine levels enhance locomotor activity in females but not males Ana Luiza Araujo Lima Reis 12.071 EFFECTS OF 2,4-DICHLOROPHENOXYACETIC ACID HERBICIDE ON THE BEHAVIOR OF ADULT ZEBRAFISH Danio rerio. Rafael Kremer | Denis Broock Rosemberg | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 10:00 | 14/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -II 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.072 STRESS AND SERUM CORTISOL LEVELS IN INDIVIDUALS WITH MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER Roberta Eduarda Grolli 12.073 RAPID AND SUSTAINED ANTIDEPRESSANT-LIKE EFFECTS OF S-ADENOSYL METHIONINE INVOLVE SEROTONERGIC SIGNALING AND HIPPOCAMPAL DNA METHYLATION IN MICE Amanda Sales 12.074 Lane-maze for behavioral tests in flies Fabiola Boz Eckert 12.075 LONELINESS IS HURTFUL AND LIFE-THREATENING: CORRELATION OF PERCEIVED SOCIAL ISOLATION AND PTSD SYMPTOMS. Eliane Volchan 12.076 SEX-DEPENDENT ROLE OF CD300F IMMUNE RECEPTOR IN GENERALIZED ANXIETY DISORDER Fernanda Neutzling Kaufmann 12.077 Acute administration of oxytocin analogue does not reverse social interaction deficits in an animal model of posttraumatic stress disorder Paula Agostina Zoe Sumaran Ortega 12.078 INVESTIGATION OF ENZYMES IN LPS DEPRESSIVE-LIKE BEHAVIOR MODEL TANNIC ACID IN VITRO AND EX VIVO UNDER THE ACTIVITY OF ACETYLCHOLINESTERASE AND MONOAMINE OXIDASE Karina Pereira Luduvico 12.079 INNATE FEAR-RESPONSE BACKGROUND INFLUENCE THE MODULATION OF CHRONIC STRESS EFFECTS BY HIGH-SUGAR/HIGH-FAT DIET IN CARIOCAS HIGH- AND LOW-CONDITIONED FREEZING RATS Yury Velho Martins Lages 12.080 Changes in anxiety-like behavior in male mice exposed to environmental enrichment after chronic unpredictable stress: a role of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis Ariádne Elisa Belo da Silva | Patricia Bado | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 14:15 | 14/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -II 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.072 STRESS AND SERUM CORTISOL LEVELS IN INDIVIDUALS WITH MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER Roberta Eduarda Grolli 12.073 RAPID AND SUSTAINED ANTIDEPRESSANT-LIKE EFFECTS OF S-ADENOSYL METHIONINE INVOLVE SEROTONERGIC SIGNALING AND HIPPOCAMPAL DNA METHYLATION IN MICE Amanda Sales 12.074 Lane-maze for behavioral tests in flies Fabiola Boz Eckert 12.075 LONELINESS IS HURTFUL AND LIFE-THREATENING: CORRELATION OF PERCEIVED SOCIAL ISOLATION AND PTSD SYMPTOMS. Eliane Volchan 12.076 SEX-DEPENDENT ROLE OF CD300F IMMUNE RECEPTOR IN GENERALIZED ANXIETY DISORDER Fernanda Neutzling Kaufmann 12.077 Acute administration of oxytocin analogue does not reverse social interaction deficits in an animal model of posttraumatic stress disorder Paula Agostina Zoe Sumaran Ortega 12.078 INVESTIGATION OF ENZYMES IN LPS DEPRESSIVE-LIKE BEHAVIOR MODEL TANNIC ACID IN VITRO AND EX VIVO UNDER THE ACTIVITY OF ACETYLCHOLINESTERASE AND MONOAMINE OXIDASE Karina Pereira Luduvico 12.079 INNATE FEAR-RESPONSE BACKGROUND INFLUENCE THE MODULATION OF CHRONIC STRESS EFFECTS BY HIGH-SUGAR/HIGH-FAT DIET IN CARIOCAS HIGH- AND LOW-CONDITIONED FREEZING RATS Yury Velho Martins Lages 12.080 Changes in anxiety-like behavior in male mice exposed to environmental enrichment after chronic unpredictable stress: a role of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis Ariádne Elisa Belo da Silva | Natividade de Sá Couto-Pereira | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 14:15 | 14/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -III 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.081 EFFECTS OF SHORT AND LONG-TERM SEPARATION IN NEONATAL MATERNAL PROTOCOL IN RATS Ana Claudia Jesse 12.082 Directional and color preference in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) Matheus Felipe Marcon 12.083 Anxiety-like behavior and oxidative damage following repeated ethanol exposure are protected by N-acetylcysteine in adult zebrafish Ricieri Naue Mocelin 12.084 Open field test in social isolated flies: centrophobicity and sexual dimorphism. FABIANI FERNANDA TRICHES 12.085 Deep Brain Stimulation of the dorsal raphe abolishes serotonin 1A facilitation of AMPA receptor-mediated synaptic currents in the ventral hippocampus Milena de Barros Viana 12.086 INFLUENCE OF THE HORMONE LEPTIN ON THE HIGHLY AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR OF MALE SWISS WEBSTER MICE Rafaela Santos Barbosa 12.087 GLIBENCLAMIDE TREATMENTS PREVENTS DEPRESSIVE-LIKE BEHAVIOR AND MEMORY IMPAIRMENT INDUCED BY CHRONIC UNPREDICTABLE STRESS IN FEMALE MICE Axel Fogaça Rosado 12.088 Long-term effects of juvenile chronic treatment with methylphenidate or fluoxetine in SHR and Wistar rats. Marcela Verginia de Medeiros 12.089 Environmental enrichment during stress decreases Bdnf expression in mice prefrontal cortex Nívea Karla de Gusmão Taveiros Silva | Denis Broock Rosemberg | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 10:00 | 15/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -IV 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.090 CAFFEIC ACID ANTIDEPRESSANT-LIKE EFFECT IS MEDIATED BY PKA, ERK 1/2, PKC, AND MAPK PATHWAYS ANA PAULA DALMAGRO 12.091 BEHAVIORAL SEXUAL DIMORPHISM IN A GENETIC MODEL TO STUDY EMOTIONALITY IN RATS. Ana Carolina da Silva Vieira 12.092 Altered maternal care induces sex specific behavioral phenotypes in the offspring: the role of corticotropin-releasing factor in the bed nucleus Érika Kestering Ferreira 12.093 PREVENTING ADOLESCENT STRESS-INDUCED COGNITIVE AND MICROBIOME CHANGES BY DIET clarissa penha farias 12.094 Changes on hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor and serotonin transporter expression underlie anxiety and depression-like effects of ethanol abstinence Rodrigo Campos Cardoso 12.095 Behavioral pattern and neural activation after repeated social stress in C57Bl/6 mice Alisson Pinto de Almeida 12.096 Antidepressant exacerbates conditioned fear in adolescent rats while corticosterone synthesis inhibitor attenuates fear in both adolescent and adult rats Julia Lopes Gonçalez 12.097 Sexual Dimorphism in Defensive Responses Elicited by Glutamatergic Stimulation of the Periaqueductal Gray Letícia Corrêa Nakatsukasa Takasumi | Douglas Senna Engelke | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 14:15 | 15/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -IV 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.090 CAFFEIC ACID ANTIDEPRESSANT-LIKE EFFECT IS MEDIATED BY PKA, ERK 1/2, PKC, AND MAPK PATHWAYS ANA PAULA DALMAGRO 12.091 BEHAVIORAL SEXUAL DIMORPHISM IN A GENETIC MODEL TO STUDY EMOTIONALITY IN RATS. Ana Carolina da Silva Vieira 12.092 Altered maternal care induces sex specific behavioral phenotypes in the offspring: the role of corticotropin-releasing factor in the bed nucleus Érika Kestering Ferreira 12.093 PREVENTING ADOLESCENT STRESS-INDUCED COGNITIVE AND MICROBIOME CHANGES BY DIET clarissa penha farias 12.094 Changes on hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor and serotonin transporter expression underlie anxiety and depression-like effects of ethanol abstinence Rodrigo Campos Cardoso 12.095 Behavioral pattern and neural activation after repeated social stress in C57Bl/6 mice Alisson Pinto de Almeida 12.096 Antidepressant exacerbates conditioned fear in adolescent rats while corticosterone synthesis inhibitor attenuates fear in both adolescent and adult rats Julia Lopes Gonçalez 12.097 Sexual Dimorphism in Defensive Responses Elicited by Glutamatergic Stimulation of the Periaqueductal Gray Letícia Corrêa Nakatsukasa Takasumi 12.098 Neurobiologia do Estresse de Macacos-prego (Sapajus nigritus) em cativeiro Erika Zanoni | Silvana Chiavegatto | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 14:15 | 15/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -V 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.099 Mood-like states in Fish: Judgement bias and Scototaxis tests to measure long-term emotional responses in Zebrafish. Jhon Buenhombre 12.100 BDNF increase in the hippocampal formation and inflammation differently mediates general and social anxiety-like behaviors induced by HSHF diet withdrawal. Breno Picin Casagrande 12.101 THE EFFECTS OF DOPAMINERGIC RECEPTORS AND C-FOS PROTEIN ON THE BEHAVIOR OF HIGHLY AGRESSIVE MICE. Renata Machado Felippe 12.102 EFFECTS OF CHRONIC REM SLEEP RESTRICTION ON PREPULSE INHIBITION RESPONSE OF THE ACOUSTIC STARTLE REFLEX IN MALE ADOLESCENT WISTAR RATS Lucas de Santana Cardoso Thomaz 12.103 MODULATION OF PREPULSE INHIBITION OF THE STARTLE REFLEX RESPONSE VIA CB1 RECEPTORS OF THE INFERIOR COLLICULUS STIMULATION IN WISTAR RATS Ana Carolina Ferreira de Lima Barbosa 12.104 Inhibition of the inducible nitric oxide synthase enzyme in the medial prefrontal cortex attenuates the anxiogenic effect induced by acute restraint stress in rats via local cannabinoid CB1 receptors. Arthur Alves Coelho 12.105 LITERATURE REVIEW ON NEURAL BASES OF BINGE EATING: EVIDENCE FROM FUNCTIONAL NEUROIMAGING Iara Peixoto de Oliveira 12.106 COGNITIVE AND EMOTIONAL EVALUATION OF INDIVIDUALS EXPOSED TO PESTICIDES Nícolas Ueves Lima Almeida 12.107 Title: Stress susceptibility and antidepressant response in the learned helplessness model: participation of the P2X7-NLRP3 inflammasome pathway. Aline Lulho Roncalho | Amauri Gouveia Junior | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 10:00 | 16/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -VI 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.108 Use of the Muller-Lyer illusion in non-human primates as a model for evaluating sensory changes induced by NMDA blocking drugs Pedro Henrique Coelho Cordeiro 12.109 Evaluation participation of the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis (BNST) and CRF1 receptor in the anxiety-like behaviors response in C57BL/6 mice Amanda Soares Lima 12.110 HANDLING OF PREY IMPAIRS PHARMACOLOGICAL TREATMENTS OF THE VENTROMEDIAL HYPOTHALAMUS EFFECTS ON INNATE DEFENSIVE RESPONSES EVOKED BY CAVIA PORCELLUS THREATENED BY SNAKES Yara Bezerra de Paiva 12.111 L-NAME PREVENTS ANXIETY-LIKE BEHAVIOR AND OXIDATIVE STRESS INDUCED BY HIGH CAFFEINE INTAKE IN ZEBRAFISH Patrick Bruno Cardoso Costa 12.112 CHILDHOOD MALTREATMENT VICTIMS ARE MORE PRONE TO EXPERIENCE OTHER TRAUMATIC EVENTS Camila Monteiro Fabrício Gama 12.113 SYSTEMIC TREATMENT WITH CANNABIDIOL IN CARIOCA HIGH- AND LOW-CONDITIONED FREEZING RATS IN THE CHRONIC PAIN MODEL Carolina Macêdo de Souza | Deborah Suchecki | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 14:15 | 16/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -I 13. Neurociências Teórica, Computacional e Neurotecnologias (interfaces neurorobóticas, nanotecnologia etc.) 13.001 An open-source toolbox for classification of sleep-wake cycle states of rodents in normal and pathological conditions Ikaro Jesus da Silva Beraldo 13.002 Up-down activity in networks of homeostatic spiking neurons Osame Kinouchi Filho 13.003 TRANSCRANIAL ELECTRIC STIMULATION AND OBESITY: EFFECT ON BEHAVIOR AND COGNITION. Dartcleia Moura Martins Neves 13.004 CLASSIFYING ARTIFACTS OF EEG RECORDED FROM EPILEPTIC PATIENTS USING MACHINE LEARNING Arthur Gonsales da Silva 13.005 Physics of Psychophysics: Stevens’s power law as emergent properties of excitable media Emílio Frari Galera 13.006 Sequential causal learning in discrete time Manasses Pereira Nóbrega 13.007 Implementation and Validation of an Automatic, Real-Time Sharp-Wave Ripple Detection Module for the Open Ephys Recording System Bruno Monteiro de Sousa 13.008 PSYCHOPHYSCIS OF AGENCY INFERENCE IN CONTINUOUS SPACE AND TIME Peter M. E. Claessens | Antônio Carlos Roque da Silva Filho | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 10:00 | 14/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -I 13. Neurociências Teórica, Computacional e Neurotecnologias (interfaces neurorobóticas, nanotecnologia etc.) 13.001 An open-source toolbox for classification of sleep-wake cycle states of rodents in normal and pathological conditions Ikaro Jesus da Silva Beraldo 13.002 Up-down activity in networks of homeostatic spiking neurons Osame Kinouchi Filho 13.003 TRANSCRANIAL ELECTRIC STIMULATION AND OBESITY: EFFECT ON BEHAVIOR AND COGNITION. Dartcleia Moura Martins Neves 13.004 CLASSIFYING ARTIFACTS OF EEG RECORDED FROM EPILEPTIC PATIENTS USING MACHINE LEARNING Arthur Gonsales da Silva 13.005 Physics of Psychophysics: Stevens’s power law as emergent properties of excitable media Emílio Frari Galera 13.006 Sequential causal learning in discrete time Manasses Pereira Nóbrega 13.007 Implementation and Validation of an Automatic, Real-Time Sharp-Wave Ripple Detection Module for the Open Ephys Recording System Bruno Monteiro de Sousa 13.008 PSYCHOPHYSCIS OF AGENCY INFERENCE IN CONTINUOUS SPACE AND TIME Peter M. E. Claessens | Douglas Senna Engelke | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 10:00 | 14/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral V 2. Sinaptogênese, Glia e Fatores Tróficos 2.001 Effect of LPS-induced neuroinflammation model in acute hippocampal slices on astrocyte metabolism Adriana Fernanda Kuckartz Vizuete 2.002 Neuroprotection caused by EX-4 in DM possibly involves participation of astrocytes Caroline Zanotto 2.003 Astrocyte glutamate transporters are increased in an early sporadic model of Synucleinopathy. LUAN PEREIRA DINIZ 2.004 Study of the regulation of the hippocampal glutamate-glutamine cycle in experimental models of epilepsy. Marina Prado Rubinho 2.005 NEUROINFLAMMATION MODULATION MEDIATED BY OUABAIN TREATMENT: INVOLVEMENT OF IL-6 AND PKC Mariana de Almeida Azevedo 2.006 GLUTATHIONE MODULATES THE EXTRACELLULAR LEVELS OF ADENOSINE IN CORTICAL GLIAL CELL CULTURES Mateus dos Santos Silva 2.007 Programming by caloric restriction as an astrogliosis inducer throughout life Gabriela Larissa Lima da Silva | Giordano Gubert Viola | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 10:00 | 16/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -II 6. Plasticidade Neural, Cognição & Emoção e Memória & Aprendizado 6.010 THE EFFECT OF NEUROGENESIS ON IMPROVING FEAR MEMORY DEPENDS OF THE CONDITIONED-STIMULUS NATURE Laura Fernanda Jaimes Alvarado 6.011 Effects of palatable cafeteria diet on memory in females. Sara Pereira da Silva 6.012 Effect of family socioeconomic status on language of preschool children. Raoni da Silva Santos 6.013 I can’t resist: ultra-processed foods evoke extremely strong emotional reactions Thayane Castro Carvalho Lemos 6.014 Anterior Cingulate but not Pre-Limbic Cortex correlates with approach behavior induced by repeated playback of 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations Camila Pasquini de Souza 6.015 Exercise restores synaptic integrity in a rodent model of Parkinson’s disease Karina Henrique Binda 6.016 TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS IS ASSOCIATED HIPPOCAMPAL DYSFUNCTION: Impacts on cognition and mitochondrial function WEMBLEY RODRIGUES VILELA 6.017 IS THE INTERFERENCE IN FUNCTIONAL CAPACITY PROVOKED BY MIGRAINE ASSOCIATED WITH THE PRESENCE OF ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION SYMPTOMS? Marina Souza Barbosa de Mattos 6.018 EFFECTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENRICHMENT ON MODULATION OF BEHAVIOR AND HYPOCAMPAL NEUROPLASTICITY IN HUNTINGON DISEASE MODEL YAC128 Evelini Plácido | Giordano Gubert Viola | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 14:15 | 14/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -II 6. Plasticidade Neural, Cognição & Emoção e Memória & Aprendizado | Claudio Da Cunha | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 14:15 | 14/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -V 8. Sono e Ritmos Circadianos 8.008 Evaluation of a potential hidden risk of fatigue in a Brazilian regular aviation aircrew sample karla sirpouhi papazian 8.009 Collective Daily Rhythmicity on leaf-cutter ants colonies: understanding temporal organization of leaf-cutting and foraging using machine learning techniques Mila Maria Pamplona Barbosa 8.010 Does sleepiness interfere in the gross motor coordination of schoolchildren aged 9 to 11 years? Clécia Gabriela bezerra 8.011 Persistent effects of acute cocaine on hippocampal-prefrontal oscillatory states Rafaela Schuttenberg Polanczyk 8.012 Research trends in the use of mindfulness-based interventions in sleep medicine - a scoping review. Julia Ribeiro da Silva Vallim 8.013 Sleep qualitative parameters using actigraphy analysis in a representative sample from the São Paulo city – EPISONO study Catharina Scassola | Rachel Krolow Santos Silva Bast | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 10:00 | 11/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -IV 11. Neurodegeneração, Envelhecimento e Distúrbios Neurológicos 11.023 Effects of eriodictyol on memory deficits and oxidative stress in an Alzheimer’s disease model induced by streptozotocin in mice JULIETE TAVARES 11.024 OPTIC NERVE ALTERATIONS IN A RAT GLAUCOMA MODEL OF SUBACUTE OCULAR HYPERTENSION Mariana Santana Dias 11.025 Neuroprotective effects of Dactolisib in a Alzheimer's Disease animal model Paula Maria Quaglio Bellozi 11.026 Beta-caryophyllene attenuates motor deficits and oxidative stress in lipopolysaccharide-induced Parkinson's disease rat model Cleane Gomes Moreira 11.027 EFFECTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENRICHMENT ON MOTOR ABILITY: POSSIBLE CORRELATION WITH MONOAMINE LEVELS IN THE STRIATUM OF YAC128 MOUSE MODEL OF HUNTINGTON’S DISEASE Priscilla Gomes Welter 11.028 Presynaptic accumulation of ?-synuclein causes synaptopathy and progressive neurodegeneration Jessika Cristina Bridi 11.029 Microglia-Neuron Interaction in Parkinson's Disease: The Role of Cytokine CCL21 Felipe Saceanu Leser 11.030 Characterizing Reading Processes in Elderly Using Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy Brenda Miura Lunardi | Rachel Krolow Santos Silva Bast | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 14:15 | 15/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -I 6. Plasticidade Neural, Cognição & Emoção e Memória & Aprendizado 6.055 INTRACEREBELLAR MICROINJECTION OF D2 ANTAGONIST ETICLOPRIDE IMPROVE AVERSIVE MEMORY ACQUISITION IN MICE Evelyn Maria Guilherme 6.056 Left and right ventral hippocampus in processing episodic memories Ariela Maltarolo Crestani 6.057 Effects on the long-term plasticity induced by a spike timing dependent model in the CA3-CA1 circuit Alicia Moraes Tamais 6.058 Neuropsychological correlates of reading and writing acquisition by children in the TROG task Victória Elizabeth Pereira Fernandez Okamoto de Azevedo 6.059 COGNITIVE EVALUATION OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS EXPOSED TO THE MULTIVECTORIAL PYRAMIDAL TEACHING METHOD ELDRA CARVALHO DA SILVA 6.060 Lavado vaginal induz prejuízo na memória e aumento da corticosterona sérica Marcela Becegato dos Santos 6.061 Development of verbal fluency in children with typical and delayed acquisition of reading and writing. Diego Siqueira de Lima Teixeira 6.062 Climbing-task test in laboratory rats: females were more motivated than males. Tamires Martins | Rubia Pereira de Carvalho Mendes | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 10:00 | 14/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -IV 8. Sono e Ritmos Circadianos 8.001 Melatonin and insulin signaling in the brown adipose tissue Paula Vargas Versignassi de Carvalho 8.002 Forced circadian desynchronization in early stages promotes impairment of recognition memory in resynchronized adult Wistar rats Karen Cristina Pugliane 8.003 Evaluation of the subjective sleep quality of college students - conjuncture of the COVID-19 pandemic. Gabriela Sant'Ana Lima 8.004 The Per3 VNTR and chronotype influence on alcohol abuse in university students Carlos Arthur Grangeiro Sampaio 8.005 Sleep deprivation in adolescent rats alters depressive like-behavior and oxidative stress markers in plasma and brain Nathália Fritsch Camargo 8.006 Behavioral and neurochemical analysis of components of the timing system in male and female Wistar rats exposed to perinatal treatment with fluoxetine. Sarah Sophia Guedes 8.007 Is there a relationship between sleepiness and visual memory in schoolchildren aged 9 to 11 years? Lívia Maria de Lima Leôncio | Rubia Pereira de Carvalho Mendes | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 14:15 | 15/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentações Orais VI 2. Sinaptogênese, Glia e Fatores Tróficos 2.007 Programming by caloric restriction as an astrogliosis inducer throughout life Gabriela Larissa Lima da Silva 2.008 REGULAR SWIMMING EXERCISE MODULATES BRAIN-DERIVED NEUROTROPHIC FACTOR IN THE CEREBELLUM OF CUPRIZONE TREATED WISTAR RATS Aline de Campos Paixão Bertazzi 2.009 EVALUATION OF THE INFLUENCE OF ANESTHESIA ON TRANSCRANIAL DIRECT-CURRENT STIMULATION (tDCS) IN NAIVE RATS IN RELATION TO S100B LEVELS Lisandra Eda Fusinato Zin 2.010 IN VITRO SPINAL CORD MICROGLIAL ACTIVATION BY HEAT SHOCK PROTEINS RELEASED UNDER DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES Bianca Caroline Bobotis 2.011 Interferon-beta modulates expression of major histocompatibility complex of class I (MHC-I) and pro-inflammatory cytokines in cultivated human astrocytes. Raffaela Silvestre Ignarro 2.013 Teneurin-2 and its related proteins in the central nervous system using an adult rat model of lithium chloride-pilocarpine-induced epilepsy. An immunohistochemical, histochemical and gene expression study. Gestter Willian Lattari Tessarin 2.014 Progress in the spinal motoneuron response to injury: from experimental surgery to in vivo imaging Luciana Politti Cartarozzi | Luzia Sampaio | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 14:15 | 16/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -I 6. Plasticidade Neural, Cognição & Emoção e Memória & Aprendizado 6.001 OPEN AND CLOSED EYES CONDITIONS INFLUENCE THE PATTERN OF ACTIVITY OF THE RESTING-STATE NETWORKS BASED ON EEG CURRENT SOURCE DENSITY: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY Matheus Mangini Bertuzzo 6.002 ANALYSIS OF ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL DATA IN CHILDREN WITH AND WITHOUT DYSLEXIA DURING READING ACTIVITY Christiane Ferreira Barros da Cunha 6.003 Effect of the Endocannabinoid System in Memory Updating and Forgetting Paula Santana Lunardi 6.004 OREXIN 1 AND 2 RECEPTORS IN THE PRELIMBIC CORTEX MODULATE THREATENING RECOGNITION Victor Paschoal Marquezin Nicolli Soares 6.005 Family functioning and maternal parenting associations to default mode network connectivity in school-age children KEILA DO SOCORRO REBELLO EVANGELISTA 6.006 PROACTIVE INTERFERENCE BETWEEN NON-OVERLAPING CONTENT MEMORIES Lara Monteiro Zanetti Mansk 6.007 INFLUENCE OF HIGH FAT DIET INDUCED OBESITY ON THE RECOGNITION MEMORY AND THE DEFENSIVE BEHAVIORAL RESPONSES OF FEMALE WISTAR RATS Lucas Gabriel Vieira 6.008 Pranayamas and their neurophysiological effects Stephany Campanelli Esmaile 6.009 SPECTRAL PROCESSING AND THE ROLE OF BIOGENIC AMINES IN INNATE OR LEARNED VISUAL BEHAVIORS OF HONEYBEES (Apis mellifera). Amanda Rodrigues Vieira | Luzia Sampaio | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 10:00 | 14/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -V 11. Neurodegeneração, Envelhecimento e Distúrbios Neurológicos 11.031 Potential neuroprotective role of simvastatin in cognitive areas of sepsis survivor rats Carlos Henrique Rocha Catalão 11.032 Prevalence, onset, evolution and prediction of elbow and wrist spasticity during the first-year post stroke: A longitudinal study Paulina Belen Sepulveda Figueroa 11.033 LDL receptor deficiency does not alter cerebral mitochondrial function but causes synaptic dysfunction and an exacerbation of apoptosis Priscila Silva Nunes 11.034 Cognitive impairment in LDLr-/- mice: role of hippocampal blood-brain barrier disruption and neuroinflammation Hémelin Resende Farias 11.035 Familial hypercholesterolemia is not associated with alterations in A? levels: Experimental evidence Matheus Scarpatto Rodrigues 11.036 RELATION BETWEEN INFLAMMATORY/NEUTROPHIC/NEURODEGENERATIVE MARKERS AND THERAPEUTIC EFFICACY IN PATIENTS WITH PARKINSON'S DISEASE SUBMITTED TO SUBTALAMIC NUCLEUS STIMULATION Danielle Varin de Assis 11.037 Evaluation of PTEN modulation on glutamatergic signaling in neuroinflammation model Gabriela Spina Nagy 11.038 CTEP, a negative allosteric modulator of mGluR5, promotes hyperlocomotion in a murine model of Parkinson´s disease and reverts apoptosis in cortical primary culture neurons TAMARA ANDREA ALARCON FERREIRA | João M. N. Duarte | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 10:00 | 16/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -II 4. Neurogenética 4.001 The effects of MyD88 absence on cell death spread after spinal cord contusion Giovanna Francisco Correa 4.002 DOES DNA METHYLATION IS ASSOCIATED WITH CARDIOVASCULAR MARKERS? A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW Nayara Cristina dos Santos Oliveira 4.003 ADHD ENDOPHENOTYPES AND NMDA RECEPTOR-RELATED PHARMACOGENETIC EFFECTS IN TWO INBRED RAT STRAINS Natalli Granzotto 4.004 Epigenetic aging acceleration is associated with childhood physical neglect exposure among women with cocaine use disorder Thiago Wendt Viola 4.005 The mediation effect of temperament traits on the association between CACNA1C gene polymorphisms and bipolar disorder Clarissa Ribeiro Bastos 4.006 THE OXYTOCIN RECEPTOR GENE VARIANT rs2254298 IS ASSOCIATED WITH ATTENTION DEFICIT HIPERACTIVITY DISORDER TRAITS, ATTENTION PROBLEMS AND ANXIETY IN CHILDREN. Laísa Camerini da Rosa 4.007 INCREASED TRANSGENE EXPRESSION IN RAT RETINAL GANGLION CELLS BY USING HUMAN MINI-PROMOTERS COMPARTIBLE WITH rAAV Victor Guedes de Araujo | João M. N. Duarte | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 14:15 | 14/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -II 6. Plasticidade Neural, Cognição & Emoção e Memória & Aprendizado 6.063 Attentional mobilization and eye movements as instruments of investigation and e Leila Miguel Stávale 6.064 Plastic effects of caffeine in the superior colliculus of adolescent rats under normal and temporal retinal damage. Adrienne Dias Campos 6.065 EFFECTS OF MODERATE CONSUMPTION OF CAFFEINE IN ANIMAL MODEL OF RATS SELECT BY FREEZING BEHAVIOR Yasmin Oliveira de Nazareth 6.066 Cafeteria diet caused depressive behavior and obesity on female rats Any Caroline De Almeida 6.067 Potential for formation of categories of Capuchin Monkeys (Sapajus spp.) Olavo de Faria Galvão | Leandro José Bertoglio | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 14:15 | 14/10/2020 15:45 |
Mesa Redonda Momento de Reflexão: Uma Visão Multiétnica do Mundo e do Comportamento | Anderson Manoel Herculano | MESA REDONDA | 13/10/2020 9:00 | 13/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -I 13. Neurociências Teórica, Computacional e Neurotecnologias (interfaces neurorobóticas, nanotecnologia etc.) 13.001 An open-source toolbox for classification of sleep-wake cycle states of rodents in normal and pathological conditions Ikaro Jesus da Silva Beraldo 13.002 Up-down activity in networks of homeostatic spiking neurons Osame Kinouchi Filho 13.003 TRANSCRANIAL ELECTRIC STIMULATION AND OBESITY: EFFECT ON BEHAVIOR AND COGNITION. Dartcleia Moura Martins Neves 13.004 CLASSIFYING ARTIFACTS OF EEG RECORDED FROM EPILEPTIC PATIENTS USING MACHINE LEARNING Arthur Gonsales da Silva 13.005 Physics of Psychophysics: Stevens’s power law as emergent properties of excitable media Emílio Frari Galera 13.006 Sequential causal learning in discrete time Manasses Pereira Nóbrega 13.007 Implementation and Validation of an Automatic, Real-Time Sharp-Wave Ripple Detection Module for the Open Ephys Recording System Bruno Monteiro de Sousa 13.008 PSYCHOPHYSCIS OF AGENCY INFERENCE IN CONTINUOUS SPACE AND TIME Peter M. E. Claessens | Claudio Marcos Teixeira de Queroz | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 10:00 | 14/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -V 8. Sono e Ritmos Circadianos 8.008 Evaluation of a potential hidden risk of fatigue in a Brazilian regular aviation aircrew sample karla sirpouhi papazian 8.009 Collective Daily Rhythmicity on leaf-cutter ants colonies: understanding temporal organization of leaf-cutting and foraging using machine learning techniques Mila Maria Pamplona Barbosa 8.010 Does sleepiness interfere in the gross motor coordination of schoolchildren aged 9 to 11 years? Clécia Gabriela bezerra 8.011 Persistent effects of acute cocaine on hippocampal-prefrontal oscillatory states Rafaela Schuttenberg Polanczyk 8.012 Research trends in the use of mindfulness-based interventions in sleep medicine - a scoping review. Julia Ribeiro da Silva Vallim 8.013 Sleep qualitative parameters using actigraphy analysis in a representative sample from the São Paulo city – EPISONO study Catharina Scassola | Gislaine Zilli Réus | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 10:00 | 16/10/2020 11:30 |
Neurociências e Comportamento Motor Aula-1: Neurofisiologia do Sistema Motor | Alfred Sholl Franco | CURSO | 14/10/2020 9:00 | 14/10/2020 9:50 |
Lost in translation: What can and can‘t be learned from rodents about alcoholism? | Rosa Maria Martins de Almeida | CONFERÊNCIA | 14/10/2020 13:00 | 14/10/2020 14:00 |
Viés implícito, ameaça pelo estereótipo e mulheres nas ciências - mecanismos neurobiológicos, impactos sobre a vida acadêmica e estratégias de enfrentamento | Fátima Cristina Smith Erthal | CURSO | 14/10/2020 17:00 | 14/10/2020 17:50 |
Linha de Pesquisa: Neurobiologia das emoções e do comportamento agressivo, violento e impulsivo | Rosa Maria Martins de Almeida | HAPPY HOUR | 14/10/2020 18:30 | 14/10/2020 20:00 |
Controle do Comportamento Alimentar e Obesidade: do homeostático ao hedônico. Aula-1: Controle do comportamento alimentar homeostático | Taisy Cinthia Ferro Cavalcante | CURSO | 14/10/2020 9:00 | 14/10/2020 9:50 |
Apresentações Orais III Área- 1. Desenvolvimento do Sistema Nervoso & Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento 1.017 USE OF ETHANOL DURING PREGNANCY AND LACTATION CAUSES EFFECT ON PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT OF OFFSPRING Thalma Ariani Freitas 1.018 Autism Spectrum Disorders and drug discovery: exposure of zebrafish to valproic acid as a translational research model Karla Cristinne Mancini Costa 1.019 SINGLE-DOSE OF ANTIPURINERGIC THERAPY RESCUES SOCIAL IMPAIRMENTS AND INCREASED IL-6 IN THE VALPROIC ACID-INDUCED ANIMAL MODEL OF AUTISM iohanna deckmann 1.020 Effects of antipurinergic therapy on anxiety-like behavior and purinergic receptor expression in the valproic acid-induced animal model of autism Júlio Santos Terra Machado 1.021 The Development of Joint Attention in Toddlers: an Eye-tracking Study Yasmin dos Anjos de Deus Cardoso 1.022 Administration of Plinia Trunciflora Extract has Neuroprotective Effects in Wistar Rats Submitted to Neonatal Hypoxia-Ischemia ANDREY VINICIOS SOARES CARVALHO 1.023 Behavioral alterations in autism model induced by valproic acid and translational analysis of circulating microRNA Mellanie Fontes Dutra da Silva 1.024 Exposure to imidacloprid promotes behavioral changes associated with decreased dopamine levels and increased reactive species in a model of neurodevelopmental disorder in Drosophila melanogaster Dieniffer Espinosa Janner | Amanda Alves Marcelino da Silva | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 10:00 | 15/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -I 11. Neurodegeneração, Envelhecimento e Distúrbios Neurológicos 11.046 Nerve regeneration and gait recovery by dimethyl fumarate after ventral root avulsion and reimplantation Paula Regina Gelinski Kempe 11.047 Influence of masticatory activity on stereological estimate of hippocampal astrocytes in CA1 layers of young murine model Matheus Oliveira Feijó 11.048 The qEEG monitoring reveals increased delta relative bandpower and delta indexes in rat acute model of ischemia/reperfusion Luan Oliveira Ferreira 11.049 Inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor type 1 translocates to the nucleus in mouse model of retinitis pigmentosa Théo Henrique de Lima Vasconcellos 11.050 Pregabalin-induced gait enhancement and protective effects on the peripheral nerve microenvironment in MDX mice Alex Dias Assis 11.051 MIR-22 PROMOTES NEURITE REGENERATION OF CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM NEURONS IN VITRO Carolina Gomes Ferreira 11.052 ANALYSIS OF THE PROTEIN EXPRESSION OF CX3CL1 IN A MURINE MODEL OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE Marcos Vinicius Santana dos Santos | Amanda Alves Marcelino da Silva | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 10:00 | 14/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -VI 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.001 EFFECT OF SUBCHRONIC EXPOSURE TO POLLUTANT TRIBUTYLTIN (TBT) ON THE DEPRESSIVE-LIKE BEHAVIOR IN ADOLESCENT MALE WISTAR RATS Lucas Vilas Bôas Correia 12.002 Behavioral effects of propiconazole in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) Jéssica Valadas da Silva 12.003 Effects of sex hormones in a neonatal neurodevelopmental Poly(I:C) schizophrenia model Jaqueline Vieira Carletti 12.004 Nitrergic inhibition prevents anxiety-like behavior and oxidative stress induced by acute restraint stress in Danio rerio (zebrafish). Nadyme Assad Holanda da Silva 12.005 STUDY OF THE CONSUMPTION OF OLIVE OIL ON THE HEDONIC FOOD BEHAVIOR OF ADOLESCENT RATS SUBMITTED TO MATERNAL SEPARATION Ariadni Mesquita Peres 12.006 Multivariate analysis reveals distinct behavioral phenotypes in rats subjected to inescapable shocks Benedito Alves de Oliveira Júnior 12.007 Title: IMPACTS OF GESTATIONAL MICROBIOTA DYSBIOSIS IN BEHAVIORAL AND NEUROLOGICAL OUTCOMES IN JUVENILE AND ADULTHOOD OFFSPRING Lucas Hassib Camina 12.008 Weight cycling due to intermittent access to a highly palatable food induces compulsive-like behavior in male mice ALESSANDRA ROCHA JOB | Amanda Alves Marcelino da Silva | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 14:15 | 16/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -II 11. Neurodegeneração, Envelhecimento e Distúrbios Neurológicos 11.008 Corticostriatal connectivity is altered in L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia Carlos Henrique Zanello Talarico 11.009 Anticonvulsant effect of intracerebral melittin in bicuculline induced seizures in rats. Jose Ivo Araujo Beserra Filho 11.010 Epidemiological study of mortality from Secondary Parkinson's in the Southeast o Maria Raquel de Carvalho Porto 11.011 Overexpression of miR-26a promotes neurite regeneration in the central nervous system in vitro CLARISSA RIBEIRO DE OLIVEIRA CYRINO 11.012 Participation of the PI3K? pathway in the effects of cannabidiol on the modulation of the immune response in an experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis model Isabel Vieira de Assis Lima 11.013 AGE INTERFERENCE IN PARKINSONISM PROGRESSION IN THE RESERPINE MODEL IN RATS. Heitor Franco Santos 11.014 IMPLICATIONS OF INSTITUTIONALIZATION FOR THE HEALTH, EMOTION AND HEART RATE VARIABILITY OF ELDERLY Miriam de Cássia Souza 11.015 Lentivirus-mediated SENP3 knockdown increases levels of SUMOylation: new molecular tools for Parkinson's disease research Ericks Sousa Soares | Angelo Piato | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 14:15 | 14/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -V 11. Neurodegeneração, Envelhecimento e Distúrbios Neurológicos 11.031 Potential neuroprotective role of simvastatin in cognitive areas of sepsis survivor rats Carlos Henrique Rocha Catalão 11.032 Prevalence, onset, evolution and prediction of elbow and wrist spasticity during the first-year post stroke: A longitudinal study Paulina Belen Sepulveda Figueroa 11.033 LDL receptor deficiency does not alter cerebral mitochondrial function but causes synaptic dysfunction and an exacerbation of apoptosis Priscila Silva Nunes 11.034 Cognitive impairment in LDLr-/- mice: role of hippocampal blood-brain barrier disruption and neuroinflammation Hémelin Resende Farias 11.035 Familial hypercholesterolemia is not associated with alterations in A? levels: Experimental evidence Matheus Scarpatto Rodrigues 11.036 RELATION BETWEEN INFLAMMATORY/NEUTROPHIC/NEURODEGENERATIVE MARKERS AND THERAPEUTIC EFFICACY IN PATIENTS WITH PARKINSON'S DISEASE SUBMITTED TO SUBTALAMIC NUCLEUS STIMULATION Danielle Varin de Assis 11.037 Evaluation of PTEN modulation on glutamatergic signaling in neuroinflammation model Gabriela Spina Nagy 11.038 CTEP, a negative allosteric modulator of mGluR5, promotes hyperlocomotion in a murine model of Parkinson´s disease and reverts apoptosis in cortical primary culture neurons TAMARA ANDREA ALARCON FERREIRA | Anderson Manoel Herculano | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 10:00 | 16/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -I 9. Sistemas Sensoriais e Motores 9.001 Rescue of spinal motoneurons by interferon beta (IFN-Beta) low-dose treatment in pre-symptomatic SOD1G93A female mice Ana Laura Midori Rossi Tomiyama 9.002 KINEMATICS ANALYSIS OF MOTOR CONTROL OF UPPER LIMBS Narrery Silva dos Santos 9.003 COCHLEAR NUCLEUS OF FLAT-FACED FRUIT-EATING BAT (Artibeus planirostris): A STEREOLOGICAL, MORPHOMETRICAL AND IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY STUDY. Eryck Holmes Alves da Silva 9.004 AUSÊNCIA DE DISCRIMINAÇÃO DE FORMA EM ESTÍMULOS DE MOSAICOS COM CONTRASTE DE LUMINÂNCIA E DE COR EM MACACOS-PREGO Fernanda Mendes Rabelo 9.005 Second order vision clinical aplications Otávio Corrêa Pinho 9.006 Cross tolerance in catalepsy and motor activity after subchronic administration of L-NOARG and D2R blockers Nathalia Carrijo Oliveira 9.007 Morphology of the Parrot Brain (Amazona aestiva) Giulia Escuciato Schick | Fabrício Bruno Cardoso | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 10:00 | 14/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -II 11. Neurodegeneração, Envelhecimento e Distúrbios Neurológicos 11.053 PROTECTIVE EFFECT OF LUTEIN ON LOCOMOTOR ACTIVITY IN THE EXPERIMENTAL MODEL OF PARKINSON’S DISEASE IN Drosophila melanogaster ROTENONE-INDUCED Jocemara Corrêa Reginaldo 11.054 Antiepileptic effect of Lippia grata complexed with beta-cyclodextrin in pilocarpine-induced seizures in mice Vanessa Alexandre da Silva 11.055 The ins and outs of neuronal counting: a comparison between cytochemistry and retrograde tracing. Natália Scanavachia da Silva 11.056 THE INFLUENCE OF 14 SESSIONS OF CARDIORESPIRATORY BIOFEEDBACK TRAINING IN INSTITUTIONALIZED AND NON INSTITUTIONALIZED ELDERLY Luíza Araújo Diniz 11.057 Effect of naringin and naringenin loaded-nanocapsules on depression-like behavior and oxidative stress in mice exposed to STZ Renata Gancine Budel | Fernanda Gaspar do Amaral | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 14:15 | 14/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -III 7. Regulação Neuroendócrina e Autonômica 7.001 CARDIOVASCULAR REACTIVITY TO DIFFERENT STRESSFUL STIMULI AND GABAERGIC PATHWAY COMPONENTS ARE CHANGED BY CHRONIC ANTAGONISM OF GHRELIN RECEPTOR GHS-R1A Amanda Nunes Costa 7.002 Hypothalamic microglial activation through DREADD or high-fat diet distinctively triggers peripheral myeloid cell recruitment into the arcuate nucleus Natália Ferreira Mendes 7.003 N2 event-related potential component is associated with heart rate variability during mental fatigue. Hiago Murilo de Melo 7.004 THE ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTANT TRIBUTYLTIN (TBT) LEADS TO NEUROENDOCRINE AND BEHAVIORAL ALTERATIONS IN FEMALE MICE. Igor Ferraz da Silva 7.005 EFFECTS OF CHRONIC ADMINISTRATION OF ANABOLIC ANDROGENIC STEROIDS, DERIVED FROM TESTOSTERONE, IN ADULT MALE RATS KAYO SILVA GUSTAVO 7.006 Intermittent fasting modulates inflammatory genes in the hypothalamus of C57BL/6 high-fat diet mice Alexandre de Oliveira Camargo 7.007 High-fat feeding and palmitate stimulus modulate hypothalamic CaMKII/CREB signaling and POMC processing enzymes expression Ariane Maria Zanesco | Fernanda Gaspar do Amaral | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 10:00 | 15/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -VI 6. Plasticidade Neural, Cognição & Emoção e Memória & Aprendizado 6.046 Behavioral effects of acute exposure to the Mimosa tenuiflora (Willd.) Poiret extract containing a microdose of DMT (N, N-dimethyltryptamine) in rats Cíntia Emi Yanaguibashi Leal 6.047 Nucleus Reuniens controls contextual fear memory destabilization Fernanda Troyner 6.048 Effects of hormone use in experimental focal ischemia model Wallaci Pimentel Valentino 6.049 DEPRESSION, ANXIETY AND LONELINESS IN STUDENTS FROM THE FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF OURO PRETO (UFOP) Fabiana Cristina de Oliveira Souza 6.050 COMPARISON OF COGNITIVE FUNCTIONING BETWEEN ELDERLY WHO PRACTICE EXERGAMES AND STRENGTH TRAINING: A CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY Elizabete de Oliveira Barbosa 6.051 EVALUATION OF THE EFFECT OF DIABETES MELLITUS TYPE 1 INDUCED BY STREPTOZOTOCIN IN THE MEMORY AND LEARNING OF YOUNG WISTAR RATS. Miriara Borges Leal 6.052 Yoga practice’s long-term effects under anxiety, depression and loneliness. Esther Vitória Guimarães Silva 6.053 Does the role of the dorsal hippocampus CA3 in recognition memory modulation have a functional lateralization? Gabrielle Araujo Pimentel 6.054 Emotional regulation modulates isolation feelings upon exposure to social interaction contexts Bruna Eugênia Ferreira Mota | Fernanda Gaspar do Amaral | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 14:15 | 16/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -VI 10. Dor 10.015 INVOLVEMENT OF ATP SENSITIVE POTASSIUM CHANNELS IN MEMBRANE DEPOLARIZATION INDUCE BY HIGH GLUCOSE IN NOCICEPTIVE NEURONS TAÍS DE CAMPOS LIMA 10.016 NEURONAL DEPOLARIZATION INDUCED BY THE ACTIVATION OF NMDA RECEPTORS IN SATELLITE GLIAL CELLS ON PRIMARY CULTURES OF RAT DORSAL ROOT GANGLIA Ronaldo de Almeida Júnior 10.017 EFFECT OF PHOTOBIOMODULATION ON WOUND HEALING, PAIN AND QUALITY OF LIFE OF DIABETIC PATIENTS Victória Regina da Silva Oliveira 10.018 Hipercaloric diet and chronic stress triggers changes in the olfactory bulb and nociceptive behavior Isabel Cristina De Macedo 10.019 Novo protocolo de eletroacupuntura induz analgesia prolongada em modelo pré-clínico de dor neuropática periférica Alexandre Souza Ruiz Gonçalves | Rosa Maria Martins de Almeida | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 14:15 | 16/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentações Orais III Área- 1. Desenvolvimento do Sistema Nervoso & Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento 1.017 USE OF ETHANOL DURING PREGNANCY AND LACTATION CAUSES EFFECT ON PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT OF OFFSPRING Thalma Ariani Freitas 1.018 Autism Spectrum Disorders and drug discovery: exposure of zebrafish to valproic acid as a translational research model Karla Cristinne Mancini Costa 1.019 SINGLE-DOSE OF ANTIPURINERGIC THERAPY RESCUES SOCIAL IMPAIRMENTS AND INCREASED IL-6 IN THE VALPROIC ACID-INDUCED ANIMAL MODEL OF AUTISM iohanna deckmann 1.020 Effects of antipurinergic therapy on anxiety-like behavior and purinergic receptor expression in the valproic acid-induced animal model of autism Júlio Santos Terra Machado 1.021 The Development of Joint Attention in Toddlers: an Eye-tracking Study Yasmin dos Anjos de Deus Cardoso 1.022 Administration of Plinia Trunciflora Extract has Neuroprotective Effects in Wistar Rats Submitted to Neonatal Hypoxia-Ischemia ANDREY VINICIOS SOARES CARVALHO 1.023 Behavioral alterations in autism model induced by valproic acid and translational analysis of circulating microRNA Mellanie Fontes Dutra da Silva 1.024 Exposure to imidacloprid promotes behavioral changes associated with decreased dopamine levels and increased reactive species in a model of neurodevelopmental disorder in Drosophila melanogaster Dieniffer Espinosa Janner | Rosana Camarini | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 10:00 | 15/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -VI 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.108 Use of the Muller-Lyer illusion in non-human primates as a model for evaluating sensory changes induced by NMDA blocking drugs Pedro Henrique Coelho Cordeiro 12.109 Evaluation participation of the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis (BNST) and CRF1 receptor in the anxiety-like behaviors response in C57BL/6 mice Amanda Soares Lima 12.110 HANDLING OF PREY IMPAIRS PHARMACOLOGICAL TREATMENTS OF THE VENTROMEDIAL HYPOTHALAMUS EFFECTS ON INNATE DEFENSIVE RESPONSES EVOKED BY CAVIA PORCELLUS THREATENED BY SNAKES Yara Bezerra de Paiva 12.111 L-NAME PREVENTS ANXIETY-LIKE BEHAVIOR AND OXIDATIVE STRESS INDUCED BY HIGH CAFFEINE INTAKE IN ZEBRAFISH Patrick Bruno Cardoso Costa 12.112 CHILDHOOD MALTREATMENT VICTIMS ARE MORE PRONE TO EXPERIENCE OTHER TRAUMATIC EVENTS Camila Monteiro Fabrício Gama 12.113 SYSTEMIC TREATMENT WITH CANNABIDIOL IN CARIOCA HIGH- AND LOW-CONDITIONED FREEZING RATS IN THE CHRONIC PAIN MODEL Carolina Macêdo de Souza | Rosana Camarini | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 14:15 | 16/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -II 13. Neurociências Teórica, Computacional e Neurotecnologias (interfaces neurorobóticas, nanotecnologia etc.) 13.008 PSYCHOPHYSCIS OF AGENCY INFERENCE IN CONTINUOUS SPACE AND TIME Peter M. E. Claessens 13.009 How details of the excitatory-inhibitory interaction can influence the dynamical state of recurrent networks Marcelo Porto Becker 13.010 PHASE TRANSITIONS IN STOCHASTIC NEURON NETWORKS WITH SMALL WORLD TOPOLOGY Renata Pazzini Prado de Lima 13.011 Implementation of image analysis techniques for behavioral tracking of rodents in the open field arena Ana Beatriz Rodrigues Massaranduba 13.012 Characterizing neocortical theta-band resonance Rodrigo Felipe de Oliveira Pena 13.013 Computational neuropsychiatry: AI applications in schizophrenia Nathália Alves de Oliveira 13.014 NEUROPHYSICAL ADAPTIVE MODEL OF EXTRACRANIAL MEASURE OF THE CEREBRAL ACTIVITY José Joaquim de Souza Melo | Rosana Camarini | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 14:15 | 14/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -II 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.072 STRESS AND SERUM CORTISOL LEVELS IN INDIVIDUALS WITH MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER Roberta Eduarda Grolli 12.073 RAPID AND SUSTAINED ANTIDEPRESSANT-LIKE EFFECTS OF S-ADENOSYL METHIONINE INVOLVE SEROTONERGIC SIGNALING AND HIPPOCAMPAL DNA METHYLATION IN MICE Amanda Sales 12.074 Lane-maze for behavioral tests in flies Fabiola Boz Eckert 12.075 LONELINESS IS HURTFUL AND LIFE-THREATENING: CORRELATION OF PERCEIVED SOCIAL ISOLATION AND PTSD SYMPTOMS. Eliane Volchan 12.076 SEX-DEPENDENT ROLE OF CD300F IMMUNE RECEPTOR IN GENERALIZED ANXIETY DISORDER Fernanda Neutzling Kaufmann 12.077 Acute administration of oxytocin analogue does not reverse social interaction deficits in an animal model of posttraumatic stress disorder Paula Agostina Zoe Sumaran Ortega 12.078 INVESTIGATION OF ENZYMES IN LPS DEPRESSIVE-LIKE BEHAVIOR MODEL TANNIC ACID IN VITRO AND EX VIVO UNDER THE ACTIVITY OF ACETYLCHOLINESTERASE AND MONOAMINE OXIDASE Karina Pereira Luduvico 12.079 INNATE FEAR-RESPONSE BACKGROUND INFLUENCE THE MODULATION OF CHRONIC STRESS EFFECTS BY HIGH-SUGAR/HIGH-FAT DIET IN CARIOCAS HIGH- AND LOW-CONDITIONED FREEZING RATS Yury Velho Martins Lages 12.080 Changes in anxiety-like behavior in male mice exposed to environmental enrichment after chronic unpredictable stress: a role of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis Ariádne Elisa Belo da Silva | Suellen Alessandra Soares de Moraes | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 14:15 | 14/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -III 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.081 EFFECTS OF SHORT AND LONG-TERM SEPARATION IN NEONATAL MATERNAL PROTOCOL IN RATS Ana Claudia Jesse 12.082 Directional and color preference in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) Matheus Felipe Marcon 12.083 Anxiety-like behavior and oxidative damage following repeated ethanol exposure are protected by N-acetylcysteine in adult zebrafish Ricieri Naue Mocelin 12.084 Open field test in social isolated flies: centrophobicity and sexual dimorphism. FABIANI FERNANDA TRICHES 12.085 Deep Brain Stimulation of the dorsal raphe abolishes serotonin 1A facilitation of AMPA receptor-mediated synaptic currents in the ventral hippocampus Milena de Barros Viana 12.086 INFLUENCE OF THE HORMONE LEPTIN ON THE HIGHLY AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR OF MALE SWISS WEBSTER MICE Rafaela Santos Barbosa 12.087 GLIBENCLAMIDE TREATMENTS PREVENTS DEPRESSIVE-LIKE BEHAVIOR AND MEMORY IMPAIRMENT INDUCED BY CHRONIC UNPREDICTABLE STRESS IN FEMALE MICE Axel Fogaça Rosado 12.088 Long-term effects of juvenile chronic treatment with methylphenidate or fluoxetine in SHR and Wistar rats. Marcela Verginia de Medeiros 12.089 Environmental enrichment during stress decreases Bdnf expression in mice prefrontal cortex Nívea Karla de Gusmão Taveiros Silva | Suellen Alessandra Soares de Moraes | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 10:00 | 15/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -IV 15. Dependência de Drogas 15.001 ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL CHANGES UNDERLYING MORPHINE-INDUCED EXPRESSION OF PREFERENCE AND CONTEXT-TOLERANCE Franciely Paliarin 15.002 Diffusion Neuroimaging Evidence for White Matter Impairment in Cocaine Use Disorder Lucca Pizzato Tondo 15.003 Repeated crack cocaine administration alters panic-related responses and delta FosB protein expression in panic-modulating brain regions Barbara dos Anjos Rosário 15.004 WEEKLY ETHANOL EXPOSURE ALTERS DOPAMINERGIC PARAMETERS IN ZEBRAFISH BRAIN Eduardo Pacheco Rico 15.005 COMBINED EXPOSURE TO NICOTINE DURING THE POSTNATAL PERIOD AND IN ADULTHOOD - LOCOMOTOR ACTIVITY AND ANXIETY IN SWISS MICE Gabriel Estevam Santos de Amorim 15.006 Ayahuasca reduces 50kHz trill ultrassonic vocalization and hyperlocomotion-induced by lisdexamphetamine in rats Daiane Momo Daneluz 15.007 CONTEXT-DEPENDENT BLOCKING OF MORPHINE SENSITIZATION BY THE CB1 RECEPTOR ANTAGONIST RIMONABANT IN MICE Henrique Sousa Reis 15.008 Therapeutic effect of ayahuasca in ethanol addiction Victor Distefano Wiltenburg | Rosa Maria Martins de Almeida | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 10:15 | 15/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentações Orais IV Área- 1. Desenvolvimento do Sistema Nervoso & Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento 1.025 Argonaute-2 protein might be involved in the retinal synaptogenesis. Mayã Vakimoto Lucena 1.026 Test of the olfactory epithelium as a pathway for Zika virus entry into the embryonic brain Bruna Lorena de Melo Marcelino 1.027 EFFECTS OF ETHANOL ON THE NEURONAL MIGRATION IN THE BRAIN NEOCORTEX FORMATION Fabiana Freitas Pereira 1.028 The interaction of adenosine modulation and the endocannabinoid system of GABA transport in the avian retina Vladimir Pedro Peralva Borges Martins 1.029 Gestational sepsis promotes inflammatory response, synaptic modulation and motor impairment in offspring neonatal mice Marcelo Gomes Granja 1.030 Inhibitory interneurons show early dysfunction in a SOD1 mouse model of ALS Clarissa Fantin Cavarsan 1.031 IMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL STUDY OF THE OLFACTORY BULB IN WISTAR RATS SUBMITED TO ACUTE PRENATAL EXPOSURE TO ETHANOL Gabriela Macedo Pereira | Taisy Cinthia Ferro Cavalcante | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 14:15 | 15/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -III 6. Plasticidade Neural, Cognição & Emoção e Memória & Aprendizado 6.019 CROSS-MODAL NEUROPLASTICITY IN ADULT SENSORY CORTICES: A PATH OF OPPORTUNITY FOR THE REORGANIZATION OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Laís Resque Russo Pedrosa 6.020 Emotional expression and experience in visualizing specialized movement: a comparative study between dancers and gymnasts Claudia Daronch 6.021 Involvement of medial prefrontal cortex NMDA and AMPA/kainate glutamate receptors in social recognition memory consolidation Lucas Aschidamini Marcondes 6.022 Short-term alterations in behavior and astroglial function after intracerebroventricular infusion of methylglyoxal in rats Lílian Juliana Lissner 6.023 Social isolation changes the olfactory bulb physiology compromising olfactory memories Caio Martins de Castro 6.024 ASSOCIATION BETWEEN MALFORMATION IN THE VISUAL CORTEX AND EXCITABILITY IN RODENTS: POSSIBLE CORRELATION WITH NEUROPLASTICITY Luiza dos Santos Heringer 6.025 THE ROLE OF CARBONIC ANHYDRASES IN EXTINCTION OF CONTEXTUAL FEAR MEMORY Bianca Estefani Schmidt 6.026 THIAMINE PYROPHOSPHATE AND B1 VITAMIN IMPROVE SPATIAL MEMORY IMPAIRMENT IN WISTAR RATS SUBMITTED TO CISPLATIN INJECTIONS David Manoel Pereira Araújo 6.027 mPFC ACTIVITY DURING LATE CONSOLIDATION OF RECENT AND REMOTE CONTEXTUAL FEAR MEMORIES Lorena Terene Lopes Guerra | Taisy Cinthia Ferro Cavalcante | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 10:00 | 15/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -III 11. Neurodegeneração, Envelhecimento e Distúrbios Neurológicos 11.016 DOPAMINERGIC SIGNALLING BEYOND NEURAL COMMUNICATION: THE IMMUNOMODULATORY ROLE OF DOPAMINE IN THE EXPERIMENTAL MODEL OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. Elaine Cristina Dalazen Gonçalves 11.017 CALORIC RESTRICTION AS A NEUROPROTECTIVE STRATEGY IN SENESCENT OBESE RATS Jeferson Jantsch 11.018 Neuroprotective effect of black carrot extract in rats submitted to the progressive parkinsonism model induced by reserpine. Alessandra 11.019 Senescent astrocytes show reduced synaptogenic potential and neuronal trophic support in vitro. Laís da Silva Neves 11.020 ASTROCYTE SENESCENCE IS ASSOCIATED WITH ALTERED NUCLEAR LAMINA MORPHOLOGY IN VITRO ISABELLA VIVARINI DAMICO 11.021 PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS ASSOCIATED WITH CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM INJURIES CAUSED BY COVID-19: A REVIEW Bárbara Dicarlo Costa Braga 11.022 Upregulation of oligodendrocyte gene transcripts in the prefrontal cortex of Wistar rats submitted to swimming exercise is impaired by cuprizone treatment Angela Elizabeth Gaio | Aderbal Silva Aguiar Junior | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 10:00 | 15/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -V. 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.045 Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis CB1 receptors modulates contextual fear conditioning responses in rats: Possible involvement of glutamatergic system ANNA BARBARA BORGES DE ASSIS 12.046 Effects of ethanol on the exploratory activity of male and female zebrafish (Danio rerio) in the open field test and interaction with a novel object Thiele Piber de Souza 12.047 Histone acetyltransferase p300/CBP activity in the prelimbic cortex underlies reactivated memory persistence and reconsolidation Mariana Furtado Bergmann 12.048 ROLE OF NOS-2 IN THE ELEVATION OF NITRITE IN THE TELECEPHALON AND HEAD KIDENY IN ZEBRAFISH (Danio rerio, HAMILTON, 1822) MODEL FOR POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER Wilker Leite do Nascimento 12.049 SEXUAL DIMORFISM IN EMOTIONAL BEHAVIOR AND CORTICOSTERONE PLASMA LEVELS AFTER A PROTOCOL OF REM SLEEP RESTRICTION IN ADOLECENT WISTAR RATS ANNA CAROLINA MUNIZ BARRETO 12.050 Social defeat stress protocol increases ethanol consumption and glutamatergic neuronal activity in the prelimbic mPFC in mice Lucas Canto de Souza 12.051 PROPHYLACTIC EFFICACY OF CANNABIDIOL AND SODIUM NITROPRUSSIDE IN POSITIVE-LIKE AND COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENTS IN A KETAMINE MODEL OF SCHIZOPHRENIA: SEX-DEPENDENT EFFECTS Isabella Caroline da Silva Dias 12.052 ANTIDEPRESSANT-LIKE EFFECT OF ROSMARINIC ACID IN AN INFLAMMATORY MODEL OF DEPRESSION Alexandre Augusto Barros Lataliza 12.053 Cardiac activity at rest: exploring associations with protective and vulnerability factors to PTSD Aline Furtado Bastos Campos | Aderbal Silva Aguiar Junior | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 10:00 | 16/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentações Orais V 2. Sinaptogênese, Glia e Fatores Tróficos 2.001 Effect of LPS-induced neuroinflammation model in acute hippocampal slices on astrocyte metabolism Adriana Fernanda Kuckartz Vizuete 2.002 Neuroprotection caused by EX-4 in DM possibly involves participation of astrocytes Caroline Zanotto 2.003 Astrocyte glutamate transporters are increased in an early sporadic model of Synucleinopathy. LUAN PEREIRA DINIZ 2.004 Study of the regulation of the hippocampal glutamate-glutamine cycle in experimental models of epilepsy. Marina Prado Rubinho 2.005 NEUROINFLAMMATION MODULATION MEDIATED BY OUABAIN TREATMENT: INVOLVEMENT OF IL-6 AND PKC Mariana de Almeida Azevedo 2.006 GLUTATHIONE MODULATES THE EXTRACELLULAR LEVELS OF ADENOSINE IN CORTICAL GLIAL CELL CULTURES Mateus dos Santos Silva 2.007 Programming by caloric restriction as an astrogliosis inducer throughout life Gabriela Larissa Lima da Silva | Alline C. de Campos | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 10:00 | 16/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -IV 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.036 Leptin receptor gene network moderates the effects of early life adversity on emotional problems and gray matter density in children and adolescents Randriely Merscher Sobreira de Lima 12.037 Glutamatergic neuronal activation in the mPFC in mice exposed to prolonged social defeat stress: Why the hemispheric side matters. Vinicius Fresca da Costa 12.038 INDOMETHACIN INDUCES ANXIETY-LIKE BEHAVIOR AND OXIDATIVE STRESS IN ZEBRAFISH BRAIN JESSICA SOUZA PINHEIRO 12.039 Maternal deprivation in the second week of life increases locomotor activity in the open field test Igor Mapa Silva 12.040 The CB1 and PPAR? receptors contribution to cannabidiol-induced memory consolidation impairments Bruna Wuilleumier Salemme 12.041 Toxoplasma gondii and cognition in schizophrenia Anna Luiza do Vale Guimarães 12.042 GALLIC ACID PROTECTS AGAINST ALCOHOL-INDUCED IN THE ZEBRAFISH BRAIN Samira Leila Baldin 12.043 Biochemical and behavioral analysis of silibinin on haloperidol-induced orofacial dyskinesia in mice Talita Rodrigues 12.044 Effects of experimentally induced hypothyroidism on endocrine parameters and on depressive behavior in adult Wistar rats Milton Kennedy Aquino Júnior | Amauri Gouveia Junior | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 14:15 | 15/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -IV 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.036 Leptin receptor gene network moderates the effects of early life adversity on emotional problems and gray matter density in children and adolescents Randriely Merscher Sobreira de Lima 12.037 Glutamatergic neuronal activation in the mPFC in mice exposed to prolonged social defeat stress: Why the hemispheric side matters. Vinicius Fresca da Costa 12.038 INDOMETHACIN INDUCES ANXIETY-LIKE BEHAVIOR AND OXIDATIVE STRESS IN ZEBRAFISH BRAIN JESSICA SOUZA PINHEIRO 12.039 Maternal deprivation in the second week of life increases locomotor activity in the open field test Igor Mapa Silva 12.040 The CB1 and PPAR? receptors contribution to cannabidiol-induced memory consolidation impairments Bruna Wuilleumier Salemme 12.041 Toxoplasma gondii and cognition in schizophrenia Anna Luiza do Vale Guimarães 12.042 GALLIC ACID PROTECTS AGAINST ALCOHOL-INDUCED IN THE ZEBRAFISH BRAIN Samira Leila Baldin 12.043 Biochemical and behavioral analysis of silibinin on haloperidol-induced orofacial dyskinesia in mice Talita Rodrigues 12.044 Effects of experimentally induced hypothyroidism on endocrine parameters and on depressive behavior in adult Wistar rats Milton Kennedy Aquino Júnior | Andre Walsh-Monteiro | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 14:15 | 15/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -IV 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.090 CAFFEIC ACID ANTIDEPRESSANT-LIKE EFFECT IS MEDIATED BY PKA, ERK 1/2, PKC, AND MAPK PATHWAYS ANA PAULA DALMAGRO 12.091 BEHAVIORAL SEXUAL DIMORPHISM IN A GENETIC MODEL TO STUDY EMOTIONALITY IN RATS. Ana Carolina da Silva Vieira 12.092 Altered maternal care induces sex specific behavioral phenotypes in the offspring: the role of corticotropin-releasing factor in the bed nucleus Érika Kestering Ferreira 12.093 PREVENTING ADOLESCENT STRESS-INDUCED COGNITIVE AND MICROBIOME CHANGES BY DIET clarissa penha farias 12.094 Changes on hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor and serotonin transporter expression underlie anxiety and depression-like effects of ethanol abstinence Rodrigo Campos Cardoso 12.095 Behavioral pattern and neural activation after repeated social stress in C57Bl/6 mice Alisson Pinto de Almeida 12.096 Antidepressant exacerbates conditioned fear in adolescent rats while corticosterone synthesis inhibitor attenuates fear in both adolescent and adult rats Julia Lopes Gonçalez 12.097 Sexual Dimorphism in Defensive Responses Elicited by Glutamatergic Stimulation of the Periaqueductal Gray Letícia Corrêa Nakatsukasa Takasumi 12.098 Neurobiologia do Estresse de Macacos-prego (Sapajus nigritus) em cativeiro Erika Zanoni | Antônio Carlos Roque da Silva Filho | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 14:15 | 15/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -VI 6. Plasticidade Neural, Cognição & Emoção e Memória & Aprendizado 6.046 Behavioral effects of acute exposure to the Mimosa tenuiflora (Willd.) Poiret extract containing a microdose of DMT (N, N-dimethyltryptamine) in rats Cíntia Emi Yanaguibashi Leal 6.047 Nucleus Reuniens controls contextual fear memory destabilization Fernanda Troyner 6.048 Effects of hormone use in experimental focal ischemia model Wallaci Pimentel Valentino 6.049 DEPRESSION, ANXIETY AND LONELINESS IN STUDENTS FROM THE FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF OURO PRETO (UFOP) Fabiana Cristina de Oliveira Souza 6.050 COMPARISON OF COGNITIVE FUNCTIONING BETWEEN ELDERLY WHO PRACTICE EXERGAMES AND STRENGTH TRAINING: A CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY Elizabete de Oliveira Barbosa 6.051 EVALUATION OF THE EFFECT OF DIABETES MELLITUS TYPE 1 INDUCED BY STREPTOZOTOCIN IN THE MEMORY AND LEARNING OF YOUNG WISTAR RATS. Miriara Borges Leal 6.052 Yoga practice’s long-term effects under anxiety, depression and loneliness. Esther Vitória Guimarães Silva 6.053 Does the role of the dorsal hippocampus CA3 in recognition memory modulation have a functional lateralization? Gabrielle Araujo Pimentel 6.054 Emotional regulation modulates isolation feelings upon exposure to social interaction contexts Bruna Eugênia Ferreira Mota | Antônio Carlos Roque da Silva Filho | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 14:15 | 16/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -III 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.027 Assessing quality of systematic reviews and meta-analysis on adult hippocampal neurogenesis using RoB Syrcle tool Juliana Aparecida Bolzan 12.028 Changes in autophagy-related proteins and immediate behavioral responses in female mice submitted to two hits of early-life stress Bruna Caroline Pierone 12.029 INVESTIGATION OF ANXIETY-LIKE BEHAVIORS IN LDLr KNOCKOUT (LDLr-/-) MICE, AN ANIMAL MODEL OF FAMILIAL HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA Cibele Martins Pinho 12.030 ANTIDEPRESSANT-LIKE EFFECT FROM p-COUMARIC ACID: INVOLVEMENT OF SEROTONINERGIC, DOPAMINERGIC AND NORADRENERGIC RECEPTORS Sahra Gabriela Roedel 12.031 Early-Life Status Epilepticus Without Neuron Loss: Behavioral Abnormalities Are Related with Changes in Hippocampal-Prefrontal Connectivity Rafael Naime Ruggiero 12.032 Behavioral and mesolimbic electrophysiological alterations in an animal model of postictal psychosis Tamiris Prizon 12.033 EARLY LIFE STRESS ALTERS THE BEHAVIOR OF PREPUBERTAL FEMALE MICE Taciane Fernanda Valadares Reis 12.034 Effects of nicotine exposure in a neonatal model of schizophrenia Thainá Pereira de Souza 12.035 THE NEUROBIOLOGY OF ADHD: THE ROLE OF DOPAMINE IN THE DISORDER Sheila Wayszceyk | Bruna Brandão Velasques | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 10:00 | 15/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -I 6. Plasticidade Neural, Cognição & Emoção e Memória & Aprendizado 6.001 OPEN AND CLOSED EYES CONDITIONS INFLUENCE THE PATTERN OF ACTIVITY OF THE RESTING-STATE NETWORKS BASED ON EEG CURRENT SOURCE DENSITY: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY Matheus Mangini Bertuzzo 6.002 ANALYSIS OF ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL DATA IN CHILDREN WITH AND WITHOUT DYSLEXIA DURING READING ACTIVITY Christiane Ferreira Barros da Cunha 6.003 Effect of the Endocannabinoid System in Memory Updating and Forgetting Paula Santana Lunardi 6.004 OREXIN 1 AND 2 RECEPTORS IN THE PRELIMBIC CORTEX MODULATE THREATENING RECOGNITION Victor Paschoal Marquezin Nicolli Soares 6.005 Family functioning and maternal parenting associations to default mode network connectivity in school-age children KEILA DO SOCORRO REBELLO EVANGELISTA 6.006 PROACTIVE INTERFERENCE BETWEEN NON-OVERLAPING CONTENT MEMORIES Lara Monteiro Zanetti Mansk 6.007 INFLUENCE OF HIGH FAT DIET INDUCED OBESITY ON THE RECOGNITION MEMORY AND THE DEFENSIVE BEHAVIORAL RESPONSES OF FEMALE WISTAR RATS Lucas Gabriel Vieira 6.008 Pranayamas and their neurophysiological effects Stephany Campanelli Esmaile 6.009 SPECTRAL PROCESSING AND THE ROLE OF BIOGENIC AMINES IN INNATE OR LEARNED VISUAL BEHAVIORS OF HONEYBEES (Apis mellifera). Amanda Rodrigues Vieira | Cássio Morais Loss | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 10:00 | 14/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -V 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.045 Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis CB1 receptors modulates contextual fear conditioning responses in rats: Possible involvement of glutamatergic system ANNA BARBARA BORGES DE ASSIS 12.046 Effects of ethanol on the exploratory activity of male and female zebrafish (Danio rerio) in the open field test and interaction with a novel object Thiele Piber de Souza 12.047 Histone acetyltransferase p300/CBP activity in the prelimbic cortex underlies reactivated memory persistence and reconsolidation Mariana Furtado Bergmann 12.048 ROLE OF NOS-2 IN THE ELEVATION OF NITRITE IN THE TELECEPHALON AND HEAD KIDENY IN ZEBRAFISH (Danio rerio, HAMILTON, 1822) MODEL FOR POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER Wilker Leite do Nascimento 12.049 SEXUAL DIMORFISM IN EMOTIONAL BEHAVIOR AND CORTICOSTERONE PLASMA LEVELS AFTER A PROTOCOL OF REM SLEEP RESTRICTION IN ADOLECENT WISTAR RATS ANNA CAROLINA MUNIZ BARRETO 12.050 Social defeat stress protocol increases ethanol consumption and glutamatergic neuronal activity in the prelimbic mPFC in mice Lucas Canto de Souza 12.051 PROPHYLACTIC EFFICACY OF CANNABIDIOL AND SODIUM NITROPRUSSIDE IN POSITIVE-LIKE AND COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENTS IN A KETAMINE MODEL OF SCHIZOPHRENIA: SEX-DEPENDENT EFFECTS Isabella Caroline da Silva Dias 12.052 ANTIDEPRESSANT-LIKE EFFECT OF ROSMARINIC ACID IN AN INFLAMMATORY MODEL OF DEPRESSION Alexandre Augusto Barros Lataliza 12.053 Cardiac activity at rest: exploring associations with protective and vulnerability factors to PTSD Aline Furtado Bastos Campos | Cássio Morais Loss | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 10:00 | 16/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -II 6. Plasticidade Neural, Cognição & Emoção e Memória & Aprendizado 6.063 Attentional mobilization and eye movements as instruments of investigation and e Leila Miguel Stávale 6.064 Plastic effects of caffeine in the superior colliculus of adolescent rats under normal and temporal retinal damage. Adrienne Dias Campos 6.065 EFFECTS OF MODERATE CONSUMPTION OF CAFFEINE IN ANIMAL MODEL OF RATS SELECT BY FREEZING BEHAVIOR Yasmin Oliveira de Nazareth 6.066 Cafeteria diet caused depressive behavior and obesity on female rats Any Caroline De Almeida 6.067 Potential for formation of categories of Capuchin Monkeys (Sapajus spp.) Olavo de Faria Galvão | Claudio Da Cunha | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 14:15 | 16/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -III 7. Regulação Neuroendócrina e Autonômica 7.001 CARDIOVASCULAR REACTIVITY TO DIFFERENT STRESSFUL STIMULI AND GABAERGIC PATHWAY COMPONENTS ARE CHANGED BY CHRONIC ANTAGONISM OF GHRELIN RECEPTOR GHS-R1A Amanda Nunes Costa 7.002 Hypothalamic microglial activation through DREADD or high-fat diet distinctively triggers peripheral myeloid cell recruitment into the arcuate nucleus Natália Ferreira Mendes 7.003 N2 event-related potential component is associated with heart rate variability during mental fatigue. Hiago Murilo de Melo 7.004 THE ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTANT TRIBUTYLTIN (TBT) LEADS TO NEUROENDOCRINE AND BEHAVIORAL ALTERATIONS IN FEMALE MICE. Igor Ferraz da Silva 7.005 EFFECTS OF CHRONIC ADMINISTRATION OF ANABOLIC ANDROGENIC STEROIDS, DERIVED FROM TESTOSTERONE, IN ADULT MALE RATS KAYO SILVA GUSTAVO 7.006 Intermittent fasting modulates inflammatory genes in the hypothalamus of C57BL/6 high-fat diet mice Alexandre de Oliveira Camargo 7.007 High-fat feeding and palmitate stimulus modulate hypothalamic CaMKII/CREB signaling and POMC processing enzymes expression Ariane Maria Zanesco | Claudio Marcos Teixeira de Queroz | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 10:00 | 15/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -VI 10. Dor 10.015 INVOLVEMENT OF ATP SENSITIVE POTASSIUM CHANNELS IN MEMBRANE DEPOLARIZATION INDUCE BY HIGH GLUCOSE IN NOCICEPTIVE NEURONS TAÍS DE CAMPOS LIMA 10.016 NEURONAL DEPOLARIZATION INDUCED BY THE ACTIVATION OF NMDA RECEPTORS IN SATELLITE GLIAL CELLS ON PRIMARY CULTURES OF RAT DORSAL ROOT GANGLIA Ronaldo de Almeida Júnior 10.017 EFFECT OF PHOTOBIOMODULATION ON WOUND HEALING, PAIN AND QUALITY OF LIFE OF DIABETIC PATIENTS Victória Regina da Silva Oliveira 10.018 Hipercaloric diet and chronic stress triggers changes in the olfactory bulb and nociceptive behavior Isabel Cristina De Macedo 10.019 Novo protocolo de eletroacupuntura induz analgesia prolongada em modelo pré-clínico de dor neuropática periférica Alexandre Souza Ruiz Gonçalves 10.020 EFFECT OF CANNABIDIOL ON THE MEDIAL PREFRONTAL CORTEX AND DORSAL HIPPOCAMPAL CONNECTION ON COGNITIVE AND EMOTIONAL ASPECTS IN CHRONIC NEUROPATHIC PAIN IN RATS Ana Carolina Medeiros | Rosana L. Pagano | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 14:15 | 16/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -III 7. Regulação Neuroendócrina e Autonômica 7.001 CARDIOVASCULAR REACTIVITY TO DIFFERENT STRESSFUL STIMULI AND GABAERGIC PATHWAY COMPONENTS ARE CHANGED BY CHRONIC ANTAGONISM OF GHRELIN RECEPTOR GHS-R1A Amanda Nunes Costa 7.002 Hypothalamic microglial activation through DREADD or high-fat diet distinctively triggers peripheral myeloid cell recruitment into the arcuate nucleus Natália Ferreira Mendes 7.003 N2 event-related potential component is associated with heart rate variability during mental fatigue. Hiago Murilo de Melo 7.004 THE ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTANT TRIBUTYLTIN (TBT) LEADS TO NEUROENDOCRINE AND BEHAVIORAL ALTERATIONS IN FEMALE MICE. Igor Ferraz da Silva 7.005 EFFECTS OF CHRONIC ADMINISTRATION OF ANABOLIC ANDROGENIC STEROIDS, DERIVED FROM TESTOSTERONE, IN ADULT MALE RATS KAYO SILVA GUSTAVO 7.006 Intermittent fasting modulates inflammatory genes in the hypothalamus of C57BL/6 high-fat diet mice Alexandre de Oliveira Camargo 7.007 High-fat feeding and palmitate stimulus modulate hypothalamic CaMKII/CREB signaling and POMC processing enzymes expression Ariane Maria Zanesco | Thiago Viola | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 10:00 | 15/10/2020 11:30 |
14.007 PARADOX IN CONTINUING TEACHER EDUCATION: LACK OF KNOWLEGE BUT APPRECIATION OF POSSIBLE CONTRIBUTIONS OF NEUROSCIENCE TO INCLUSIVE EDUCATION Gizele Aparecida de Almeida 14.008 The use of social media and streaming services as a tool to spread knowledge about neuroscience Rafele Brandão Fonseca 14.009 Social media as a vehicle of scientific divulgation during the Coronavirus pandemic Vitória Max Azevedo de Almeida 14.010 NEUROSCIENCE AND EDUCATION - A Apresentação Oral -V 14. História, Educação e Arte, Ética, popularização e impacto social MEETING WITH MANY POSSIBILITIES ERINETE DA SILVA LEITE 14.011 AN MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL HEALTH EDUCATIONAL APP FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL NATURAL SCIENCES TEACHERS. Ana Paula Araújo Silva dos Santos | Fabrício Bruno Cardoso | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 10:00 | 16/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -V 6. Plasticidade Neural, Cognição & Emoção e Memória & Aprendizado 6.037 Systems Consolidation and Generalization of a Contextual Fear Memory: Participation of the Lateral Entorhinal Cortex Fernanda Nogueira Lotz Alves 6.038 Kalulu as a different way to teach and learn: A fun tool for early literacy skills Camilo Ernesto Subenko Olalla 6.039 MAKING A CAKE OR MAKING MY DAY? AN EEG STUDY ON THE PROCESSING OF FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE Edgard Pereira Neves 6.040 Acute exposure to the Mimosa tenuiflora (willd.) Poiret extract containing N, N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) reduces the locomotion of adolescent Wistar rats Italo Ramon Rodrigues Menezes 6.041 Intelligence quotient and working memory predicts event-related potential amplitudes of gifted and average adolescents in a mental rotation task Sóstenes Silva de Oliveira 6.042 Modulation of the consolidation and reconsolidation of fear memory by three different serotonin receptors in hippocampus Ana Karla Oliveira Leite 6.043 The roles of membrane and secreted ?Klotho in neuronal morphology Marina Minto Cararo Lopes 6.044 Perception of Risks of Media Use Associated With Impaired Driving, Study/Work and Sleep Ohana Turcato Macacare 6.045 Social interaction stimuli change the sociability and responsiveness of facial muscles Kíssyla Christine Duarte Lacerda | Fabíola Ribeiro | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 10:00 | 16/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -II 11. Neurodegeneração, Envelhecimento e Distúrbios Neurológicos 11.053 PROTECTIVE EFFECT OF LUTEIN ON LOCOMOTOR ACTIVITY IN THE EXPERIMENTAL MODEL OF PARKINSON’S DISEASE IN Drosophila melanogaster ROTENONE-INDUCED Jocemara Corrêa Reginaldo 11.054 Antiepileptic effect of Lippia grata complexed with beta-cyclodextrin in pilocarpine-induced seizures in mice Vanessa Alexandre da Silva 11.055 The ins and outs of neuronal counting: a comparison between cytochemistry and retrograde tracing. Natália Scanavachia da Silva 11.056 THE INFLUENCE OF 14 SESSIONS OF CARDIORESPIRATORY BIOFEEDBACK TRAINING IN INSTITUTIONALIZED AND NON INSTITUTIONALIZED ELDERLY Luíza Araújo Diniz 11.057 Effect of naringin and naringenin loaded-nanocapsules on depression-like behavior and oxidative stress in mice exposed to STZ Renata Gancine Budel | Vinicius de Toledo Ribas | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 14:15 | 14/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -II 11. Neurodegeneração, Envelhecimento e Distúrbios Neurológicos 11.008 Corticostriatal connectivity is altered in L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia Carlos Henrique Zanello Talarico 11.009 Anticonvulsant effect of intracerebral melittin in bicuculline induced seizures in rats. Jose Ivo Araujo Beserra Filho 11.010 Epidemiological study of mortality from Secondary Parkinson's in the Southeast o Maria Raquel de Carvalho Porto 11.011 Overexpression of miR-26a promotes neurite regeneration in the central nervous system in vitro CLARISSA RIBEIRO DE OLIVEIRA CYRINO 11.012 Participation of the PI3K? pathway in the effects of cannabidiol on the modulation of the immune response in an experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis model Isabel Vieira de Assis Lima 11.013 AGE INTERFERENCE IN PARKINSONISM PROGRESSION IN THE RESERPINE MODEL IN RATS. Heitor Franco Santos 11.014 IMPLICATIONS OF INSTITUTIONALIZATION FOR THE HEALTH, EMOTION AND HEART RATE VARIABILITY OF ELDERLY Miriam de Cássia Souza 11.015 Lentivirus-mediated SENP3 knockdown increases levels of SUMOylation: new molecular tools for Parkinson's disease research Ericks Sousa Soares | Olga Cristina Rocha de Freitas | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 14:15 | 14/10/2020 15:45 |
15:45-Apresentação Oral -VI 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.001 EFFECT OF SUBCHRONIC EXPOSURE TO POLLUTANT TRIBUTYLTIN (TBT) ON THE DEPRESSIVE-LIKE BEHAVIOR IN ADOLESCENT MALE WISTAR RATS Lucas Vilas Bôas Correia 12.002 Behavioral effects of propiconazole in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) Jéssica Valadas da Silva 12.003 Effects of sex hormones in a neonatal neurodevelopmental Poly(I:C) schizophrenia model Jaqueline Vieira Carletti 12.004 Nitrergic inhibition prevents anxiety-like behavior and oxidative stress induced by acute restraint stress in Danio rerio (zebrafish). Nadyme Assad Holanda da Silva 12.005 STUDY OF THE CONSUMPTION OF OLIVE OIL ON THE HEDONIC FOOD BEHAVIOR OF ADOLESCENT RATS SUBMITTED TO MATERNAL SEPARATION Ariadni Mesquita Peres 12.006 Multivariate analysis reveals distinct behavioral phenotypes in rats subjected to inescapable shocks Benedito Alves de Oliveira Júnior 12.007 Title: IMPACTS OF GESTATIONAL MICROBIOTA DYSBIOSIS IN BEHAVIORAL AND NEUROLOGICAL OUTCOMES IN JUVENILE AND ADULTHOOD OFFSPRING Lucas Hassib Camina 12.008 Weight cycling due to intermittent access to a highly palatable food induces compulsive-like behavior in male mice ALESSANDRA ROCHA JOB | Olga Cristina Rocha de Freitas | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 14:15 | 14/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -IV 8. Sono e Ritmos Circadianos 8.001 Melatonin and insulin signaling in the brown adipose tissue Paula Vargas Versignassi de Carvalho 8.002 Forced circadian desynchronization in early stages promotes impairment of recognition memory in resynchronized adult Wistar rats Karen Cristina Pugliane 8.003 Evaluation of the subjective sleep quality of college students - conjuncture of the COVID-19 pandemic. Gabriela Sant'Ana Lima 8.004 The Per3 VNTR and chronotype influence on alcohol abuse in university students Carlos Arthur Grangeiro Sampaio 8.005 Sleep deprivation in adolescent rats alters depressive like-behavior and oxidative stress markers in plasma and brain Nathália Fritsch Camargo 8.006 Behavioral and neurochemical analysis of components of the timing system in male and female Wistar rats exposed to perinatal treatment with fluoxetine. Sarah Sophia Guedes 8.007 Is there a relationship between sleepiness and visual memory in schoolchildren aged 9 to 11 years? Lívia Maria de Lima Leôncio | Adriana da Cunha Faria Melibeu | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 14:15 | 15/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -I 3. Células-Tronco: Lesões do Sistema Nervoso e Reparo 3.001 The Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy role in Motor Function after Primary Motor Cortex Injury. Rodrigo de Andrade Rufino 3.002 Neuroprotection by engraftment of FGF2 overexpressing human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) after avulsion of spinal ventral roots. Bruno Henrique de Melo Lima 3.003 BONE MARROW MONONUCLEAR CELLS CONTRIBUTE TO AXONAL SPROUTING IN CORTICO-CORTICAL AND CORTICO-STRIATAL PROJECTIONS AND MOTOR FUNCTIONAL RECOVERY IN ISCHEMIC RATS Maria de Fátima dos Santos Sampaio 3.004 Effects of mesenchymal stromal cells on microglial and endothelial cells stimulated with heme and hemozoin Beatriz Amanda Barbosa Rangel dos Passos 3.005 Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Protect Against Vascular Damage and Depression-Like Behavior in Mice Surviving Cerebral Malaria Maiara Nascimento de Lima 3.006 NEUROPROTECTIVE AND ANGIOGENIC EFFECTS BY HETEROLOGOUS FIBRIN BIOPOLYMER 7 DAYS AFTER PERIPHERAL NERVE INJURY AND REPAIR Kevin Silva Muller | Adriana da Cunha Faria Melibeu | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 10:00 | 14/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -IV 14. História, Educação e Arte, Ética, popularização e impacto social 14.001 The development of the game board “Cancer Battle” as a scientific outrach tool Danielle Paes Machado de Andrade Branco 14.002 NEUROSCIENCE AS A CURRICULAR COMPONENT IN THE INITIAL TEACHER TRAINING Olga Cristina Rocha de Freitas 14.003 Popularizing is necessary: the effectiveness of posts about neurosciences through social media Lara Fernandes Silva 14.004 Neurocast: neuroscientific dissemination in quarantine times Juliana Volpe de Freitas 14.005 Preparatory Course in Neurosciences online: from pandemic to inclusion Rodrigo Colaço das Neves 14.006 GENDER DISPARITY IN THE BRAZILIAN SOCIETY OF NEUROSCIENCE AND BEHAVIOR (SBNEC) Fátima Cristina Smtih Erthal | Renata Pereira Lima | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 14:15 | 15/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -II 6. Plasticidade Neural, Cognição & Emoção e Memória & Aprendizado 6.010 THE EFFECT OF NEUROGENESIS ON IMPROVING FEAR MEMORY DEPENDS OF THE CONDITIONED-STIMULUS NATURE Laura Fernanda Jaimes Alvarado 6.011 Effects of palatable cafeteria diet on memory in females. Sara Pereira da Silva 6.012 Effect of family socioeconomic status on language of preschool children. Raoni da Silva Santos 6.013 I can’t resist: ultra-processed foods evoke extremely strong emotional reactions Thayane Castro Carvalho Lemos 6.014 Anterior Cingulate but not Pre-Limbic Cortex correlates with approach behavior induced by repeated playback of 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations Camila Pasquini de Souza 6.015 Exercise restores synaptic integrity in a rodent model of Parkinson’s disease Karina Henrique Binda 6.016 TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS IS ASSOCIATED HIPPOCAMPAL DYSFUNCTION: Impacts on cognition and mitochondrial function WEMBLEY RODRIGUES VILELA 6.017 IS THE INTERFERENCE IN FUNCTIONAL CAPACITY PROVOKED BY MIGRAINE ASSOCIATED WITH THE PRESENCE OF ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION SYMPTOMS? Marina Souza Barbosa de Mattos 6.018 EFFECTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENRICHMENT ON MODULATION OF BEHAVIOR AND HYPOCAMPAL NEUROPLASTICITY IN HUNTINGON DISEASE MODEL YAC128 Evelini Plácido | Renata Pereira Lima | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 14:15 | 14/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -IV 8. Sono e Ritmos Circadianos 8.001 Melatonin and insulin signaling in the brown adipose tissue Paula Vargas Versignassi de Carvalho 8.002 Forced circadian desynchronization in early stages promotes impairment of recognition memory in resynchronized adult Wistar rats Karen Cristina Pugliane 8.003 Evaluation of the subjective sleep quality of college students - conjuncture of the COVID-19 pandemic. Gabriela Sant'Ana Lima 8.004 The Per3 VNTR and chronotype influence on alcohol abuse in university students Carlos Arthur Grangeiro Sampaio 8.005 Sleep deprivation in adolescent rats alters depressive like-behavior and oxidative stress markers in plasma and brain Nathália Fritsch Camargo 8.006 Behavioral and neurochemical analysis of components of the timing system in male and female Wistar rats exposed to perinatal treatment with fluoxetine. Sarah Sophia Guedes 8.007 Is there a relationship between sleepiness and visual memory in schoolchildren aged 9 to 11 years? Lívia Maria de Lima Leôncio | André Frazão Helene | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 14:15 | 15/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -II 13. Neurociências Teórica, Computacional e Neurotecnologias (interfaces neurorobóticas, nanotecnologia etc.) 13.009 How details of the excitatory-inhibitory interaction can influence the dynamical state of recurrent networks Marcelo Porto Becker 13.010 PHASE TRANSITIONS IN STOCHASTIC NEURON NETWORKS WITH SMALL WORLD TOPOLOGY Renata Pazzini Prado de Lima 13.011 Implementation of image analysis techniques for behavioral tracking of rodents in the open field arena Ana Beatriz Rodrigues Massaranduba 13.012 Characterizing neocortical theta-band resonance Rodrigo Felipe de Oliveira Pena 13.013 Computational neuropsychiatry: AI applications in schizophrenia Nathália Alves de Oliveira 13.014 NEUROPHYSICAL ADAPTIVE MODEL OF EXTRACRANIAL MEASURE OF THE CEREBRAL ACTIVITY José Joaquim de Souza Melo | André Frazão Helene | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 14:51 | 14/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -III 9. Sistemas Sensoriais e Motores 9.015 IMMUNOELECTRONIC LOCALIZATION OF MYOSIN-Va IN RAT CEREBELLUM 9.016 Metoclopramide induced-tardive dystonia and motor dysfunction after chronic administration in C57Bl6 mice 9.017 Role of Nitric Oxide (NO)- Soluble Guanilate Cyclase (sGC) In L-Dopa-Induced Dyskinesias. 9.018 Identification and characterization of glial and immune cell profiles after spinal root axotomy by flow cytometry 9.019 Establishing a model for spinal root reimplantation after avulsion in C57BL/6J mice: use of fibrin biopolymer and dimethyl fumarate | Letícia Miquilini | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 10:00 | 15/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -I 11. Neurodegeneração, Envelhecimento e Distúrbios Neurológicos 11.001 EPILEPSY IN NORTHERN BRAZIL: CLINICAL AND SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC ASPECTS IN PATIENTS FROM BELÉM, PARÁ Veronica Gabriela Ribeiro da Silva 11.002 Gold nanoparticles treatment prevents the cognitive and neurochemical alterations induced by hypercholesterolemia: experimental findings Julia Nostrani Martins 11.003 B1 VITAMIN RESTORES RISK ASSESSMENT BEHAVIOR IN MALE WISTAR RATS SUBMITTED TO THE APPLICATION OF CISPLATIN. Beatriz Souza Martins 11.004 SODIUM BUTYRATE PREVENTED THE INCREASE OF CYTOKINES AND KYNURENINE LEVELS IN LPS-INDUCED HUMAN PRIMARY ASTROCYTES Michelle Lima Garcez 11.005 Influence of masticatory activity on quantitative evaluation of hippocampal astrocytes in CA1 layers of senil murine model Fernanda Beatriz Araújo de Albuquerque 11.006 BEHAVIORAL CHANGES AFTER OPHTHALMIC INSTILLATION OF Toxoplasma gondii TACHYZOITES Gabrielly Lisboa da Silva Soares 11.007 COGNITIVE PERFORMANCE in INSTITUTIONALIZED ELDERLY with DEPRESSIVE SYMPTOMS Laís Francielle Francisca Felício | Letícia Miquilini | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 10:00 | 14/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -IV 15. Dependência de Drogas 15.009 Immunohistochemical Study of Acute Effects of Ethanol on Midbrain in Rats Breno Ferreira Silveira 15.010 Alcohol Chronic Consumption Effects on Decision-Making LaÍs da Silva Pereira 15.011 BINGE ETHANOL CONSUMPTION IMPAIRS SPATIAL WORKING MEMORY IN ADOLESCENT AND YOUNG ADULT RATS LIVIA CARLA DE MELO RODRIGUES 15.012 NAC reduces impairment of recognition and object location memory in adolescent rats subjected to a chronic compulsion EtOH model Matheus Loureiro das Neves 15.013 Sex Differences in Standard Reared C57BL/6J Mice, But Not Early Life Stress Exposed Animals, in Precipitated Withdrawal Following Chronic Fentanyl Administration Bernardo Aguzzoli Heberle 15.014 The endocannabinoid system and drug-associated contextual memories Aline de Castro Santos 15.015 Ayahuasca leads to anxiolytic effect in mice and decreased 5-HT2a levels after acute ethanol exposure in hippocampus Carolina Aparecida de Faria Almeida 15.016 EFFECTS OF PHYSICAL EXERCISE ON COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS OF INDIVIDUALS SUFFERING FROM DISORDER BY USE OF ALCOHOL AND OTHER ASSOCIATED DRUGS Regiane D. A. Silva¹ | Cleiton Lopes Aguiar | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 14:15 | 15/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -I 11. Neurodegeneração, Envelhecimento e Distúrbios Neurológicos 11.001 EPILEPSY IN NORTHERN BRAZIL: CLINICAL AND SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC ASPECTS IN PATIENTS FROM BELÉM, PARÁ Veronica Gabriela Ribeiro da Silva 11.002 Gold nanoparticles treatment prevents the cognitive and neurochemical alterations induced by hypercholesterolemia: experimental findings Julia Nostrani Martins 11.003 B1 VITAMIN RESTORES RISK ASSESSMENT BEHAVIOR IN MALE WISTAR RATS SUBMITTED TO THE APPLICATION OF CISPLATIN. Beatriz Souza Martins 11.004 SODIUM BUTYRATE PREVENTED THE INCREASE OF CYTOKINES AND KYNURENINE LEVELS IN LPS-INDUCED HUMAN PRIMARY ASTROCYTES Michelle Lima Garcez 11.005 Influence of masticatory activity on quantitative evaluation of hippocampal astrocytes in CA1 layers of senil murine model Fernanda Beatriz Araújo de Albuquerque 11.006 BEHAVIORAL CHANGES AFTER OPHTHALMIC INSTILLATION OF Toxoplasma gondii TACHYZOITES Gabrielly Lisboa da Silva Soares 11.007 COGNITIVE PERFORMANCE in INSTITUTIONALIZED ELDERLY with DEPRESSIVE SYMPTOMS Laís Francielle Francisca Felício | Cleiton Lopes Aguiar | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 10:00 | 14/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -II 13. Neurociências Teórica, Computacional e Neurotecnologias (interfaces neurorobóticas, nanotecnologia etc.) 3.009 How details of the excitatory-inhibitory interaction can influence the dynamical state of recurrent networks Marcelo Porto Becker 13.010 PHASE TRANSITIONS IN STOCHASTIC NEURON NETWORKS WITH SMALL WORLD TOPOLOGY Renata Pazzini Prado de Lima 13.011 Implementation of image analysis techniques for behavioral tracking of rodents in the open field arena Ana Beatriz Rodrigues Massaranduba 13.012 Characterizing neocortical theta-band resonance Rodrigo Felipe de Oliveira Pena 13.013 Computational neuropsychiatry: AI applications in schizophrenia Nathália Alves de Oliveira 13.014 NEUROPHYSICAL ADAPTIVE MODEL OF EXTRACRANIAL MEASURE OF THE CEREBRAL ACTIVITY José Joaquim de Souza Melo | Givago da Silva Souza | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 14:15 | 14/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -III 9. Sistemas Sensoriais e Motores 9.015 IMMUNOELECTRONIC LOCALIZATION OF MYOSIN-Va IN RAT CEREBELLUM 9.016 Metoclopramide induced-tardive dystonia and motor dysfunction after chronic administration in C57Bl6 mice 9.017 Role of Nitric Oxide (NO)- Soluble Guanilate Cyclase (sGC) In L-Dopa-Induced Dyskinesias. 9.018 Identification and characterization of glial and immune cell profiles after spinal root axotomy by flow cytometry 9.019 Establishing a model for spinal root reimplantation after avulsion in C57BL/6J mice: use of fibrin biopolymer and dimethyl fumarate | Givago da Silva Souza | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 10:00 | 15/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -V 11. Neurodegeneração, Envelhecimento e Distúrbios Neurológicos 11.031 Potential neuroprotective role of simvastatin in cognitive areas of sepsis survivor rats Carlos Henrique Rocha Catalão 11.032 Prevalence, onset, evolution and prediction of elbow and wrist spasticity during the first-year post stroke: A longitudinal study Paulina Belen Sepulveda Figueroa 11.033 LDL receptor deficiency does not alter cerebral mitochondrial function but causes synaptic dysfunction and an exacerbation of apoptosis Priscila Silva Nunes 11.034 Cognitive impairment in LDLr-/- mice: role of hippocampal blood-brain barrier disruption and neuroinflammation Hémelin Resende Farias 11.035 Familial hypercholesterolemia is not associated with alterations in A? levels: Experimental evidence Matheus Scarpatto Rodrigues 11.036 RELATION BETWEEN INFLAMMATORY/NEUTROPHIC/NEURODEGENERATIVE MARKERS AND THERAPEUTIC EFFICACY IN PATIENTS WITH PARKINSON'S DISEASE SUBMITTED TO SUBTALAMIC NUCLEUS STIMULATION Danielle Varin de Assis 11.037 Evaluation of PTEN modulation on glutamatergic signaling in neuroinflammation model Gabriela Spina Nagy 11.038 CTEP, a negative allosteric modulator of mGluR5, promotes hyperlocomotion in a murine model of Parkinson´s disease and reverts | Givago da Silva Souza | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 10:00 | 16/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -I 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.063 TONIC IMMOBILITY PREDICTS PTSD SYMPTOMS IN TRAUMATIZED ADOLESCENTS andressa acar magalhaes 12.064 Where does the side matter? Lateralized DeltaFosB expression in the dorsal hippocampus of stress resilient and susceptible rats Gessynger Morais Silva 12.065 Transgenic rats over-expressing full-length human DISC1 show decreased Ndel1 oligopeptidase activity, aberrant neurodevelopment and impaired behavior João Victor Silva Nani 12.066 Interactive effects in schizophrenia and nicotine in an animal model Luciana Araujo Couto 12.067 EFFECTS OF THE UNDERWATER TRAUMA PROTOCOL ON THE BEHAVIOURAL PROFILE WISTAR RATS Natália Cristina Zanta 12.068 Altered BDNF-TrkB and glutamate receptor gene expression in the Flinders Sensitive Line rat following treatment with Cannabidiol. Gabriela Pandini Silote 12.069 Absence of iNOS or IL-10 induces different responsiveness to chronic stress in mice: role of adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Gabriel Gripp Fernandes 12.070 Early life stress enhances anxious-like behavior in prepubertal male mice but not female, and interaction between stress and increase of dopamine levels enhance locomotor activity in females but not males Ana Luiza Araujo Lima Reis 12.071 EFFECTS OF 2,4-DICHLOROPHENOXYACETIC ACID HERBICIDE ON THE BEHAVIOR OF ADULT ZEBRAFISH Danio rerio. Rafael Kremer | Luciene Vieira | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 10:00 | 14/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -IV 14. História, Educação e Arte, Ética, popularização e impacto social 14.001 The development of the game board “Cancer Battle” as a scientific outrach tool Danielle Paes Machado de Andrade Branco 14.002 NEUROSCIENCE AS A CURRICULAR COMPONENT IN THE INITIAL TEACHER TRAINING Olga Cristina Rocha de Freitas 14.003 Popularizing is necessary: the effectiveness of posts about neurosciences through social media Lara Fernandes Silva 14.004 Neurocast: neuroscientific dissemination in quarantine times Juliana Volpe de Freitas 14.005 Preparatory Course in Neurosciences online: from pandemic to inclusion Rodrigo Colaço das Neves 14.006 GENDER DISPARITY IN THE BRAZILIAN SOCIETY OF NEUROSCIENCE AND BEHAVIOR (SBNEC) Fátima Cristina Smtih Erthal | Luciene Vieira | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 14:15 | 15/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -I 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.009 A SINGLE ADMINISTRATION OF GBR 12909 INDUCES AN INCREASE IN EXPLORATORY BEHAVIOR OF MICE Lucas de Melo Lira 12.010 The Association Between Biochemical Changes in the Retina and Behavioral Alterations in Mice with Experimental Cerebral Malaria Ketan Brodeur 12.011 The phosphodiesterase 4 activity during the early phase of fear memory reconsolidation is involved in memory persistence JEFERSON MACHADO BATISTA 12.012 Ceftriaxone Attenuated Anxiety-Like Behavior and Enhanced Brain Glutamate Transport in Zebrafish Subjected to Alcohol Withdrawal Karolyne De Pieri Pickler 12.013 EFEITOS DE DIFERENTES PROTOCOLOS DE ESTRESSE POR SEPARAÇÃO MATERNAL NO COMPORTAMENTO DE CAMUNDONGOS JUVENIS ALCIONE ROCHA MEDEIROS 12.014 Early environmental enrichment rescues memory impairments provoked by mild neonatal hypoxia-ischemia in adolescent mice Francisco Sindermann Lumertz 12.015 ANTIDEPRESSIVE-LIKE AND ANTIINFLAMMATORY EFFECTS OF QUETIAPINE IN RATS SUBMITTED TO CHRONIC MILD STRESS Amanda Gollo Bertollo 12.016 Social buffering accelerates aversive memory extinction memory in Wistar rats Mayla Ketlyn Lazzarim 12.017 Effects induced by positive allosteric modulators of alpha 5 subunit-containing GABAa receptors in behavioral tests predictive for psychopharmacs adriana de jesus de souza | Azair Liane Matos do Canto de Souza | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 10:00 | 14/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -III 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.027 Assessing quality of systematic reviews and meta-analysis on adult hippocampal neurogenesis using RoB Syrcle tool Juliana Aparecida Bolzan 12.028 Changes in autophagy-related proteins and immediate behavioral responses in female mice submitted to two hits of early-life stress Bruna Caroline Pierone 12.029 INVESTIGATION OF ANXIETY-LIKE BEHAVIORS IN LDLr KNOCKOUT (LDLr-/-) MICE, AN ANIMAL MODEL OF FAMILIAL HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA Cibele Martins Pinho 12.030 ANTIDEPRESSANT-LIKE EFFECT FROM p-COUMARIC ACID: INVOLVEMENT OF SEROTONINERGIC, DOPAMINERGIC AND NORADRENERGIC RECEPTORS Sahra Gabriela Roedel 12.031 Early-Life Status Epilepticus Without Neuron Loss: Behavioral Abnormalities Are Related with Changes in Hippocampal-Prefrontal Connectivity Rafael Naime Ruggiero 12.032 Behavioral and mesolimbic electrophysiological alterations in an animal model of postictal psychosis Tamiris Prizon 12.033 EARLY LIFE STRESS ALTERS THE BEHAVIOR OF PREPUBERTAL FEMALE MICE Taciane Fernanda Valadares Reis 12.034 Effects of nicotine exposure in a neonatal model of schizophrenia Thainá Pereira de Souza 12.035 THE NEUROBIOLOGY OF ADHD: THE ROLE OF DOPAMINE IN THE DISORDER Sheila Wayszceyk | Tarciso Tadeu Miguel | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 10:00 | 15/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -I 6. Plasticidade Neural, Cognição & Emoção e Memória & Aprendizado 6.001 OPEN AND CLOSED EYES CONDITIONS INFLUENCE THE PATTERN OF ACTIVITY OF THE RESTING-STATE NETWORKS BASED ON EEG CURRENT SOURCE DENSITY: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY Matheus Mangini Bertuzzo 6.002 ANALYSIS OF ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL DATA IN CHILDREN WITH AND WITHOUT DYSLEXIA DURING READING ACTIVITY Christiane Ferreira Barros da Cunha 6.003 Effect of the Endocannabinoid System in Memory Updating and Forgetting Paula Santana Lunardi 6.004 OREXIN 1 AND 2 RECEPTORS IN THE PRELIMBIC CORTEX MODULATE THREATENING RECOGNITION Victor Paschoal Marquezin Nicolli Soares 6.005 Family functioning and maternal parenting associations to default mode network connectivity in school-age children KEILA DO SOCORRO REBELLO EVANGELISTA 6.006 PROACTIVE INTERFERENCE BETWEEN NON-OVERLAPING CONTENT MEMORIES Lara Monteiro Zanetti Mansk 6.007 INFLUENCE OF HIGH FAT DIET INDUCED OBESITY ON THE RECOGNITION MEMORY AND THE DEFENSIVE BEHAVIORAL RESPONSES OF FEMALE WISTAR RATS Lucas Gabriel Vieira 6.008 Pranayamas and their neurophysiological effects Stephany Campanelli Esmaile 6.009 SPECTRAL PROCESSING AND THE ROLE OF BIOGENIC AMINES IN INNATE OR LEARNED VISUAL BEHAVIORS OF HONEYBEES (Apis mellifera). Amanda Rodrigues Vieira | Fernando Falkenburger Melleu | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 10:00 | 14/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -VI 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.001 EFFECT OF SUBCHRONIC EXPOSURE TO POLLUTANT TRIBUTYLTIN (TBT) ON THE DEPRESSIVE-LIKE BEHAVIOR IN ADOLESCENT MALE WISTAR RATS Lucas Vilas Bôas Correia 12.002 Behavioral effects of propiconazole in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) Jéssica Valadas da Silva 12.003 Effects of sex hormones in a neonatal neurodevelopmental Poly(I:C) schizophrenia model Jaqueline Vieira Carletti 12.004 Nitrergic inhibition prevents anxiety-like behavior and oxidative stress induced by acute restraint stress in Danio rerio (zebrafish). Nadyme Assad Holanda da Silva 12.005 STUDY OF THE CONSUMPTION OF OLIVE OIL ON THE HEDONIC FOOD BEHAVIOR OF ADOLESCENT RATS SUBMITTED TO MATERNAL SEPARATION Ariadni Mesquita Peres 12.006 Multivariate analysis reveals distinct behavioral phenotypes in rats subjected to inescapable shocks Benedito Alves de Oliveira Júnior 12.007 Title: IMPACTS OF GESTATIONAL MICROBIOTA DYSBIOSIS IN BEHAVIORAL AND NEUROLOGICAL OUTCOMES IN JUVENILE AND ADULTHOOD OFFSPRING Lucas Hassib Camina 12.008 Weight cycling due to intermittent access to a highly palatable food induces compulsive-like behavior in male mice ALESSANDRA ROCHA JOB | Fernando Falkenburger Melleu | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 14:15 | 16/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -IV 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.036 Leptin receptor gene network moderates the effects of early life adversity on emotional problems and gray matter density in children and adolescents Randriely Merscher Sobreira de Lima 12.037 Glutamatergic neuronal activation in the mPFC in mice exposed to prolonged social defeat stress: Why the hemispheric side matters. Vinicius Fresca da Costa 12.038 INDOMETHACIN INDUCES ANXIETY-LIKE BEHAVIOR AND OXIDATIVE STRESS IN ZEBRAFISH BRAIN JESSICA SOUZA PINHEIRO 12.039 Maternal deprivation in the second week of life increases locomotor activity in the open field test Igor Mapa Silva 12.040 The CB1 and PPAR? receptors contribution to cannabidiol-induced memory consolidation impairments Bruna Wuilleumier Salemme 12.041 Toxoplasma gondii and cognition in schizophrenia Anna Luiza do Vale Guimarães 12.042 GALLIC ACID PROTECTS AGAINST ALCOHOL-INDUCED IN THE ZEBRAFISH BRAIN Samira Leila Baldin 12.043 Biochemical and behavioral analysis of silibinin on haloperidol-induced orofacial dyskinesia in mice Talita Rodrigues 12.044 Effects of experimentally induced hypothyroidism on endocrine parameters and on depressive behavior in adult Wistar rats Milton Kennedy Aquino Júnior | Fernando Falkenburger Melleu | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 14:15 | 15/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -II 6. Plasticidade Neural, Cognição & Emoção e Memória & Aprendizado 6.063 Attentional mobilization and eye movements as instruments of investigation and e Leila Miguel Stávale 6.064 Plastic effects of caffeine in the superior colliculus of adolescent rats under normal and temporal retinal damage. Adrienne Dias Campos 6.065 EFFECTS OF MODERATE CONSUMPTION OF CAFFEINE IN ANIMAL MODEL OF RATS SELECT BY FREEZING BEHAVIOR Yasmin Oliveira de Nazareth 6.066 Cafeteria diet caused depressive behavior and obesity on female rats Any Caroline De Almeida 6.067 Potential for formation of categories of Capuchin Monkeys (Sapajus spp.) Olavo de Faria Galvão | Anderson Manoel Herculano | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 14:15 | 14/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -I 9. Sistemas Sensoriais e Motores 9.001 Rescue of spinal motoneurons by interferon beta (IFN-Beta) low-dose treatment in pre-symptomatic SOD1G93A female mice Ana Laura Midori Rossi Tomiyama 9.002 KINEMATICS ANALYSIS OF MOTOR CONTROL OF UPPER LIMBS Narrery Silva dos Santos 9.003 COCHLEAR NUCLEUS OF FLAT-FACED FRUIT-EATING BAT (Artibeus planirostris): A STEREOLOGICAL, MORPHOMETRICAL AND IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY STUDY. Eryck Holmes Alves da Silva 9.004 AUSÊNCIA DE DISCRIMINAÇÃO DE FORMA EM ESTÍMULOS DE MOSAICOS COM CONTRASTE DE LUMINÂNCIA E DE COR EM MACACOS-PREGO Fernanda Mendes Rabelo 9.005 Second order vision clinical aplications Otávio Corrêa Pinho 9.006 Cross tolerance in catalepsy and motor activity after subchronic administration of L-NOARG and D2R blockers Nathalia Carrijo Oliveira 9.007 Morphology of the Parrot Brain (Amazona aestiva) Giulia Escuciato Schick | Thiago Viola | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 10:00 | 14/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -V 10. Dor 10.008 Empathy for pain: Interplay between 5-HT3 receptors and cannabidiol within amygdala in mice Lígia Renata Rodrigues Tavares 10.009 Contribution of neutrophils Cox-2 expression in inflammatory hyperalgesia in Knockout mice. Nathalia Santos Carvalho 10.010 Anxiogenic-like behaviors induced by living with a conspecific in chronic pain are attenuated by systemic injection of cannabidiol in mice Leonardo Abdelnur Petrilli 10.011 Time perception and pain: can a temporal illusion reduce the experience of pain? VANESSA DE SOUZA ZANIRATO MAIA 10.012 Transcranial direct current stimulation-induced analgesia in neuropathic rats is mediated by spinal TRPV1 and pERK control MARCOS RODRIGO JERONIMO DA COSTA 10.013 Anxiety-like behavior is modulated by transcranial direct current stimulation and exercise in a neuropathic pain model: Role of neurotrophic factors Bettega Costa Lopes 10.014 ANTINOCICEPTIVE EFFECT INDUCED BY A PRO-ENKEPHALIN-DERIVED PEPTIDE IN AN EXPERIMENTAL DIABETIC NEUROPATHY MODEL Giancarlo Giunti | Denis Broock Rosemberg | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 10:00 | 16/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -IV 11. Neurodegeneração, Envelhecimento e Distúrbios Neurológicos 11.023 Effects of eriodictyol on memory deficits and oxidative stress in an Alzheimer’s disease model induced by streptozotocin in mice JULIETE TAVARES 11.024 OPTIC NERVE ALTERATIONS IN A RAT GLAUCOMA MODEL OF SUBACUTE OCULAR HYPERTENSION Mariana Santana Dias 11.025 Neuroprotective effects of Dactolisib in a Alzheimer's Disease animal model Paula Maria Quaglio Bellozi 11.026 Beta-caryophyllene attenuates motor deficits and oxidative stress in lipopolysaccharide-induced Parkinson's disease rat model Cleane Gomes Moreira 11.027 EFFECTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENRICHMENT ON MOTOR ABILITY: POSSIBLE CORRELATION WITH MONOAMINE LEVELS IN THE STRIATUM OF YAC128 MOUSE MODEL OF HUNTINGTON’S DISEASE Priscilla Gomes Welter 11.028 Presynaptic accumulation of ?-synuclein causes synaptopathy and progressive neurodegeneration Jessika Cristina Bridi 11.029 Microglia-Neuron Interaction in Parkinson's Disease: The Role of Cytokine CCL21 Felipe Saceanu Leser 11.030 Characterizing Reading Processes in Elderly Using Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy Brenda Miura Lunardi | Claudio Luiz da Silva | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 14:15 | 15/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -II 6. Plasticidade Neural, Cognição & Emoção e Memória & Aprendizado 6.063 Attentional mobilization and eye movements as instruments of investigation and e Leila Miguel Stávale 6.064 Plastic effects of caffeine in the superior colliculus of adolescent rats under normal and temporal retinal damage. Adrienne Dias Campos 6.065 EFFECTS OF MODERATE CONSUMPTION OF CAFFEINE IN ANIMAL MODEL OF RATS SELECT BY FREEZING BEHAVIOR Yasmin Oliveira de Nazareth 6.066 Cafeteria diet caused depressive behavior and obesity on female rats Any Caroline De Almeida 6.067 Potential for formation of categories of Capuchin Monkeys (Sapajus spp.) Olavo de Faria Galvão | Claudio Da Cunha | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 14:15 | 14/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -V 14. História, Educação e Arte, Ética, popularização e impacto social 14.007 PARADOX IN CONTINUING TEACHER EDUCATION: LACK OF KNOWLEGE BUT APPRECIATION OF POSSIBLE CONTRIBUTIONS OF NEUROSCIENCE TO INCLUSIVE EDUCATION Gizele Aparecida de Almeida 14.008 The use of social media and streaming services as a tool to spread knowledge about neuroscience Rafele Brandão Fonseca 14.009 Social media as a vehicle of scientific divulgation during the Coronavirus pandemic Vitória Max Azevedo de Almeida 14.010 NEUROSCIENCE AND EDUCATION - A MEETING WITH MANY POSSIBILITIES ERINETE DA SILVA LEITE 14.011 AN MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL HEALTH EDUCATIONAL APP FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL NATURAL SCIENCES TEACHERS. Ana Paula Araújo Silva dos Santos | João Vitor Galo Esteves | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 10:00 | 16/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -III 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.081 EFFECTS OF SHORT AND LONG-TERM SEPARATION IN NEONATAL MATERNAL PROTOCOL IN RATS Ana Claudia Jesse 12.082 Directional and color preference in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) Matheus Felipe Marcon 12.083 Anxiety-like behavior and oxidative damage following repeated ethanol exposure are protected by N-acetylcysteine in adult zebrafish Ricieri Naue Mocelin 12.084 Open field test in social isolated flies: centrophobicity and sexual dimorphism. FABIANI FERNANDA TRICHES 12.085 Deep Brain Stimulation of the dorsal raphe abolishes serotonin 1A facilitation of AMPA receptor-mediated synaptic currents in the ventral hippocampus Milena de Barros Viana 12.086 INFLUENCE OF THE HORMONE LEPTIN ON THE HIGHLY AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR OF MALE SWISS WEBSTER MICE Rafaela Santos Barbosa 12.087 GLIBENCLAMIDE TREATMENTS PREVENTS DEPRESSIVE-LIKE BEHAVIOR AND MEMORY IMPAIRMENT INDUCED BY CHRONIC UNPREDICTABLE STRESS IN FEMALE MICE Axel Fogaça Rosado 12.088 Long-term effects of juvenile chronic treatment with methylphenidate or fluoxetine in SHR and Wistar rats. Marcela Verginia de Medeiros 12.089 Environmental enrichment during stress decreases Bdnf expression in mice prefrontal cortex Nívea Karla de Gusmão Taveiros Silva | João Vitor Galo Esteves | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 10:00 | 15/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -III 16. Semana do Cérebro 16.001 Interdisciplinary activies of the Brain Week at Álvaro Fraga Moreira Public School Gabriel Victoriano dos Santos 16.002 1st Brain Week of Vale do São Francisco Carla Michele Vieira Dias 16.003 Girls in Science: getting to know… Juliana Martins de Souza de Jesus Vicente 16.004 Brain Awareness Week of UENP: five editions experience Renata Waner Mariquito 16.005 A smalltown, the fourth Brain Week and one objective: expansion of the Neuroscience knowledge to community with extramural activities Tamiris Prizon 16.006 8th BRAIN NATIONAL WEEK - UFRGS (2019) RENATA MENEZES ROSAT | Azair Liane Matos do Canto de Souza | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 10:00 | 15/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -I 11. Neurodegeneração, Envelhecimento e Distúrbios Neurológicos 11.046 Nerve regeneration and gait recovery by dimethyl fumarate after ventral root avulsion and reimplantation Paula Regina Gelinski Kempe 11.047 Influence of masticatory activity on stereological estimate of hippocampal astrocytes in CA1 layers of young murine model Matheus Oliveira Feijó 11.048 The qEEG monitoring reveals increased delta relative bandpower and delta indexes in rat acute model of ischemia/reperfusion Luan Oliveira Ferreira 11.049 Inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor type 1 translocates to the nucleus in mouse model of retinitis pigmentosa Théo Henrique de Lima Vasconcellos 11.050 Pregabalin-induced gait enhancement and protective effects on the peripheral nerve microenvironment in MDX mice Alex Dias Assis 11.051 MIR-22 PROMOTES NEURITE REGENERATION OF CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM NEURONS IN VITRO Carolina Gomes Ferreira 11.052 ANALYSIS OF THE PROTEIN EXPRESSION OF CX3CL1 IN A MURINE MODEL OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE Marcos Vinicius Santana dos Santos | Josiane Budni | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 10:00 | 14/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -III 15. Dependência de Drogas 15.001 ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL CHANGES UNDERLYING MORPHINE-INDUCED EXPRESSION OF PREFERENCE AND CONTEXT-TOLERANCE Franciely Paliarin 15.002 Diffusion Neuroimaging Evidence for White Matter Impairment in Cocaine Use Disorder Lucca Pizzato Tondo 15.003 Repeated crack cocaine administration alters panic-related responses and delta FosB protein expression in panic-modulating brain regions Barbara dos Anjos Rosário 15.004 WEEKLY ETHANOL EXPOSURE ALTERS DOPAMINERGIC PARAMETERS IN ZEBRAFISH BRAIN Eduardo Pacheco Rico 15.005 COMBINED EXPOSURE TO NICOTINE DURING THE POSTNATAL PERIOD AND IN ADULTHOOD - LOCOMOTOR ACTIVITY AND ANXIETY IN SWISS MICE Gabriel Estevam Santos de Amorim 15.006 Ayahuasca reduces 50kHz trill ultrassonic vocalization and hyperlocomotion-induced by lisdexamphetamine in rats Daiane Momo Daneluz 15.007 CONTEXT-DEPENDENT BLOCKING OF MORPHINE SENSITIZATION BY THE CB1 RECEPTOR ANTAGONIST RIMONABANT IN MICE Henrique Sousa Reis 15.008 Therapeutic effect of ayahuasca in ethanol addiction Victor Distefano Wiltenburg | Josiane Budni | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 10:00 | 15/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -VI 11. Neurodegeneração, Envelhecimento e Distúrbios Neurológicos 11.039 Insulin-producing cells from mesenchymal stromal cells: Protection against cognitive impairment upon subcutaneous implant site in diabetic rats Aline Moreira 11.040 INHIBITION OF STRIATAL PHOSPHODIESTERASE 10A ATTENUATES L-DOPA-INDUCED DYSKINESIAS BY FACILITATING CORTICOSTRIATAL TRANSMISSION Rayanne Poletti Guimarães 11.041 SEX MATTERS: INTRANASAL ADMINSTRATION OF MPTP INDUCES NON-MOTOR SYMPTOMS OF PARKINSON’S DISEASE SELECTIVELY IN C567BL/6 FEMALE MICE Dayse Fabiane Machado de Melo 11.042 CARDIORRESPIRATORY BIOFEEDBACK TRAINING EFFECT ON INSTITUTIONALIZED AND NON-INSTITUTIONALIZED ELDERLY Perciliany Martins de Souza 11.043 Parkinson’s disease and subthalamic stimulation: Modulation of the striatal glutamate, GABA and glycine in a 6-OHDA rat model Ana Carolina Pinheiro Campos 11.044 TGF-?1/SMAD2 AND HIPPO/YAP SIGNALLING PATHWAYS AS KEY FACTORS OF CHEMORESISTANCE IN RECURRENT GLIOBLASTOMA CELLS João Victor Roza Cruz 11.045 EFFECTS OF SPORADIC ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE ON BEHAVIORAL AND BIOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS THROUGH AGING Ana Paula Moreira | Josiane Budni | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 14:15 | 16/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -IV 15. Dependência de Drogas 15.009 Immunohistochemical Study of Acute Effects of Ethanol on Midbrain in Rats Breno Ferreira Silveira 15.010 Alcohol Chronic Consumption Effects on Decision-Making LaÍs da Silva Pereira 15.011 BINGE ETHANOL CONSUMPTION IMPAIRS SPATIAL WORKING MEMORY IN ADOLESCENT AND YOUNG ADULT RATS LIVIA CARLA DE MELO RODRIGUES 15.012 NAC reduces impairment of recognition and object location memory in adolescent rats subjected to a chronic compulsion EtOH model Matheus Loureiro das Neves 15.013 Sex Differences in Standard Reared C57BL/6J Mice, But Not Early Life Stress Exposed Animals, in Precipitated Withdrawal Following Chronic Fentanyl Administration Bernardo Aguzzoli Heberle 15.014 The endocannabinoid system and drug-associated contextual memories Aline de Castro Santos 15.015 Ayahuasca leads to anxiolytic effect in mice and decreased 5-HT2a levels after acute ethanol exposure in hippocampus Carolina Aparecida de Faria Almeida 15.016 EFFECTS OF PHYSICAL EXERCISE ON COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS OF INDIVIDUALS SUFFERING FROM DISORDER BY USE OF ALCOHOL AND OTHER ASSOCIATED DRUGS Regiane D. A. Silva¹ | Karina Possa Abrahão | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 14:15 | 15/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -III 11. Neurodegeneração, Envelhecimento e Distúrbios Neurológicos 11.016 DOPAMINERGIC SIGNALLING BEYOND NEURAL COMMUNICATION: THE IMMUNOMODULATORY ROLE OF DOPAMINE IN THE EXPERIMENTAL MODEL OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. Elaine Cristina Dalazen Gonçalves 11.017 CALORIC RESTRICTION AS A NEUROPROTECTIVE STRATEGY IN SENESCENT OBESE RATS Jeferson Jantsch 11.018 Neuroprotective effect of black carrot extract in rats submitted to the progressive parkinsonism model induced by reserpine. Alessandra 11.019 Senescent astrocytes show reduced synaptogenic potential and neuronal trophic support in vitro. Laís da Silva Neves 11.020 ASTROCYTE SENESCENCE IS ASSOCIATED WITH ALTERED NUCLEAR LAMINA MORPHOLOGY IN VITRO ISABELLA VIVARINI DAMICO 11.021 PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS ASSOCIATED WITH CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM INJURIES CAUSED BY COVID-19: A REVIEW Bárbara Dicarlo Costa Braga 11.022 Upregulation of oligodendrocyte gene transcripts in the prefrontal cortex of Wistar rats submitted to swimming exercise is impaired by cuprizone treatment Angela Elizabeth Gaio | Leandro José Bertoglio | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 10:00 | 15/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -VI 10. Dor 10.015 INVOLVEMENT OF ATP SENSITIVE POTASSIUM CHANNELS IN MEMBRANE DEPOLARIZATION INDUCE BY HIGH GLUCOSE IN NOCICEPTIVE NEURONS TAÍS DE CAMPOS LIMA 10.016 NEURONAL DEPOLARIZATION INDUCED BY THE ACTIVATION OF NMDA RECEPTORS IN SATELLITE GLIAL CELLS ON PRIMARY CULTURES OF RAT DORSAL ROOT GANGLIA Ronaldo de Almeida Júnior 10.017 EFFECT OF PHOTOBIOMODULATION ON WOUND HEALING, PAIN AND QUALITY OF LIFE OF DIABETIC PATIENTS Victória Regina da Silva Oliveira 10.018 Hipercaloric diet and chronic stress triggers changes in the olfactory bulb and nociceptive behavior Isabel Cristina De Macedo 10.019 Novo protocolo de eletroacupuntura induz analgesia prolongada em modelo pré-clínico de dor neuropática periférica Alexandre Souza Ruiz Gonçalves 10.020 EFFECT OF CANNABIDIOL ON THE MEDIAL PREFRONTAL CORTEX AND DORSAL HIPPOCAMPAL CONNECTION ON COGNITIVE AND EMOTIONAL ASPECTS IN CHRONIC NEUROPATHIC PAIN IN RATS Ana Carolina Medeiros | Marco Pagliusi Jr. | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 14:15 | 16/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -III 15. Dependência de Drogas 15.001 ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL CHANGES UNDERLYING MORPHINE-INDUCED EXPRESSION OF PREFERENCE AND CONTEXT-TOLERANCE Franciely Paliarin 15.002 Diffusion Neuroimaging Evidence for White Matter Impairment in Cocaine Use Disorder Lucca Pizzato Tondo 15.003 Repeated crack cocaine administration alters panic-related responses and delta FosB protein expression in panic-modulating brain regions Barbara dos Anjos Rosário 15.004 WEEKLY ETHANOL EXPOSURE ALTERS DOPAMINERGIC PARAMETERS IN ZEBRAFISH BRAIN Eduardo Pacheco Rico 15.005 COMBINED EXPOSURE TO NICOTINE DURING THE POSTNATAL PERIOD AND IN ADULTHOOD - LOCOMOTOR ACTIVITY AND ANXIETY IN SWISS MICE Gabriel Estevam Santos de Amorim 15.006 Ayahuasca reduces 50kHz trill ultrassonic vocalization and hyperlocomotion-induced by lisdexamphetamine in rats Daiane Momo Daneluz 15.007 CONTEXT-DEPENDENT BLOCKING OF MORPHINE SENSITIZATION BY THE CB1 RECEPTOR ANTAGONIST RIMONABANT IN MICE Henrique Sousa Reis 15.008 Therapeutic effect of ayahuasca in ethanol addiction Victor Distefano Wiltenburg | Marco Pagliusi Jr. | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 10:00 | 15/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -V 6. Plasticidade Neural, Cognição & Emoção e Memória & Aprendizado 6.037 Systems Consolidation and Generalization of a Contextual Fear Memory: Participation of the Lateral Entorhinal Cortex Fernanda Nogueira Lotz Alves 6.038 Kalulu as a different way to teach and learn: A fun tool for early literacy skills Camilo Ernesto Subenko Olalla 6.039 MAKING A CAKE OR MAKING MY DAY? AN EEG STUDY ON THE PROCESSING OF FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE Edgard Pereira Neves 6.040 Acute exposure to the Mimosa tenuiflora (willd.) Poiret extract containing N, N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) reduces the locomotion of adolescent Wistar rats Italo Ramon Rodrigues Menezes 6.041 Intelligence quotient and working memory predicts event-related potential amplitudes of gifted and average adolescents in a mental rotation task Sóstenes Silva de Oliveira 6.042 Modulation of the consolidation and reconsolidation of fear memory by three different serotonin receptors in hippocampus Ana Karla Oliveira Leite 6.043 The roles of membrane and secreted ?Klotho in neuronal morphology Marina Minto Cararo Lopes 6.044 Perception of Risks of Media Use Associated With Impaired Driving, Study/Work and Sleep Ohana Turcato Macacare 6.045 Social interaction stimuli change the sociability and responsiveness of facial muscles Kíssyla Christine Duarte Lacerda | Olavo Bohrer Amaral | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 10:00 | 16/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -VI 11. Neurodegeneração, Envelhecimento e Distúrbios Neurológicos 11.039 Insulin-producing cells from mesenchymal stromal cells: Protection against cognitive impairment upon subcutaneous implant site in diabetic rats Aline Moreira 11.040 INHIBITION OF STRIATAL PHOSPHODIESTERASE 10A ATTENUATES L-DOPA-INDUCED DYSKINESIAS BY FACILITATING CORTICOSTRIATAL TRANSMISSION Rayanne Poletti Guimarães 11.041 SEX MATTERS: INTRANASAL ADMINSTRATION OF MPTP INDUCES NON-MOTOR SYMPTOMS OF PARKINSON’S DISEASE SELECTIVELY IN C567BL/6 FEMALE MICE Dayse Fabiane Machado de Melo 11.042 CARDIORRESPIRATORY BIOFEEDBACK TRAINING EFFECT ON INSTITUTIONALIZED AND NON-INSTITUTIONALIZED ELDERLY Perciliany Martins de Souza 11.043 Parkinson’s disease and subthalamic stimulation: Modulation of the striatal glutamate, GABA and glycine in a 6-OHDA rat model Ana Carolina Pinheiro Campos 11.044 TGF-?1/SMAD2 AND HIPPO/YAP SIGNALLING PATHWAYS AS KEY FACTORS OF CHEMORESISTANCE IN RECURRENT GLIOBLASTOMA CELLS João Victor Roza Cruz 11.045 EFFECTS OF SPORADIC ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE ON BEHAVIORAL AND BIOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS THROUGH AGING Ana Paula Moreira | Raquel Maria P Campos | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 14:15 | 16/10/2020 15:45 |
Canabinoides e Neuropatologias: O envolvimento dos endocanabinoide e o uso da Cannabis medicinal Aula-2: Dor Neuropática e canabinoides: alterações celulares e moleculares por trás da patologia e seu tratamento | Raquel Maria P Campos | CURSO | 15/10/2020 9:00 | 15/10/2020 9:50 |
Apresentações Orais III Área- 1. Desenvolvimento do Sistema Nervoso & Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento Apresentador: Rosana Camarini 1.017 USE OF ETHANOL DURING PREGNANCY AND LACTATION CAUSES EFFECT ON PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT OF OFFSPRING Thalma Ariani Freitas 1.018 Autism Spectrum Disorders and drug discovery: exposure of zebrafish to valproic acid as a translational research model Karla Cristinne Mancini Costa 1.019 SINGLE-DOSE OF ANTIPURINERGIC THERAPY RESCUES SOCIAL IMPAIRMENTS AND INCREASED IL-6 IN THE VALPROIC ACID-INDUCED ANIMAL MODEL OF AUTISM iohanna deckmann 1.020 Effects of antipurinergic therapy on anxiety-like behavior and purinergic receptor expression in the valproic acid-induced animal model of autism Júlio Santos Terra Machado 1.021 The Development of Joint Attention in Toddlers: an Eye-tracking Study Yasmin dos Anjos de Deus Cardoso 1.022 Administration of Plinia Trunciflora Extract has Neuroprotective Effects in Wistar Rats Submitted to Neonatal Hypoxia-Ischemia ANDREY VINICIOS SOARES CARVALHO 1.023 Behavioral alterations in autism model induced by valproic acid and translational analysis of circulating microRNA Mellanie Fontes Dutra da Silva 1.024 Exposure to imidacloprid promotes behavioral changes associated with decreased dopamine levels and increased reactive species in a model of neurodevelopmental disorder in Drosophila melanogaster Dieniffer Espinosa Janner | Rodrigo Neves Romcy Pereira | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 10:00 | 15/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -I 6. Plasticidade Neural, Cognição & Emoção e Memória & Aprendizado 6.055 INTRACEREBELLAR MICROINJECTION OF D2 ANTAGONIST ETICLOPRIDE IMPROVE AVERSIVE MEMORY ACQUISITION IN MICE Evelyn Maria Guilherme 6.056 Left and right ventral hippocampus in processing episodic memories Ariela Maltarolo Crestani 6.057 Effects on the long-term plasticity induced by a spike timing dependent model in the CA3-CA1 circuit Alicia Moraes Tamais 6.058 Neuropsychological correlates of reading and writing acquisition by children in the TROG task Victória Elizabeth Pereira Fernandez Okamoto de Azevedo 6.059 COGNITIVE EVALUATION OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS EXPOSED TO THE MULTIVECTORIAL PYRAMIDAL TEACHING METHOD ELDRA CARVALHO DA SILVA 6.060 Lavado vaginal induz prejuízo na memória e aumento da corticosterona sérica Marcela Becegato dos Santos 6.061 Development of verbal fluency in children with typical and delayed acquisition of reading and writing. Diego Siqueira de Lima Teixeira 6.062 Climbing-task test in laboratory rats: females were more motivated than males. Tamires Martins | Zuleide Maria Ignácio | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 10:00 | 14/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -IV 15. Dependência de Drogas 15.009 Immunohistochemical Study of Acute Effects of Ethanol on Midbrain in Rats Breno Ferreira Silveira 15.010 Alcohol Chronic Consumption Effects on Decision-Making LaÍs da Silva Pereira 15.011 BINGE ETHANOL CONSUMPTION IMPAIRS SPATIAL WORKING MEMORY IN ADOLESCENT AND YOUNG ADULT RATS LIVIA CARLA DE MELO RODRIGUES 15.012 NAC reduces impairment of recognition and object location memory in adolescent rats subjected to a chronic compulsion EtOH model Matheus Loureiro das Neves 15.013 Sex Differences in Standard Reared C57BL/6J Mice, But Not Early Life Stress Exposed Animals, in Precipitated Withdrawal Following Chronic Fentanyl Administration Bernardo Aguzzoli Heberle 15.014 The endocannabinoid system and drug-associated contextual memories Aline de Castro Santos 15.015 Ayahuasca leads to anxiolytic effect in mice and decreased 5-HT2a levels after acute ethanol exposure in hippocampus Carolina Aparecida de Faria Almeida 15.016 EFFECTS OF PHYSICAL EXERCISE ON COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS OF INDIVIDUALS SUFFERING FROM DISORDER BY USE OF ALCOHOL AND OTHER ASSOCIATED DRUGS Regiane D. A. Silva¹ | Zuleide Maria Ignácio | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 14:15 | 15/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -VI 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.108 Use of the Muller-Lyer illusion in non-human primates as a model for evaluating sensory changes induced by NMDA blocking drugs Pedro Henrique Coelho Cordeiro 12.109 Evaluation participation of the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis (BNST) and CRF1 receptor in the anxiety-like behaviors response in C57BL/6 mice Amanda Soares Lima 12.110 HANDLING OF PREY IMPAIRS PHARMACOLOGICAL TREATMENTS OF THE VENTROMEDIAL HYPOTHALAMUS EFFECTS ON INNATE DEFENSIVE RESPONSES EVOKED BY CAVIA PORCELLUS THREATENED BY SNAKES Yara Bezerra de Paiva 12.111 L-NAME PREVENTS ANXIETY-LIKE BEHAVIOR AND OXIDATIVE STRESS INDUCED BY HIGH CAFFEINE INTAKE IN ZEBRAFISH Patrick Bruno Cardoso Costa 12.112 CHILDHOOD MALTREATMENT VICTIMS ARE MORE PRONE TO EXPERIENCE OTHER TRAUMATIC EVENTS Camila Monteiro Fabrício Gama 12.113 SYSTEMIC TREATMENT WITH CANNABIDIOL IN CARIOCA HIGH- AND LOW-CONDITIONED FREEZING RATS IN THE CHRONIC PAIN MODEL Carolina Macêdo de Souza | Zuleide Maria Ignácio | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 14:15 | 16/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -III 16. Semana do Cérebro 16.001 Interdisciplinary activies of the Brain Week at Álvaro Fraga Moreira Public School Gabriel Victoriano dos Santos 16.002 1st Brain Week of Vale do São Francisco Carla Michele Vieira Dias 16.003 Girls in Science: getting to know… Juliana Martins de Souza de Jesus Vicente 16.004 Brain Awareness Week of UENP: five editions experience Renata Waner Mariquito 16.005 A smalltown, the fourth Brain Week and one objective: expansion of the Neuroscience knowledge to community with extramural activities Tamiris Prizon 16.006 8th BRAIN NATIONAL WEEK - UFRGS (2019) RENATA MENEZES ROSAT | Norberto Garcia-Cairasco | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 10:00 | 15/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -II 11. Neurodegeneração, Envelhecimento e Distúrbios Neurológicos 11.053 PROTECTIVE EFFECT OF LUTEIN ON LOCOMOTOR ACTIVITY IN THE EXPERIMENTAL MODEL OF PARKINSON’S DISEASE IN Drosophila melanogaster ROTENONE-INDUCED Jocemara Corrêa Reginaldo 11.054 Antiepileptic effect of Lippia grata complexed with beta-cyclodextrin in pilocarpine-induced seizures in mice Vanessa Alexandre da Silva 11.055 The ins and outs of neuronal counting: a comparison between cytochemistry and retrograde tracing. Natália Scanavachia da Silva 11.056 THE INFLUENCE OF 14 SESSIONS OF CARDIORESPIRATORY BIOFEEDBACK TRAINING IN INSTITUTIONALIZED AND NON INSTITUTIONALIZED ELDERLY Luíza Araújo Diniz 11.057 Effect of naringin and naringenin loaded-nanocapsules on depression-like behavior and oxidative stress in mice exposed to STZ Renata Gancine Budel | Norberto Garcia-Cairasco | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 14:15 | 14/10/2020 15:45 |
Momento de Reflexão: Uma Visão Multiétnica do Mundo e do Comportamento Coordenador: Norberto Garcia-Cairasco (FMRP-USP) A Identidade de um Neurocientista Latinoamericano: Do Mito Pré-Colombiano do Eldorado aos desafios da Contemporaneidade". Norberto Garcia-Cairasco (FMRP-USP) | Norberto Garcia-Cairasco | MESA REDONDA | 13/10/2020 9:30 | 13/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -I 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse Apresentador: Denis Broock Rosemberg 12.063 TONIC IMMOBILITY PREDICTS PTSD SYMPTOMS IN TRAUMATIZED ADOLESCENTS andressa acar magalhaes 12.064 Where does the side matter? Lateralized DeltaFosB expression in the dorsal hippocampus of stress resilient and susceptible rats Gessynger Morais Silva 12.065 Transgenic rats over-expressing full-length human DISC1 show decreased Ndel1 oligopeptidase activity, aberrant neurodevelopment and impaired behavior João Victor Silva Nani 12.066 Interactive effects in schizophrenia and nicotine in an animal model Luciana Araujo Couto 12.067 EFFECTS OF THE UNDERWATER TRAUMA PROTOCOL ON THE BEHAVIOURAL PROFILE WISTAR RATS Natália Cristina Zanta 12.068 Altered BDNF-TrkB and glutamate receptor gene expression in the Flinders Sensitive Line rat following treatment with Cannabidiol. Gabriela Pandini Silote 12.069 Absence of iNOS or IL-10 induces different responsiveness to chronic stress in mice: role of adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Gabriel Gripp Fernandes 12.070 Early life stress enhances anxious-like behavior in prepubertal male mice but not female, and interaction between stress and increase of dopamine levels enhance locomotor activity in females but not males Ana Luiza Araujo Lima Reis 12.071 EFFECTS OF 2,4-DICHLOROPHENOXYACETIC ACID HERBICIDE ON THE BEHAVIOR OF ADULT ZEBRAFISH Danio rerio. Rafael Kremer | Alexandre Leite Rodrigues de Oliveira | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 10:00 | 14/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -VI 6. Plasticidade Neural, Cognição & Emoção e Memória & Aprendizado 6.046 Behavioral effects of acute exposure to the Mimosa tenuiflora (Willd.) Poiret extract containing a microdose of DMT (N, N-dimethyltryptamine) in rats Cíntia Emi Yanaguibashi Leal 6.047 Nucleus Reuniens controls contextual fear memory destabilization Fernanda Troyner 6.048 Effects of hormone use in experimental focal ischemia model Wallaci Pimentel Valentino 6.049 DEPRESSION, ANXIETY AND LONELINESS IN STUDENTS FROM THE FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF OURO PRETO (UFOP) Fabiana Cristina de Oliveira Souza 6.050 COMPARISON OF COGNITIVE FUNCTIONING BETWEEN ELDERLY WHO PRACTICE EXERGAMES AND STRENGTH TRAINING: A CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY Elizabete de Oliveira Barbosa 6.051 EVALUATION OF THE EFFECT OF DIABETES MELLITUS TYPE 1 INDUCED BY STREPTOZOTOCIN IN THE MEMORY AND LEARNING OF YOUNG WISTAR RATS. Miriara Borges Leal 6.052 Yoga practice’s long-term effects under anxiety, depression and loneliness. Esther Vitória Guimarães Silva 6.053 Does the role of the dorsal hippocampus CA3 in recognition memory modulation have a functional lateralization? Gabrielle Araujo Pimentel 6.054 Emotional regulation modulates isolation feelings upon exposure to social interaction contexts Bruna Eugênia Ferreira Mota | Alexandre Leite Rodrigues de Oliveira | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 14:15 | 16/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -II 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.018 EVALUATION OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW IN ANIMALS UNDER STRESS REGROUPING OF THE SPONTANEOUS MODEL OF AGGRESSIVENESS Betina Domingos Esteves 12.019 Rats maternal obesity induces male offspring depressive behavior and higher body fat percentage. Mateus Monteiro Cereijo 12.020 Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol impairs fear memory labilization - the putative involvement of hippocampal GluN2A-containing NMDA receptors Ana Maria Raymundi 12.021 A model to study orienting responses in zebrafish, and applications towards the emotion–cognition interaction Bianca Gomes do Nascimento 12.022 ANALYSIS OF CX3CL1 PRODUCTION IN iPSC-DERIVED ASTROCYTES FROM SCHIZOPHRENIC PATIENTS AND THE ROLE OF ADAM10 AND ADAM17 IN ITS PROCESSING Juliana Paiva Silveira Lacerda 12.023 Analysis of the aggressive behavior of Cariocas low- and high-conditioned freezing rats in the Resident-intruder Paradigm Ariadne Fantesia de Jesus 12.024 Empathy in mice: Anterior cingulated cortex modulates anxiety like-behavior in cagemates that lived with conspecifics submitted to chronic restraint stress Lara Maria Silveira 12.025 Involvement of GABAergic neurotransmission of the inferior colliculus, by activating 5-HT2A receptors, in mediating the pre-pulse inhibition response of the acoustic startle reflex in male Wistar rats Rodolpho Pereira de Oliveira 12.026 ALTERED 2-AG AND AEA LEVELS AND SUSCEPTIBILITY TO STRESS IN WISTAR HANNOVER AND SPRAGUE-DAWLEY RATS SUBJECTED TO THE LEARNED HELPLESSNESS PARADIGM Kennia Moura Silveira | Marcus Vinícius Chrysóstomo Baldo | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 14:15 | 14/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -IV 6. Plasticidade Neural, Cognição & Emoção e Memória & Aprendizado 6.028 Involvement of D2 striatal receptors on freezing response in rats João Vitor de Luca Refundini 6.029 Environmental enrichment associated with endurance exercise improves motor rehabilitation in a mouse model of isquemic stroke Daniella Cristina de Assis Pinto Gomes 6.030 PRESENCE OF SHORT-TERM VISUOSPATIAL MEMORY IMPAIRMENT IN INDIVIDUALS WITH CHRONIC MIGRAINE Mírian Celly Medeiros Miranda David 6.031 IMPACT OF THE CHRONIC MIGRAINE ON THE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY LEVEL OF AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS Gilberto Ramos Vieira 6.032 Chemical inactivation of the orbitofrontal cortex produces an anxiolytic-like effect in mice exposed to a model of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Luiz Augusto Rosa 6.033 Involvement of the anterior cingulate cortex serotonergic system on trait anxiety THIAGO HENRIQUE ALMEIDA SOUZA 6.034 ACTIVATION OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM DURING PREGNANCY WITH ANTIGENS IN THE INFLUENZA VACCINE RESULTS IN DEPRESSIVE-LIKE BEHAVIORS AND IMPAIRED LEARNING AND MEMORY: EFFECTS OF TRANS-RESVERATROL TREATMENT. Rener Mateus Francisco Duarte 6.035 Contextual fear memory specificity and extinction require infralimbic cortex activity and protein synthesis during consolidation Hugo Bayer Reichmann 6.036 What do rats use to estimate a time interval? Kátia Selene de Melo | Marcus Vinícius Chrysóstomo Baldo | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 14:15 | 15/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -III 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.027 Assessing quality of systematic reviews and meta-analysis on adult hippocampal neurogenesis using RoB Syrcle tool Juliana Aparecida Bolzan 12.028 Changes in autophagy-related proteins and immediate behavioral responses in female mice submitted to two hits of early-life stress Bruna Caroline Pierone 12.029 INVESTIGATION OF ANXIETY-LIKE BEHAVIORS IN LDLr KNOCKOUT (LDLr-/-) MICE, AN ANIMAL MODEL OF FAMILIAL HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA Cibele Martins Pinho 12.030 ANTIDEPRESSANT-LIKE EFFECT FROM p-COUMARIC ACID: INVOLVEMENT OF SEROTONINERGIC, DOPAMINERGIC AND NORADRENERGIC RECEPTORS Sahra Gabriela Roedel 12.031 Early-Life Status Epilepticus Without Neuron Loss: Behavioral Abnormalities Are Related with Changes in Hippocampal-Prefrontal Connectivity Rafael Naime Ruggiero 12.032 Behavioral and mesolimbic electrophysiological alterations in an animal model of postictal psychosis Tamiris Prizon 12.033 EARLY LIFE STRESS ALTERS THE BEHAVIOR OF PREPUBERTAL FEMALE MICE Taciane Fernanda Valadares Reis 12.034 Effects of nicotine exposure in a neonatal model of schizophrenia Thainá Pereira de Souza 12.035 THE NEUROBIOLOGY OF ADHD: THE ROLE OF DOPAMINE IN THE DISORDER Sheila Wayszceyk | Fabio Antonio Vigil | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 10:00 | 15/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentações Orais VI 2. Sinaptogênese, Glia e Fatores Tróficos 2.007 Programming by caloric restriction as an astrogliosis inducer throughout life Gabriela Larissa Lima da Silva 2.008 REGULAR SWIMMING EXERCISE MODULATES BRAIN-DERIVED NEUROTROPHIC FACTOR IN THE CEREBELLUM OF CUPRIZONE TREATED WISTAR RATS Aline de Campos Paixão Bertazzi 2.009 EVALUATION OF THE INFLUENCE OF ANESTHESIA ON TRANSCRANIAL DIRECT-CURRENT STIMULATION (tDCS) IN NAIVE RATS IN RELATION TO S100B LEVELS Lisandra Eda Fusinato Zin 2.010 IN VITRO SPINAL CORD MICROGLIAL ACTIVATION BY HEAT SHOCK PROTEINS RELEASED UNDER DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES Bianca Caroline Bobotis 2.011 Interferon-beta modulates expression of major histocompatibility complex of class I (MHC-I) and pro-inflammatory cytokines in cultivated human astrocytes. Raffaela Silvestre Ignarro 2.013 Teneurin-2 and its related proteins in the central nervous system using an adult rat model of lithium chloride-pilocarpine-induced epilepsy. An immunohistochemical, histochemical and gene expression study. Gestter Willian Lattari Tessarin 2.014 Progress in the spinal motoneuron response to injury: from experimental surgery to in vivo imaging Luciana Politti Cartarozzi | Fabio Antonio Vigil | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 14:15 | 16/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral II Área- 1. Desenvolvimento do Sistema Nervoso & Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento 1.009- PACAP-38 MODULATES GROWTH AND ADHESION OF GLIAL CELLS FOLLOWING SCRATCH INJURY OF MONOLAYER RETINAL CULTURES. Thayane Martins Silva 1.010- Behavioral assessment of Wistar rats prenatally treated with valproic acid from mothers exposed to different environment conditions. Cássia Suzuki Caires 1.011- ASSOCIATION BETWEEN WORKING MEMORY AND MANUAL DEXTERITY IN DYSLEXIC CHILDREN. Sara Edith Souza de Assis Leão 1.012- PHARMACOLOGICAL MODULATION OF SEROTONERGIC SYSTEM DURING PERINATAL PERIOD BY PAROXETINE HYDROCHLORIDE AND ITS PSYCHOBIOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCES. Samantha da Silva Souza Silva 1.013- Ouabain modulates the cholinergic profile of rat retinal cells maintained in culture. Michelle Rodrigues de Oliveira 1.014- Ouabain promotes M2 microglial polarization in rat retinal cell cultures. Amanda Candida da Rocha Oliveira 1.015- Immunological effects of the administration of Lactobacillus rhamnosus during pregnancy and lactation in female and male rats. Thaís Ferreira de Barros 1.016- MYELINATION AND GLYCOSAMINOGLYCANS ALTERATIONS ARE RELATED TO INCREASED EXCITABILITY AFTER CORTICAL MALFORMATION . Debora Magalhaes Portela | Vinicius Oliveira | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 14:15 | 14/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -II 9. Sistemas Sensoriais e Motores 9.008 The influence of physical exercise practice on the children´s cognitive development at different biological maturation stages Eduardo Becker Nicoliche 9.009 CORRELATION BETWEEN RESULTS OF COLOR ORDERING TESTS AND COLOR DISCRIMINATION ANDREW DE SOUSA CAIRES 9.010 Reading through the eyes: pupil dilation as a measure of word recognition and cognitive load in dyslexia Bruce Martins de Santana 9.011 Behavioral changes in ischemic Gerbils induced by nicotine exposure and acupuncture in E36 and BP9 acupoints Kelly Zhang 9.012 Density and distribution of retinal ganglion cells and visual acuity of Viperidae snakes Juliana Hiromi Tashiro 9.013 IMPLICATIONS OF LOCAL GLUTAMATE ADMINISTRATION IN THE ACHILLES TENDON ON THE HISTOLOGICAL AND MOTOR RESPONSE IN RATS José Lopes de Mendonça Neto 9.014 Genetic characterization and estimates of the spectral absorption peaks of the visual photopigments of the red ear turtle (Trachemys scripta elegans) (Testudine, Emydidae). Vitor Henrique Corredor | Carina Rodrigues Boeck | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 14:15 | 14/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -IV 6. Plasticidade Neural, Cognição & Emoção e Memória & Aprendizado 6.028 Involvement of D2 striatal receptors on freezing response in rats João Vitor de Luca Refundini 6.029 Environmental enrichment associated with endurance exercise improves motor rehabilitation in a mouse model of isquemic stroke Daniella Cristina de Assis Pinto Gomes 6.030 PRESENCE OF SHORT-TERM VISUOSPATIAL MEMORY IMPAIRMENT IN INDIVIDUALS WITH CHRONIC MIGRAINE Mírian Celly Medeiros Miranda David 6.031 IMPACT OF THE CHRONIC MIGRAINE ON THE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY LEVEL OF AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS Gilberto Ramos Vieira 6.032 Chemical inactivation of the orbitofrontal cortex produces an anxiolytic-like effect in mice exposed to a model of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Luiz Augusto Rosa 6.033 Involvement of the anterior cingulate cortex serotonergic system on trait anxiety THIAGO HENRIQUE ALMEIDA SOUZA 6.034 ACTIVATION OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM DURING PREGNANCY WITH ANTIGENS IN THE INFLUENZA VACCINE RESULTS IN DEPRESSIVE-LIKE BEHAVIORS AND IMPAIRED LEARNING AND MEMORY: EFFECTS OF TRANS-RESVERATROL TREATMENT. Rener Mateus Francisco Duarte 6.035 Contextual fear memory specificity and extinction require infralimbic cortex activity and protein synthesis during consolidation Hugo Bayer Reichmann 6.036 What do rats use to estimate a time interval? Kátia Selene de Melo | Carina Rodrigues Boeck | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 14:15 | 15/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -I 9. Sistemas Sensoriais e Motores 9.001 Rescue of spinal motoneurons by interferon beta (IFN-Beta) low-dose treatment in pre-symptomatic SOD1G93A female mice Ana Laura Midori Rossi Tomiyama 9.002 KINEMATICS ANALYSIS OF MOTOR CONTROL OF UPPER LIMBS Narrery Silva dos Santos 9.003 COCHLEAR NUCLEUS OF FLAT-FACED FRUIT-EATING BAT (Artibeus planirostris): A STEREOLOGICAL, MORPHOMETRICAL AND IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY STUDY. Eryck Holmes Alves da Silva 9.004 AUSÊNCIA DE DISCRIMINAÇÃO DE FORMA EM ESTÍMULOS DE MOSAICOS COM CONTRASTE DE LUMINÂNCIA E DE COR EM MACACOS-PREGO Fernanda Mendes Rabelo 9.005 Second order vision clinical aplications Otávio Corrêa Pinho 9.006 Cross tolerance in catalepsy and motor activity after subchronic administration of L-NOARG and D2R blockers Nathalia Carrijo Oliveira 9.007 Morphology of the Parrot Brain (Amazona aestiva) Giulia Escuciato Schick | Luana Leão | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 10:00 | 14/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral III 4. Neurogenética 4.008 IP3R1 regulates neuritogenesis process of specific retinal cells Giulia Ribeiro de Carvalho 4.009 Enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (EZH2) as a modulator in the intertalking between innate and adaptive immune responses after spinal cord injury Maria Luiza da Silva Carvalho 4.010 Functional role of MyD88 on neuroinflammation process after spinal cord contusion BEATRIZ CINTRA MORENA 4.011 The influence of ASMR in SHR and SLA16 rat strains Luanna Gabriela Völz 4.012 Enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (EZH2) role in astrocytes: a possible key modulator of reactivity and response after spinal cord injury. Felipe Fernandes Correia 4.013 Argonaute-2 translocates to the nucleus and may be involved with amacrine cell fate during retinal development Marília Inês Móvio | Luana Leão | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 10:00 | 15/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -VI 11. Neurodegeneração, Envelhecimento e Distúrbios Neurológicos 11.039 Insulin-producing cells from mesenchymal stromal cells: Protection against cognitive impairment upon subcutaneous implant site in diabetic rats Aline Moreira 11.040 INHIBITION OF STRIATAL PHOSPHODIESTERASE 10A ATTENUATES L-DOPA-INDUCED DYSKINESIAS BY FACILITATING CORTICOSTRIATAL TRANSMISSION Rayanne Poletti Guimarães 11.041 SEX MATTERS: INTRANASAL ADMINSTRATION OF MPTP INDUCES NON-MOTOR SYMPTOMS OF PARKINSON’S DISEASE SELECTIVELY IN C567BL/6 FEMALE MICE Dayse Fabiane Machado de Melo 11.042 CARDIORRESPIRATORY BIOFEEDBACK TRAINING EFFECT ON INSTITUTIONALIZED AND NON-INSTITUTIONALIZED ELDERLY Perciliany Martins de Souza 11.043 Parkinson’s disease and subthalamic stimulation: Modulation of the striatal glutamate, GABA and glycine in a 6-OHDA rat model Ana Carolina Pinheiro Campos 11.044 TGF-?1/SMAD2 AND HIPPO/YAP SIGNALLING PATHWAYS AS KEY FACTORS OF CHEMORESISTANCE IN RECURRENT GLIOBLASTOMA CELLS João Victor Roza Cruz 11.045 EFFECTS OF SPORADIC ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE ON BEHAVIORAL AND BIOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS THROUGH AGING Ana Paula Moreira | Luana Leão | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 14:15 | 16/10/2020 15:45 |
Apresentação Oral -I 11. Neurodegeneração, Envelhecimento e Distúrbios Neurológicos 11.001 EPILEPSY IN NORTHERN BRAZIL: CLINICAL AND SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC ASPECTS IN PATIENTS FROM BELÉM, PARÁ Veronica Gabriela Ribeiro da Silva 11.002 Gold nanoparticles treatment prevents the cognitive and neurochemical alterations induced by hypercholesterolemia: experimental findings Julia Nostrani Martins 11.003 B1 VITAMIN RESTORES RISK ASSESSMENT BEHAVIOR IN MALE WISTAR RATS SUBMITTED TO THE APPLICATION OF CISPLATIN. Beatriz Souza Martins 11.004 SODIUM BUTYRATE PREVENTED THE INCREASE OF CYTOKINES AND KYNURENINE LEVELS IN LPS-INDUCED HUMAN PRIMARY ASTROCYTES Michelle Lima Garcez 11.005 Influence of masticatory activity on quantitative evaluation of hippocampal astrocytes in CA1 layers of senil murine model Fernanda Beatriz Araújo de Albuquerque 11.006 BEHAVIORAL CHANGES AFTER OPHTHALMIC INSTILLATION OF Toxoplasma gondii TACHYZOITES Gabrielly Lisboa da Silva Soares 11.007 COGNITIVE PERFORMANCE in INSTITUTIONALIZED ELDERLY with DEPRESSIVE SYMPTOMS Laís Francielle Francisca Felício | Mateus Vidigal de Castro | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 10:00 | 21/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -V 10. Dor 10.008 Empathy for pain: Interplay between 5-HT3 receptors and cannabidiol within amygdala in mice Lígia Renata Rodrigues Tavares 10.009 Contribution of neutrophils Cox-2 expression in inflammatory hyperalgesia in Knockout mice. Nathalia Santos Carvalho 10.010 Anxiogenic-like behaviors induced by living with a conspecific in chronic pain are attenuated by systemic injection of cannabidiol in mice Leonardo Abdelnur Petrilli 10.011 Time perception and pain: can a temporal illusion reduce the experience of pain? VANESSA DE SOUZA ZANIRATO MAIA 10.012 Transcranial direct current stimulation-induced analgesia in neuropathic rats is mediated by spinal TRPV1 and pERK control MARCOS RODRIGO JERONIMO DA COSTA 10.013 Anxiety-like behavior is modulated by transcranial direct current stimulation and exercise in a neuropathic pain model: Role of neurotrophic factors Bettega Costa Lopes 10.014 ANTINOCICEPTIVE EFFECT INDUCED BY A PRO-ENKEPHALIN-DERIVED PEPTIDE IN AN EXPERIMENTAL DIABETIC NEUROPATHY MODEL Giancarlo Giunti | Mateus Vidigal de Castro | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 10:00 | 16/10/2020 11:30 |
Momento de Reflexão: Uma Visão Multiétnica do Mundo e do Comportamento . Resiliência: Percepções e Desafios Étnicos para um Jovem Neurocientista" Olagide Wagner Castro (UFAL) | Olagide Wagner Castro | MESA REDONDA | 13/10/2020 9:30 | 13/10/2020 11:30 |
Momento de Reflexão: Uma Visão Multiétnica do Mundo e do Comportamento Coordenador: Norberto Garcia-Cairasco (FMRP-USP) Resiliência: Percepções e Desafios Étnicos para um Jovem Neurocientista" | Tiago de Oliveira Nhandewa | MESA REDONDA | 13/10/2020 9:30 | 13/10/2020 11:30 |
Momento de Reflexão: Uma Visão Multiétnica do Mundo e do Comportamento Coordenador: Norberto Garcia-Cairasco (FMRP-USP) O Neurofilósofo do Amanhã, pela Visão de Mundo Criada por um Jovem Negro, ex-Menor da Febem. " | Claudio Luiz da Silva | MESA REDONDA | 13/10/2020 9:30 | 13/10/2020 11:30 |
Linha de Pesquisa: Neurobiologia das emoções e do comportamento agressivo, violento e impulsivo | Rosa Maria Martins de Almeida | HAPPY HOUR | 13/10/2020 18:30 | 13/10/2020 20:00 |
Apresentação Oral -I 11. Neurodegeneração, Envelhecimento e Distúrbios Neurológicos 11.046 Nerve regeneration and gait recovery by dimethyl fumarate after ventral root avulsion and reimplantation Paula Regina Gelinski Kempe 11.047 Influence of masticatory activity on stereological estimate of hippocampal astrocytes in CA1 layers of young murine model Matheus Oliveira Feijó 11.048 The qEEG monitoring reveals increased delta relative bandpower and delta indexes in rat acute model of ischemia/reperfusion Luan Oliveira Ferreira 11.049 Inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor type 1 translocates to the nucleus in mouse model of retinitis pigmentosa Théo Henrique de Lima Vasconcellos 11.050 Pregabalin-induced gait enhancement and protective effects on the peripheral nerve microenvironment in MDX mice Alex Dias Assis 11.051 MIR-22 PROMOTES NEURITE REGENERATION OF CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM NEURONS IN VITRO Carolina Gomes Ferreira 11.052 ANALYSIS OF THE PROTEIN EXPRESSION OF CX3CL1 IN A MURINE MODEL OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE Marcos Vinicius Santana dos Santos | Rachel Krolow Santos Silva Bast | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 14/10/2020 10:00 | 14/10/2020 11:30 |
Construção, interpretação e limitações dos modelos em Neurociências Aula-2: Importância do enriquecimento ambiental para translação nas Neurociências | Giordano Gubert Viola | CURSO | 15/10/2020 9:00 | 15/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral III 4. Neurogenética 4.008 IP3R1 regulates neuritogenesis process of specific retinal cells Giulia Ribeiro de Carvalho 4.009 Enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (EZH2) as a modulator in the intertalking between innate and adaptive immune responses after spinal cord injury Maria Luiza da Silva Carvalho 4.010 Functional role of MyD88 on neuroinflammation process after spinal cord contusion BEATRIZ CINTRA MORENA 4.011 The influence of ASMR in SHR and SLA16 rat strains Luanna Gabriela Völz 4.012 Enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (EZH2) role in astrocytes: a possible key modulator of reactivity and response after spinal cord injury. Felipe Fernandes Correia 4.013 Argonaute-2 translocates to the nucleus and may be involved with amacrine cell fate during retinal development Marília Inês Móvio | Luzia Sampaio | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 10:00 | 15/10/2020 11:30 |
Neurociências e Comportamento Motor Aula-3: Transtornos do neurodesenvolvimento e alterações Motoras | João Vitor Galo Esteves | CURSO | 16/10/2020 9:00 | 16/10/2020 9:50 |
Apresentação Oral -V 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.099 Mood-like states in Fish: Judgement bias and Scototaxis tests to measure long-term emotional responses in Zebrafish. Jhon Buenhombre 12.100 BDNF increase in the hippocampal formation and inflammation differently mediates general and social anxiety-like behaviors induced by HSHF diet withdrawal. Breno Picin Casagrande 12.101 THE EFFECTS OF DOPAMINERGIC RECEPTORS AND C-FOS PROTEIN ON THE BEHAVIOR OF HIGHLY AGRESSIVE MICE. Renata Machado Felippe 12.102 EFFECTS OF CHRONIC REM SLEEP RESTRICTION ON PREPULSE INHIBITION RESPONSE OF THE ACOUSTIC STARTLE REFLEX IN MALE ADOLESCENT WISTAR RATS Lucas de Santana Cardoso Thomaz 12.103 MODULATION OF PREPULSE INHIBITION OF THE STARTLE REFLEX RESPONSE VIA CB1 RECEPTORS OF THE INFERIOR COLLICULUS STIMULATION IN WISTAR RATS Ana Carolina Ferreira de Lima Barbosa 12.104 Inhibition of the inducible nitric oxide synthase enzyme in the medial prefrontal cortex attenuates the anxiogenic effect induced by acute restraint stress in rats via local cannabinoid CB1 receptors. Arthur Alves Coelho 12.105 LITERATURE REVIEW ON NEURAL BASES OF BINGE EATING: EVIDENCE FROM FUNCTIONAL NEUROIMAGING Iara Peixoto de Oliveira 12.106 COGNITIVE AND EMOTIONAL EVALUATION OF INDIVIDUALS EXPOSED TO PESTICIDES Nícolas Ueves Lima Almeida 12.107 Title: Stress susceptibility and antidepressant response in the learned helplessness model: participation of the P2X7-NLRP3 inflammasome pathway. Aline Lulho Roncalho | Maria Paz Hidalgo | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 10:00 | 16/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -III 11. Neurodegeneração, Envelhecimento e Distúrbios Neurológicos 11.017 CALORIC RESTRICTION AS A NEUROPROTECTIVE STRATEGY IN SENESCENT OBESE RATS Jeferson Jantsch 11.018 Neuroprotective effect of black carrot extract in rats submitted to the progressive parkinsonism model induced by reserpine. Alessandra 11.019 Senescent astrocytes show reduced synaptogenic potential and neuronal trophic support in vitro. Laís da Silva Neves 11.020 ASTROCYTE SENESCENCE IS ASSOCIATED WITH ALTERED NUCLEAR LAMINA MORPHOLOGY IN VITRO ISABELLA VIVARINI DAMICO 11.021 PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS ASSOCIATED WITH CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM INJURIES CAUSED BY COVID-19: A REVIEW Bárbara Dicarlo Costa Braga 11.022 Upregulation of oligodendrocyte gene transcripts in the prefrontal cortex of Wistar rats submitted to swimming exercise is impaired by cuprizone treatment Angela Elizabeth Gaio | Rafael Cypriano Dutra | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 15/10/2020 10:00 | 15/10/2020 11:30 |
Apresentação Oral -V 12. Transtornos Psiquiátricos e Comportamentais e Neurobiologia do Estresse 12.099 Mood-like states in Fish: Judgement bias and Scototaxis tests to measure long-term emotional responses in Zebrafish. Jhon Buenhombre 12.100 BDNF increase in the hippocampal formation and inflammation differently mediates general and social anxiety-like behaviors induced by HSHF diet withdrawal. Breno Picin Casagrande 12.101 THE EFFECTS OF DOPAMINERGIC RECEPTORS AND C-FOS PROTEIN ON THE BEHAVIOR OF HIGHLY AGRESSIVE MICE. Renata Machado Felippe 12.102 EFFECTS OF CHRONIC REM SLEEP RESTRICTION ON PREPULSE INHIBITION RESPONSE OF THE ACOUSTIC STARTLE REFLEX IN MALE ADOLESCENT WISTAR RATS Lucas de Santana Cardoso Thomaz 12.103 MODULATION OF PREPULSE INHIBITION OF THE STARTLE REFLEX RESPONSE VIA CB1 RECEPTORS OF THE INFERIOR COLLICULUS STIMULATION IN WISTAR RATS Ana Carolina Ferreira de Lima Barbosa 12.104 Inhibition of the inducible nitric oxide synthase enzyme in the medial prefrontal cortex attenuates the anxiogenic effect induced by acute restraint stress in rats via local cannabinoid CB1 receptors. Arthur Alves Coelho 12.105 LITERATURE REVIEW ON NEURAL BASES OF BINGE EATING: EVIDENCE FROM FUNCTIONAL NEUROIMAGING Iara Peixoto de Oliveira 12.106 COGNITIVE AND EMOTIONAL EVALUATION OF INDIVIDUALS EXPOSED TO PESTICIDES Nícolas Ueves Lima Almeida 12.107 Title: Stress susceptibility and antidepressant response in the learned helplessness model: participation of the P2X7-NLRP3 inflammasome pathway. Aline Lulho Roncalho | Rafael Cypriano Dutra | APRESENTAÇÕES ORAIS | 16/10/2020 10:00 | 16/10/2020 11:30 |
Olimpíada Brasileira de Neurociências para Graduandos | João Vitor Galo Esteves | OLIMPÍADAS | 13/10/2020 14:15 | 13/10/2020 16:00 |
Abertura da XLIII Reunião Anual da SBNeC 2020 | Elaine Del Bel | ABERTURA | 13/10/2020 9:00 | 13/10/2020 9:30 |
Abertura da XLIII Reunião Anual da SBNeC 2020 | Anderson Manoel Herculano | ABERTURA | 13/10/2020 9:00 | 13/10/2020 9:30 |
Abertura da XLIII Reunião Anual da SBNeC 2020 | Deborah Suchecki | ABERTURA | 13/10/2020 9:00 | 13/10/2020 9:30 |
Abertura da XLIII Reunião Anual da SBNeC 2020 | Azair Liane Matos do Canto de Souza | ABERTURA | 13/10/2020 9:00 | 13/10/2020 9:30 |
Abertura da XLIII Reunião Anual da SBNeC 2020 | Rosa Maria Martins de Almeida | ABERTURA | 13/10/2020 9:00 | 13/10/2020 9:30 |
Abertura da XLIII Reunião Anual da SBNeC 2020 | Nadyme Assad Holanda da Silva | ABERTURA | 13/10/2020 9:00 | 13/10/2020 9:30 |
Abertura da XLIII Reunião Anual da SBNeC 2020 | Hiago Murilo de Melo | ABERTURA | 13/10/2020 9:00 | 13/10/2020 9:30 |
Cursos Grupo II Aula-3: O papel dual da parte lateral da substância cinzenta periaquedutal na esquiva social e na caça predatória | Alline C. de Campos | CURSO | 16/10/2020 16:00 | 16/10/2020 16:50 |
Cursos Grupo II Aula-1: Espaço e tempo: córtex pré-frontal medial na organização dos comportamentos defensivos | Alline C. de Campos | CURSO | 14/10/2020 16:00 | 14/10/2020 16:50 |
Cursos Grupo II Aula-3: O papel dual da parte lateral da substância cinzenta periaquedutal na esquiva social e na caça predatória | Rafael C. Almada | CURSO | 16/10/2020 16:00 | 16/10/2020 16:50 |
Cursos Grupo II Aula-1: Espaço e tempo: córtex pré-frontal medial na organização dos comportamentos defensivos | Rafael C. Almada | CURSO | 14/10/2020 16:00 | 14/10/2020 16:50 |
Curso Grupo II Aula-1: Espaço e tempo: córtex pré-frontal medial na organização dos comportamentos defensivos | Newton S. Canteras | CURSO | 14/10/2020 16:00 | 14/10/2020 16:50 |
Cursos Grupo II Aula-2: Múltiplos mecanismos neurobiológicos associados ao efeito anti-estresse do Canabidiol | Newton S. Canteras | CURSO | 15/10/2020 16:00 | 15/10/2020 16:50 |
The stress neuromatrix | Anderson Manoel Herculano | CONFERÊNCIA | 13/10/2020 13:00 | 13/10/2020 14:00 |
Lost in translation: What can and can‘t be learned from rodents about alcoholism? Apresentador: Rosa Maria Martins de Almeida (UFRGS) Conferencista: Dr. Wolfgang H Sommer (Central Institute of Mental Health- Germany) | Azair Liane Matos do Canto de Souza | CONFERÊNCIA | 14/10/2020 13:00 | 14/10/2020 14:00 |
Lost in translation: What can and can‘t be learned from rodents about alcoholism? Apresentador: Rosa Maria Martins de Almeida (UFRGS) Conferencista: Dr. Wolfgang H Sommer (Central Institute of Mental Health- Germany) | Anderson Manoel Herculano | CONFERÊNCIA | 14/10/2020 13:00 | 14/10/2020 14:00 |
Lost in translation: What can and can‘t be learned from rodents about alcoholism? Apresentador: Rosa Maria Martins de Almeida (UFRGS) Conferencista: Dr. Wolfgang H Sommer (Central Institute of Mental Health- Germany) | Deborah Suchecki | CONFERÊNCIA | 14/10/2020 13:00 | 14/10/2020 14:00 |
The effects of abnormal serotonin levels during perinatal development. Dr. Jocelien Olivier | Azair Liane Matos do Canto de Souza | CONFERÊNCIA | 15/10/2020 13:00 | 15/10/2020 14:00 |
The effects of abnormal serotonin levels during perinatal development. Dr. Jocelien Olivier | Anderson Manoel Herculano | CONFERÊNCIA | 15/10/2020 13:00 | 15/10/2020 14:00 |
The effects of abnormal serotonin levels during perinatal development. Dr. Jocelien Olivier | Rosa Maria Martins de Almeida | CONFERÊNCIA | 15/10/2020 13:00 | 13/10/2020 14:00 |
Brain oxytocin in animal models of psychopathology Dr. Inga Neumann | Anderson Manoel Herculano | CONFERÊNCIA | 17/10/2020 13:00 | 17/10/2020 14:00 |
How zebrafish is becoming one of the most important model organisms in neuroscience Dr.Allan V Kalueff | Azair Liane Matos do Canto de Souza | CONFERÊNCIA | 16/10/2020 13:00 | 16/10/2020 14:00 |
How zebrafish is becoming one of the most important model organisms in neuroscience Dr.Allan V Kalueff | Deborah Suchecki | CONFERÊNCIA | 16/10/2020 13:00 | 16/10/2020 14:00 |
Brain oxytocin in animal models of psychopathology Dr. Inga Neumann | Azair Liane Matos do Canto de Souza | CONFERÊNCIA | 17/10/2020 13:00 | 17/10/2020 14:00 |
Brain oxytocin in animal models of psychopathology Dr. Inga Neumann | Rosa Maria Martins de Almeida | CONFERÊNCIA | 17/10/2020 13:00 | 17/10/2020 14:00 |
Sensores inerciais e o movimento humano Aula-2: Aplicações de sensores inerciais no estudo do movimento humano em condições de saúde Bianca Callegari (UFPA) | Bianca Callegari | CURSO | 15/10/2020 16:00 | 15/10/2020 16:50 |
How zebrafish is becoming one of the most important model organisms in neuroscience. Dr. Allan V Kalueff (School of Pharmacy, Southwest University, Chongqing, China) | Rosa Maria Martins de Almeida | CONFERÊNCIA | 16/10/2020 13:00 | 16/10/2020 14:00 |